Does anyone talk to people on here and make friends? Or are most women just here for reading/writing stories?
I just want to be someone's that a problem?
I don't talk to anyone. I ignore all the people in my friend's list.
You have a friends list?!
I just want to be someone's that a problem?
Ha! This literally made me laugh out loud!
I just want to be someone's that a problem?
I practically never read stories. I'm in Lush to talk to people and participate in the forum. Discovered it years ago when I was looking for stories, yes, but that's not what I do in here.
I'm very selective about who I talk with though.
I only come here mainly for talking. Yeah, you may have to message or request me first, but I would talk to others. Reading stories, not too much...sometimes I guess!
For generations our ancestors fought proudly as warriors against the Jedi. Reclaim our armored past for an unending future.
I talk to anyone who wants to chat with me. Five or six regularly.
This site in general doesn't seem to make it super easy to meet people. Maybe I'm wrong.
I just want to be someone's that a problem?
Ive been known to mumble through a few late nite black box convos.
I have more than 50 friends and I used to talk to them regularly until recently because I got caught up with real life responsibilities. For me lush is more for the people here than anything else. I really have some of the most wonderful people as my friends and I like to talk to them every now and then. But I must confess that I like the poems and posting in chat rooms as well!!!
I mostly read stories and then pleasure myself. Like a previous poster said, I basically ignore my friend list; on top of that, I have all of my private communications to friends only, which makes chance encounters much less likely.
A lot of this boils down to my very introverted personality, and not the website itself.
I come here for the stories, the forum, and yes, to chat.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
I mostly talk to myself. Sometimes other people respond.
Don't believe everything that you read.
you just have to get in where you fit in! for some it's chatting it up in the rooms and for others it's exchanging banter in the forums. a rare few do both (include me in this group). each have their advantage - just figure out what works for you. we're a friendly bunch; so it shouldn't be too difficult. good luck!?
I message/chat with people.
i'm here for the free food.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Yes. But have not actually talked like on phone, , and . LS Messages, online chat, chat rooms, and some email, etc.