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do married woman cheated

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how many married women enjoy strange cock when hubby is gone ?
i don't think i'd ever enjoy 'strange' cock. what's it made of?
Is it strange because it lays eggs?
Quote by Kimasa
Is it strange because it lays eggs?

Maybe it's trans?
No. Only men cheat.
Which means all cheating men are gay - because they're cheating with each other.

Wait. . . no, that's not making any sense.

I think, perhaps, some women cheat. Like one. There's one cheating married woman out there and she hooks up with the whole world every night. Like Santa, but for pussy.
For every cheating man, there is a cheating woman so it's got to be an equal ratio. If someone takes a poll and doesn't get equal numbers then either they're incompetent or they polled some liars. Even gays and lesbians cheat.

So, yes, some married women cheat. Cheating is where one partner sneaks around and lies so the other doesn't know that they're scoring sex on the side. If they are in an open relationship, it's permissible and that ain't cheating. And if it is a swap/swing thing, that gets complicated.
Quote by Buz
For every cheating man, there is a cheating woman so it's got to be an equal ratio. If someone takes a poll and doesn't get equal numbers then either they're incompetent or they polled some liars. Even gays and lesbians cheat.

You base that on what?


Quote by noll

You base that on what?

Common sense. Not many have that anymore.
Quote by Buz
Common sense. Not many have that anymore.

Common sense would be to put more faith in polls than in an assumption. The only way to know whether both genders do in fact cheat equally is to do research, like polls. One person can cheat with many other individuals who may only cheat with them. These individuals may not even be cheating at all, but could be thinking they're in a committed relationship with this one person. One gender might also be cheating more with people from the same sex. Etc.


Quote by noll

Common sense would be to put more faith in polls than in an assumption. The only way to know whether both genders do in fact cheat equally is to do research, like polls. One person can cheat with many other individuals who may only cheat with them. These individuals may not even be cheating at all, but could be thinking they're in a committed relationship with this one person. One gender might also be cheating more with people from the same sex. Etc.

I will have to disagree with you. I know many pollsters and have had them as clients. Talk about a racket. I'll take common sense and real life observation over them any day.

There is never a guarantee the information pollsters receive from individuals is truthful. But the biggest factor is there is usually bias in the way pollsters get their information or they just don't poll enough numbers. I've sat with a client before and told them that I don't at all believe they are getting a true demographic using their methods.

Polls to me, are mere entertainment. Physical surveys, now, those are much more accurate. That's like getting a traffic count for a certain street corner and stuff like that. Information that is much more useful than a poll.
Quote by Buz
I will have to disagree with you. I know many pollsters and have had them as clients. Talk about a racket. I'll take common sense and real life observation over them any day.

There is never a guarantee the information pollsters receive from individuals is truthful. But the biggest factor is there is usually bias in the way pollsters get their information or they just don't poll enough numbers. I've sat with a client before and told them that I don't at all believe they are getting a true demographic using their methods.

Polls to me, are mere entertainment. Physical surveys, now, those are much more accurate. That's like getting a traffic count for a certain street corner and stuff like that. Information that is much more useful than a poll.

So you're actually saying that you believe what you hear from people around you and perhaps the media you read/watch gives you a more truthful and unbiased view of reality than an actual survey that is (or should be at least) made to rule out as much bias as possible. I'm not saying that all polls are done good or accurate, but to essentially state that relying on gut feeling and hearsay is more common sense than relying on polls kinda blows my mind. The whole purpose of polls/surveys is to minimize the bias of gut feeling and hearsay.


Quote by noll

So you're actually saying that you believe what you hear from people around you and perhaps the media you read/watch gives you a more truthful and unbiased view of reality than an actual survey that is (or should be at least) made to rule out as much bias as possible. I'm not saying that all polls are done good or accurate, but to essentially state that relying on gut feeling and hearsay is more common sense than relying on polls kinda blows my mind. The whole purpose of polls/surveys is to minimize the bias of gut feeling and hearsay.

Really? Let's look not only at what the polls said about Trump and Brexit, but also (as the one thing I can pluck from recent memory, which may not be known by many) what the polls said about the last UK election (even as the exit polls suggested a Tory majority, on TV one commentator said 'if that happens, I'll eat my hat').

What I'm saying is that it depends on the poll. You can 'remove bias' as much as possible, but you can't stop someone from lying. I would suggest that trying to poll married people on their faithfulness (or otherwise) is a pointless exercise, and I agree with Buz in this instance.

If you think that you can put any faith at all in the honesty of unfaithful married people, than you are being more than just a little bit naive. Married couples who cheat are, by definition, already lying to their spouses- why would they then tell a complete stranger the truth?

I can't see why people would lie about their political choices, and then tell the truth about their infidelity.
oh dear. back to the strange egg-laying cockerel? i have a feeling the OP didn't expect THIS debate.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Metilda
No. Only men cheat.
Which means all cheating men are gay - because they're cheating with each other.

Wait. . . no, that's not making any sense.

I think, perhaps, some women cheat. Like one. There's one cheating married woman out there and she hooks up with the whole world every night. Like Santa, but for pussy.

Where do we leave the milk and cookies?

