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does a man's physique turn off women?

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Rookie Scribe
My older brother is overweight. he keeps asking me about how to get girls to like him. he's really shy and self-concious about it.
Does being overweight affect how women view a man. does it affect the chances of getting a date? do you look at thier personality more or how they look?
Artistic Tart
Let's not kid ourselves here- it matters. It's not everything, it's not the only thing, but it's definitely something. It's the first impression, assuming he's not talking to them on the phone or online first, and first impression is huge. Lots of things can be overcome, including a weight problem, but no sense sugarcoating this and acting like only the inside matters. The outside matters very much, especially early on.

You know what's underrated here? Confidence. Guys can have all kinds of physical imprefections, but if they carry themselves and act like it's part of who they are and therefore makes no difference at all, then it does wonders. But, if they don't believe they are good enough, it shows- and if thats the case, how are we supposed to disagree without even really knowing them?
I work with a 28 yr old guy who makes a good 6-figures a year who swears he is rarely turned down when he asks a woman, "Do you like chunky guys with lots of money?"
Artistic Tart
Quote by Chuck
I work with a 28 yr old guy who makes a good 6-figures a year who swears he is rarely turned down when he asks a woman, "Do you like chunky guys with lots of money?"

Does he live in Dallas?
Quote by LadyX
Let's not kid ourselves here- it matters. It's not everything, it's not the only thing, but it's definitely something. It's the first impression, assuming he's not talking to them on the phone or online first, and first impression is huge. Lots of things can be overcome, including a weight problem, but no sense sugarcoating this and acting like only the inside matters. The outside matters very much, especially early on.

You know what's underrated here? Confidence. Guys can have all kinds of physical imprefections, but if they carry themselves and act like it's part of who they are and therefore makes no difference at all, then it does wonders. But, if they don't believe they are good enough, it shows- and if thats the case, how are we supposed to disagree without even really knowing them?

She's right Phil. First impressions mean a lot. How he carries himself, acts in general toward people. Having a sense of humor as well as a sense of himself. He needs a good tailor as well. Wearing stuff that accentuates his fat ass or fat belly, or whatever is fat on him, is not a good thing. I'm not talking about a ton of money either for clothes. He doesn't need to be arrogant to be confident either. Shake her hand, gently, when they first meet and look her in the eyes not in the boobs. Have clean teeth and breath and fingernails. Polished shoes and clean hair. Know what's going on in the world so he can carry on a conversation with her. Music, books, movies, etc. Ask her opinion on things not just give his own. The list is endless.
Internet Sensation
Lets not forget there are people who are drawn to guys that are overweight, but for sure you'd need a personality as well.
I hate overweight men who go on and on about how their stomach is in the way.
Now I have no clue of HOW big your brother is there are different ways to view it.
You got the American overweight and the european and even the asian one... they are all quite different.
But for someone who might have the looks against him, he needs to have his personality to lean on.
So right KittyCat. Here have a mouse.

For some it matters, for others it doesnt.

I went out with a guy for a while, who didnt exactly have the best body but it didnt matter to me at the time because i liked him so much. Sometimes though i look back and think 'What the hell was i thinking'.

All in all, yes, he could buff himself up and have the best physiqu in the world but if he's a wanker, nobody will stay with him for more than 5 minutes. Its better to be wanted for who you are, not what you look like
Rookie Scribe
Quote by MMonroe
For some it matters, for others it doesnt.

Its better to be wanted for who you are, not what you look like

Always more preferable to looks. But looks do help some!!
Yes of course it does. A man should have clean clothes smell nice, and have a resonable clean bachelor house! Afirmative Ok.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by chefkathleen
Shake her hand, gently, when they first meet and look her in the eyes not in the boobs. Have clean teeth and breath and fingernails. Polished shoes and clean hair.

OMG i'm supposed to polish my shoes? I still struggle with laces, damn it!
Rookie Scribe
thank you for the advice everyone. i'll pass it on to him. i really hate to see him alone. hopefully he'll pull himself together.
Active Ink Slinger
Physical attraction is a personal thing , there is a lid for every pot.

For me its a combination of looks and character.

Quote by ignominiousme1
Quote by chefkathleen
Shake her hand, gently, when they first meet and look her in the eyes not in the boobs. Have clean teeth and breath and fingernails. Polished shoes and clean hair.

OMG i'm supposed to polish my shoes? I still struggle with laces, damn it!

Ok then, just throw them in the washer and make sure they don't smell.
Active Ink Slinger
I think attraction is important.... Whether it be the way they look or their personality.
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Women
All I can say is, my husband is totally not the cutest guy I ever slept with, but tell your brother as he gets a little older and everyone gets a chance to grow a little and find out what really turns them on, the tables will most likely turn. The others are right, if he hasn't got the looks, he needs to have a good sense of humor and personality. And I don't care what anyone says, there is somebody out there for everybody.