Of course I have some truly wonderful yummy friends
Yes, but I'm to shy to say who..
Yes I do... I rather have a 'thing' for her at the moment and I suspect she knows that.
Absolutely, especially the days following an exciting, erotic chat with a new Lush pal. I so look forward to continuing the hot discussions...
I do not...when I am not on Lush, I am usually busy enough doing other things that Lush is not really on my mind, nor the people that inhabit this place.
I have on occasion, particularly when a close friend is undergoing a medical procedure and I know what time they have it scheduled.
All the time, and she knows who she is.
Too damn right I do...and she knows it
Life is not a rehearsal!! Hope that's me your talking about... giggles. x
Yes I do ... she also knows it
I think about their stories.
Yes, my white daddy --- Bbobster
Im looking for him
I miss him
I need him
Yes, only one. We have recently chatted on the phone.