Don't believe everything that you read.

Quote by TheAngryishLover
Really? Let's look not only at what the polls said about Trump and Brexit, but also (as the one thing I can pluck from recent memory, which may not be known by many) what the polls said about the last UK election (even as the exit polls suggested a Tory majority, on TV one commentator said 'if that happens, I'll eat my hat').

What I'm saying is that it depends on the poll. You can 'remove bias' as much as possible, but you can't stop someone from lying. I would suggest that trying to poll married people on their faithfulness (or otherwise) is a pointless exercise, and I agree with Buz in this instance.

If you think that you can put any faith at all in the honesty of unfaithful married people, than you are being more than just a little bit naive. Married couples who cheat are, by definition, already lying to their spouses- why would they then tell a complete stranger the truth?

I can't see why people would lie about their political choices, and then tell the truth about their infidelity.

Really! Of course it depends on the poll and good polls give better (more representative) results than bad polls. One's gut feeling is the worst poll ever though. It's a sample of 1.

It's probably impossible to get the exact number of cheats, especially since there's not one definition of what is/isn't cheating that everyone will agree on. But you might see trends over time. And to get back to how we got into this discussion: we might be able to see whether there is or isn't a difference between genders.


I have some expertise on the accuracy of polls as compared to observational data (no expertise on cheating however - I am a serial monagamist). One of the last studies I did was comparing self reported data (Poll) against observational data. This was apples to apples comparison. We found that there was statistically significant difference between the two. The n value of the poll was ~14,000 people and the number of observational data points was ~90,000.

What you will often find with poll data is two types of bias'. The first is poling bias or how the question is phrased. This is often seen in political polling. Another common bias is what the "pollee" wishes to project. This is seen even with anonymous polls (seems strange but is true). Experts here believe that there is an inherent bias of the "pollee" to present answers that make them feel better about themselves (in the case of a poll around favorability regarding their personality or actions). Conversely, the "pollee" may report higher values than the actual results on issues they find annoying, detrimental or distasteful.

In essence, both Buz and Noll are correct. We have insufficient data to form a "defendable" conclusion. For instance, when a married man or woman has an affair with a single man or woman, are both cheating? One is single after all. When we have no common set of definitions, it is impossible to have comparative data.

One would expect that the instances of cheating between men and women to be roughly eqivelant. However, proving this as an assertion would be very difficult.
To cheat one has to have a counterpart. That's two cheaters.

Having been privy to the inside workings of pollsters, no, I do not take them that seriously. Polls can and are just as easily manipulated as anything. As for their scientific accuracy, I laugh. Polls, studies, surveys, most of those are biased based on what outcome the pollster or whoever the big donor behind the poll wants. They control the way the poll is executed, the way contacts are made, etc.

The best results I've seen for clients is street traffic count for potential business. And even that can have its problems. I am looking for results to take as much guess work out of what I present to clients but truthfully there is never enough accurate information to guarantee anything.

And polls used for news sources often find if there isn't enough shock value or controversy, the interest in their polls and results will not generate enough profit or fundraising (depending upon whether they are profit or non-profit based. And even in non-profits, there are many people making a living off doing that.) You gotta feed the monkey.

As for cheating, yes, many people do view that differently, enough to skew the info they would give out in a poll/survey. People in an open relationship aren't cheating but the person they are hooking up with may be but tells the other person it's all cool. Some men don't quite see hooking up with a prostitute as cheating but their wife may totally disagree. What kind of answer would a pollster get if they phone up a prostitute and asks if she has ever cheated? And how many people just aren't going to be truthful? And what results are the pollsters after? Some may want a specific result and yes, they know how to get that if that is their purpose.

The truth can easily be buried under a mountain of manure.
So let's say for example a married man is having sex on the side with three single women who are unaware of each other and his partner, how many cheaters are there? Technically you could say four but only one is aware of it, which could also mean based on that criteria there are technically more females cheating than men

I never did like maths

Sorry but I am going to disagree with your assertion. If a married man cheats with a single woman who is unaware that he is married, there is only one cheater.

While I agree most "poll" you see on tv are largely meaningless in terms of accuracy, there are surveys that can be quite accurate. There is a high variance in the quality and skills of pollsters / survey preparers. It takes a lot of work to design a survey that takes bias out (intended or not). One easy method of bias reduction on the respondents side is to ask the same question in different ways with different responses. In some respects, you get what you pay for. Observational data ismore reliable, but to be most effective takes a lot of data points. Even then, there is a margin of error. Scientists strive to minimize the variables to provide the best accuracy. If observing on the street, you need a large timeframe for observation to reduce variants (weather, day of the week, special event, etc). None of us can predict the future with 100% certanty. No amount of data, analysis, or interpretation can provide this.
The vast majority of people cheating are aware of what they are doing. No poll necessary.
Quote by Buz
The vast majority of people cheating are aware of what they are doing. No poll necessary.

Again, how do you know? ;)


Quote by noll

Again, how do you know? ;)

Buz Knows...

Quote by select6969
how many married women enjoy strange cock when hubby is gone ?
I guess that depends on your definition of "enjoy".
depends on the mood she is in ...