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DO younger guys turn you on??

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At times, definitely
Honestly, not at all. A few years is fine, but more than that kinda creeps me out.
Turn me on, Yes. Do I want to date, No!
yes definately!
oops thought they said younger gals!!!
10 years+ younger does the trick for me!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
I'm generally most attracted to men in their mid to late 30s but I wonder as I get closer to that age myself if what I consider attractive will remain static or shift upwards.
Quote by Bunny12
10 years+ younger does the trick for me!

10 years younger works for me!
i love younger guys because i dig the whole experienced thing. but because I'm like 20 i can only go so low before the pple around me are like "dude that's my little bro!" and that would be awkward for everyone.
Guys younger then me? Sure, all the time. Guys under 18, not so much. I can admitt when they're hot but I've never been turned on by a 16 year old.
Not under 30 No, sometimes they're eye candy but unless they have a very mature personality they're pretty much a turn off.
Definitely, but then as I am in my 60s the whole world seems younger than me at times

This is only looking at them though, I wouldn't contemplate anything else (or would I )
Some of them are pretty enough eye candy, but then I think of how inexperienced they are (no sweetie, just because you got laid a lot doesn't mean you're experienced) and how little we would actually have to say to each other, then I realize how much better the older guys are....
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
they have to have a BRAIN.... but they can be VERY entertaining if they do....
honestly, in real life, i've always been attracted to men my age or older (even married one 5 years older). now that i'm single again for the first time in 20 years, i'm finding my attraction to younger men growing at a record pace (thanks in part to lush, lol), HOWEVER, my attraction is only as strong as the character of the younger man and his ability to carry a conversation. it's the whole package regardless of the age.
Uhm a couple do but they are way mature for their age and my "type"
They absolutely do and have, but I am well aware that it is fleeting and unlikely to work out in the end. That has kept me in control and on a fun and flirty level in those situations. It's always flattering and worth a giggle after the fact.
Really would depend on their personality / looks / maturity. The frat boy beer chugging type doesn't do it for me, but I'm sure there are some younger guys out there that could do it for me.
littlestuds for sure have their uses..
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Quote by littlemissbitch
littlestuds for sure have their uses..

but in all seriousness, if the younger man is intelligent and has some manners .... age is not the deciding factor. It's about chemistry and a connection (for both a fuck and if it's more).
Nothing wrong with a little eye candy. I prefer older men, honestly.
Depends how "young" you mean, under 21 generally not at all. I tend to like slightly older than me, so mid to late twenties, or early thirties.
dating someone more than a year younger than me could get me into some legal trouble... ;)

honestly, I tend to like older guys. but its just a number anyway, right?
I'm 20, younger guys don't really turn me on. I've found them to be quite immature.
So I generally go for older men.
If I happen to run into a mature guy a year younger than me, then it would definitely
be a turn on.
I've been called a cougar before, but I don't really think it counts when they're a year younger and I'm still really young myself. Age doesn't matter when it's in my boundaries, five years up or down.
Haha I'm only 19 so that is a bit gross right? For my mom she is totally into younger guys right now. Perhaps one day I will be in the same position. Whatever turns you on is cool.