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do you like profiles without avatar

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It's always a preference to have any avatar rather than the red and white head, as somebody said Lush even provides a few examples to choose from. Far worse for me is not having ANY info at all, that really sucks.

On the flip side, I don't like a profile overloaded with a whole life story, it puts me off.
it really doesn't bother all that much. i know people lush from their phones and its a bitch to upload pics on here. i'm not a fan of the blank profile. give some info will ya
I much prefer an Avatar, but the Bio is more important. Just about as long as I have had had a Lush account I have told people if there is no apparent reasons to be friends. I will not respond.

Maybe lush members do not think I mean what we say or maybe they have some difficulty reading. Sorry about the attitude. I f you have trouble with reading I know all my brothers and sister will help you.

Many of you say "Just ask me" and I will answer whatever you what to know. If you do not think you are interesting enough to tell me why we should be friends. I guess no one knows you better than you.

I should not be such a pain, but that is me.

Except if your name is Nikki 703, Lady X or Dancing Doll, I have no resistance no matter what you may do.
I agree totally being new I have been besieged by requests, most of them tell nothing ecept he is male.
cmon I made one it wasnt that difficult. if you cant find that much time I will find someone who can
ok sorry enough of the rant
Active Ink Slinger
An avatar an expression of who you are, what your interests etc. It doesn't even take long to load on here. So why bother checking out a profile without a pic.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by emmatheexplorer
I agree totally being new I have been besieged by requests, most of them tell nothing ecept he is male.
cmon I made one it wasnt that difficult. if you cant find that much time I will find someone who can

I agree with you, Emma. Being somewhat new, the amount of friend requests, chat requests, whispers, black boxes, and private messages I've received is overwhelming to say the least. One of the ways I've been able to navigate through it all is the avatar pictures. If they had an avatar and a bio, then I'd respond or at least consider responding. And I don't know if it's been brought up, but the date someone signs up as a Lush member is important to me, too. I'm not going to put forth a second of effort for someone that's looking for a one-time thing and then going to disappear forever.
To me, red and white avatar + no bio + day old membership = TROLL
Advanced Wordsmith
I assume people without avatars are spammers, or else they're so new they haven't taken any effort at all. It doesn't make a great first impression considering how easy it is to get a free avatar.
I really don't like when someone doesn't have a avatar. Have something even if it's not a real picture of yourself. Mine isn't but it reflects I love angels.
I hate profiles without any avatar. If you are too embarrassed to put up a picture of you then choose something that you think is sexy or represents you. I think that if there is no image then you are just lazy and lush even provides pics to use if you need one
Rookie Scribe
i will not reply or add if they do not have an avatar or bio
Active Ink Slinger
I prefer an avatar. There are so many choices if you don't want a pic of yourself. No avatar is just not sexy to me.
no i don't like profiles without avatar... they define us....don't put real you...but something at least...
Active Ink Slinger
Ok..... I can take a I find an avatar then

Hows that smile
I absolutely loathe default AVS and blank bios. If I ever come across one of these, I automatically class the user as a lazy butthead.