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Do younger ladies like older men?

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I am wondering, do younger women like to have sex with older men? I know personally that I am not dead or dying, I still love to look at and admire younger women, even though I am not what I used to be I would linger on her body just devouring her sounds, smells, movements and facial expressions. I see younger women smile at me in stores but I assume they are being kind......What is your opinion?
That depends how old you are and the age of the young ladies you're talking about! I am sure there are always younger women looking at older men. I've always preferred mature men since I was a teenager. I'm 31 now, my husband is 43, and I'm currently lusting after a 47-year-old. I'm sure as I get older I'll continue like men older than me.
Of course we do! Some more than others of course but there are girls out there who like the more experienced man
My first experience was with a man six years older with me (I know that's not much, but I guess it still counts?). I am still together with him. I haven't experienced any men my age or younger than me. I'm still together with him now and enjoying it. The funny thing is, ever since I entered puberty, I had an attraction for older men. I believe that it is natural for a woman to have an attraction to older men.
Older men are hot. They can go slow and give a girl what she wants. The younger the man it seems all they want is sex. Plus, when I was younger I thought older men were hot!!
It depends on your definition of "older"... I think when the age difference hits the 20+ mark, the creepy factor starts to emerge.

Society pretty much casts the ideal sexualized girl as between 18-25 if we look at magazines or porn, so I can appreciate much older guys will have a certain lust for the younger girls. I'm sure there are some out there, that enjoy a significantly older guy, but I don't think it's the norm... especially if you're talking about girls in their early twenties.

If you're a 60 year old guy crushing on a 40 year old woman, it doesn't seem to be as much of an issue compared to lusting for that hot 19 year old.
Of course at least some girls like it.
Personally I can't date anyone younger than me, and older men have always been what I've found attractive. I try to keep it around 10 years older or less though. Not into guys who are old enough to be my dad though.
I've always had a thing for older men. My entire life. And before anyone says I must of had daddy issues, absolutely the opposite. I grew up in a household with both of my parents- married, til death did them part.
I would say my attraction to older men extends from my own maturity. I have always been wiser beyond my chronological age. I never felt I had anything in common with men my age as a young lady. Now, I sort of do but still prefer guys older.

My first boyfriend ever was 24 when I was 17. I didn't have sex with him until I was 20 but still.
After him my second boyfriend was 39 and I was 21.
My third boyfriend was 39 when I was 23.
I dated a guy whom I later married (huge mistake but that's another story) that was 30 when I was 25.

My current boyfriend is 32 and I'm close to 30. Closest age difference but we are unique. LOL
I've always liked older men. I'm 30 and my husband is 46 if that says anything.
Is the commonality M-O-N-E-Y????

What about the reverse we have a friend and she is 13 years older and they have been married for 47 years!

Every woman would like to be loved like she is.
To me age really doesnt matter. If a guy is older than me and I am attracted to him then that is fine. Same with being younger. But I really resent it when society sees it as being fine for an older man of say 60 to marry a 25yo girl but if a 60yo woman marries a young guy, we are looked at as cradle robbers and sluts. I hate the term cougar, makes it sound like older women prey on young guys. We dont, well I dont! Not to say I wouldn't be with one.
God, I hope so. I'm getting lonely. But I'm open for mature women as well.
Well that's just my opinion, sorry if you don't like.

I know a lady that is in her early 20s that is happily married to a guy 30 years older. The only thing is that it has caused a split in her family as the guy is older than her parents and her father doesn't approve.
"Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love." Woody Allen

"I am willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong." Samuel Goldwyn
I do think that some ladies will go for the older men cause they do take their time and have more experience in life and are more secure and willing to try and make it last. , the young guys just seem to go for it and then move on.
Personally I love older men. But none of my friends really go for older guys much older than themselves so i must be a minority. I find older men less serious and less selfish. They are generally better lovers too. I often hook up with guys more than twenty years older than me. The oldest I've been with was more than three times my age (he was 57).
Quote by bik9teen
The oldest I've been with was more than three times my age (he was 57).

I bet you made his day, week, month, year and life...all at the same time. What a fortunate man!
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Lol i love my older man but our age difference isnt that big at all
My mother was married twice to younger society where I come from does not give a damn who marries who or go out with whom ever they want so long as they are not of the same age is not a problem for men and women....
Quote by WHR43
Is the commonality M-O-N-E-Y????

What about the reverse we have a friend and she is 13 years older and they have been married for 47 years!

Every woman would like to be loved like she is.

Money is an issue, granted. Until I married and quit my 'real job' and just started working from home I made a lot of money and it was intimidating to the men I met. My husband makes a decent living and at this point is the main breadwinner in the house so things are the way they should be. But I don't think I could have had a successful relationship with a man who was making considerably less than I was for two reasons:

1) Men have egos.

2) While it is not all about money, what a man earns tells you much about what he has accomplished. The fellow who runs the cash register at the petrol station may be a lovely man, but what confidence will he have in society when he's dating someone for whom his month's pay would constitute a frivolous outing at Harrod's? £1500 is not a lot to spend on a dress in London and I have a few of those in my closet from my single and prowling days. Therefore, a man who earns as much as I do was a prerequisite for me.
It depends on the person. Most women do go looking for that man who wants to look after her and be her knight. And it is somewhat easier to find that person when he is older. Don't get me wrong, men around the similar age are capable of offering the same...
I am one though who seems to be incapable of finding that person... and therefore the men I find are at least 10 years older. But they are much more loving to me.
I am in love with a man who is over twice my age... but there is no one else I would ever want to be with.
So yes, lol, women do like older men.
I've never ever had a good experience with a younger guy and refuse to hook up/ date anyone younger than me. So needless to say I like older men. There is a 10yr age difference (really not a huge difference) between me and my bf. Sometimes I think that it runs in the family lol. My mother is 43 and my step father 70. There has not been one marriage in my family that has lasted where there hasn't been at least a 5yr difference. For me (i can't speak for anyone else in my family) it has never been about money. I'm a big girl I can take care of myself and I damn sure don't need a man to give me what I need. In fact that is an issue that my bf argue about on a regular basis. I do not want or need for him to pay for anything.
"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves." -François de la Rochefoucauld
I did when I was younger. When I was 23 the guy I was hot for and fooled around with was 43 that English accent, blue eyes and tall body drove me wild!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Well since I am 21, and I am dating a guy 14 years older than me, who is 35, I would have to say, YES, I do, very much, and the fact that I have the hots for someone who is, 49, I would have to say YES again!
My wife is 17 yrs. younger than me, I'm 65, she is 48, we've been married 18 yrs. We have 2 daughters toether, ages 17 and 14. My mother-in-law and I are the same age
I preferr older gentlemen, they are not in a hurry when making love, more generous, and they con't climax as fast.
I preferr older gentlemen, they are not in a hurry when making love, more generous, and they con't climax as fast.
I preferr older gentlemen, they are not in a hurry when making love, more generous, and they con't climax as fast.
A little older but not too much, the 20 year older guy doesnt do it for me
I have always been with older men.. my ex husband was 8 & a half years older than me....I don't think I would feel comfortable being with a younger man....I feel like younger guys are immature and inexperienced maybe I am wrong...

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
Again depends on how older we are talking about xD