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Drunken Sex

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Just wondering if anyone can fill me in?

Don't get me wrong my girlfriend is great and is up for most things, but i have noticed when she's drunk she becomes sex crazy. She just wants to fuck, fuck, fuck and fuck.
(again dont get me wrong i dont complain).

For example we went for a meal the other night, a couple of bottles of wine later. she caressing my cock begging me to 'bang' her in the rest rooms.

Just wondering if any of you girls are similiar once slightly intoxicated.

I wouldnt say i become a nympho or hornier but more likely to be forward and initiating sex when im drunk
I think many women tend to lose their inhibitions when intoxicated.
People in general lose their inhibitions when they have been drinking.

You know how easy it is to push the cause off on being drunk and not accept the personal responsibility.

Liquor never became a big issue, but something that clouded my judgement and with the lifestyle we live, that may not be the wisest thing to be doing.
Girls get beer goggles too? Awesome!
Quote by obscura
Girls get beer goggles too? Awesome!

Yes, yes we do
Im like that even with out booze
Yeah that sounds like me I get very naughty when I've consumed to much wine. me too. But after more than ten drinks or so i just get sleepy which doesn't help at all.
Quote by aimeezilla
Im like that even with out booze

So am i. Tho a few drinks makes me more horni and up for everything
I found that my ex would get that way and she would take on most men.
had more "dates" when I was drunk than sober. Still get turned on when buzzed.
yeah, i fully agree that most of the decent gals turn horny and most of the horny gals turn absolutely whorish...this is not to say that i dislike drink-fired slutty gals.
im always very horny after a few drinks, when i go out a few friends can tell when im a bit drunk because my nipples usually show through what im wearing
yup, i'm like that as well. After drinking a bit I just don't get shy anymore
I have done many things I may not have done or even remember doing because I was drunk or otherwse intoxicated. Mostly in my younger days. While I do think it is OK to use alcohol or other things as a way to loosen up and lose some inhibitions, getting totally wasted can lead to doing things you may later regret with a person you may not have really wanted to be with. And God Forbid, even worse!
i'm definitely a little more aggressive when drunk, but it's definitely preferable to be tipsy rather than completely wasted when having sex. In my experience, drunk sex is messy and never as good. And I'm pretty uninhibited, even while sober, so there isn't that much of a difference, overall.
Yes i love having sex when i have a drink it makes me so horny!
Hey Lee, did you consider it could be your hot body she was after?
sex is like a's only good if you get it

yes im like that to when i get drunk all i want is sex and more sex
I definitely become a dirty girl with a few drinks in I don't think it is unusual. The sex is usually fast and ferocious with alcohol though. When I am sober it is more of the all night with lots of experimenting kind of sex.
No frame of reference. I haven't had a drink in years.

20 years ago, if I had sex while drunk I don't remember it.
It is so much better to be sober and have all senses sharp. But if getting a little fired up helps you get over your inhibitions, then thats cool too.
I don't do falling over drunk so I can't speak for the heavy drinking side of this.

No doubt I'm less inhibited after a couple of glasses of wine and if a man's the same it's definitely more fun.

The most important thing for me is that either we've both been drinking or neither of us have. I can't stand a drunk man pawing me and I'd hate to think that I'd accost a sober man when I'd drunk too much.

Equality works for me in all things including drink.
Confession time ! - I'm completely straight until 'under the influence,' then make all sorts of sexy suggestions to my girlfriends !!!! Luckily they know me too well !
swollen... fancy a drink? and I'll wear a dress for ya!
chalk me up in the definitely getting hornier and aggressive when drunk

in terms of quality of the sex, i think it varies inversely proportionally to the level of drunkeness

on the "lighter" side of the drunken scale, the sex can be wild and the orgasms awesome

on the extreme side, i agree... messy, not particularly satisfying even if it can get quite fun
Quote by aimeezilla
Im like that even with out booze

My kind of girl!

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
High heels, lipstick and tequilla and I'm ready!
Yes, it gets me going. Usually if I go out for a beer after work, I'll end up having sex.