My Mrs likes my stubble . She doesn't like fully fledged beards .Beards or facial hair appears to be in at the moment . Bad news for razor blade companies !
No! David had a short goatee for awhile and he looked good in it, but I hated kissing him, and when he went down on me... Scratchy! Uffffff... he got the message and shaved it smooth again. :-)
As regards scratchy beards . You can get beard softeners to help with this problem should a guy want to have a beard but doesn't want to give his lady a sore face.
A well kept beard looks great on a man w/ a chiseled jaw.
Soft bristled or short, well groomed I appreciate if he can fill it in with full growth. I don't like the appearance of a splotchy beard.
I love beards on men ? I like it full but groomed. Not over grown or like Gandalf though. In regards to the hipster thing, just no.
I didn't use to like them but preferences change with time.
Now I like them but a well-groomed beard.
Yes. Beards are very primal and masculine.
I grow a beard every winter and my wife loves it. But l keep it short. As a guy, l really don't care if other guys wear a beard or not. Men have beards, so what?
What l wonder is why some women have mustaches. Shave those lip caterpillars off!
Truth: My department all have some form of beard. Three full beards (including me) and one goatee. Even the Regional Manager who acts as our liaison to the operational managers has one now. The only outlier is my boss, the Director of Finance, but I've seen old pics of him with a 'stache and, yeah, facial hair ain't a good idea for him.
I have considered ditching mine but I look back at pre-beard pictures and, yeah, maybe not. Though, to be fair, I've been sporting this thing since 1991 so the pre-beard pics are a very young me.
On topic: Can't speak for other ladies, but mine exists because my wife (then my girlfriend since our wedding was still a couple years out) suggested it. I was kind of lax about shaving anyhow so she figured a beard would look better than my "Don Johnson Miami Vice" five o'clock shadow look.
Yes aslong as they are trimmed
I will pass. They exactly nothing for me.
But I know there are guys and girls who think they look great.
Aslong as they are nice and trimmed
Depends on the FACE.
EDIT: ok wtf someone edited the following into my post, wtf, was it you, SPRITE?
Tickles you on the belly with my beard. I'll be shaving it for warm weather very soon.
I like licking Sprite's unbearded foof. Yum!
I tried growing one once, but it was taking for ever so I gave up.
i don't do beards. non-negotiable.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Sitting at the edge of darkness
Growing up, the only family member I knew of that had a beard was my grandfather. It was white of course and he used to call it his billy goat beard. Looking back, it really was not much of a beard, mostly just long hair that hung off his chin.
I dated a few guys with beards and one even with hair longer than mine! My husband has had a beard nearly the whole time we have been married (40 years). I do like them longer as they are much softer and do not leave a bit of a rash on some of my more tender skin. The deal breaker is if it is not groomed. I do not want to know what you had for lunch because some of it is still in your beard! Or whom for that matter, lol!
From a distance some look good. Up close, no way they are too scratchy on my thighs.
No,and if Derek were to grow one Id make him shave.I like my mans face clean shaven
As long as its groomed decently, it doesnt bother me. In fact, for those without a nice definitive chin line, it helps.
But the scraggly beard... I've seen guys young and old with it now and they seem to think it's the style. I can wrap my head around a lot of things that others think is weird, but not this one.
No, for many reasons. But some men do look beautiful with a beard. I like clean shaven skin.