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Do you enjoy cybering / RP ? Issues I Face

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I personally love getting myself off knowing that the other girl is enjoying what I'm typing.

But most of the time I'm the one typing paragraphs and she is either not that great at coming up with things to say or to busy finger fucking or dildoing the hell out of herself to write anything besides mhmm keep going.

What topics do you girls enjoy talking about and are there any cyber only fantasies that you have?

On a side note don't be afraid to message me for any reason, cybering or just a friendly hello.
Active Ink Slinger
Cybering is not easy and while it can be fun, you either have to focus on just writing and edging, or not doing it at all. If you feel comfortable with the person, move from cybering to talking on the phone.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Yeah, writing while fucking can be pretty awkward. This smart chick above me is right, sex via text is about edge and play. Trading sexy texts throughout the day is one of the hottest things imaginable.
Rainbow Warrior
As a mod on a lesbian social site, I cybered with other girls for years. I got to be very good at it, which unfortunately meant that I was doing all the writing while they were doing all the rubbing. I finally burned out when it got to the point where I was cybering 2-3 girls at a time, and they just kept coming back for more, so I quit.

I've tried RP, but there's not much sexually I haven't done IRL, so RP got boring too. I've finally reached the point where my real sex life keeps me completely satisfied, so I don't even masturbate much anymore. Virtual sex is for when you don't get enough of the real thing.
Active Ink Slinger
From my experience in cybering it seems there are three kinds of people; the one's who have no imagination and the sexiest thing they can come up with is, 'I want 2 screw u ruff and cum all over those titties'. Or you finally catch a break and find someone who actually knows what they're doing and everything is going great! But soon you find yourself constantly being one-upped or overwritten, and instead of being it being a sexy chat, the conversation turns into a competition of, 'Anything you can write, I can write better'.

And my personal favorite, the 'oh wow'. Someone starts to flirt with you, things are getting sexy so you send them a delightfully naughty description of what you would like to do to their body, and I'm talking paragraphs. And all they send is 'oh wow' or 'mmm'. Is 'mmm' supposed to get me off?!

But I almost forgot the people who are the internet equivalent of flashers. You know, the person who doesn't even say hello first, they just send you a picture of their cock or pussy and expect you to fall into a blubbering heap and thank them for the beautiful gift of random genitalia they have bestowed upon you
Active Ink Slinger
This is such a great and valid post. One of the reasons I have such a small friend circle is because of how hard it is to come across articulate, passionate people who actually enjoy the syncrhonised sexual wordsmithy that is cybersex (though the term itself has come to sound quite pithy and casual). As Bethany said it, once you get good at it and can't find a person who's as good as you expect them to be, you end up having two to three parallel conversations, with at some point defeats the purpose and dilutes the pleasure of the experience.

I've also used this as a theoretical testing ground for both my writing abilities and sexual experiments; my real life sexuality has fed my abilities and inclinations here and conversations and dalliances here have also complemented and enhanced my real life sexual experiences in many ways.

I have had the good fortune of coming across friends and lovers here who've been fantastically sexually attuned, so the problem of one-sided conversations (in some cases as rude as having people reply in monosyllables and then log off once they've gotten off) is something that's carefully avoided. I'd advise assessing the other about their inclinations and abilities quite early on to avoid disappointment, because there are so many lovely people out there who can give as good as they get (and I believe the key is in giving, especially for men, since women are kinder, fairer creatures who almost always give as good as they get). Apologies for the ramble, but to sum up, I think it takes a good conversation to have good sex (cyber or otherwise), and since this medium is about words, it makes sense to share it with those who love words and their infinite capacity to inflict endless pleasure, rather than the monosyllabic orgasm-fix-chasers who prefer abbreviated conversations to full sentences and punctuation.