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Do girls like "rimming" guys?

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Quote by crazydiamond

Wow! You are pretty opiniated and ignorant aren't you. I pity that.

What someone does in the bedroom does not make them homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual the partner they are with does.

If you had not noticed, this is a pretty sexual, open minded place, no ones judged you (yet) and you just insulted most people here.

Well done Ignaramous. That's your new nickname by the way...We get those too, after a while.

If you hve a problem with it sweetheart, then that's something that you should solve. I am allowed to say what I want when I want, and as for ignorant... I won't acknowledge that statement because if you took time out of your boring ass life to reply then you're the ignorant one.
Good Day sweetie
Quote by lafayettemister

You're free to think it's disgusting. You're free to think that and to never ever want to do it, no one would begrudge you making your own choice. However, saying "not one DECENT female..." that's different. There are lots of women who enjoy doing it, and most of them are "decent". Nor does it make a guy gay if a woman licks his ass.

Feel free to comment your personal opinions on topics, but refrain from characterizing other people negatively according to your opinions. That's not fair.

You know what? You're absolutely correct.. I shouldn't have said decent, I should have said that some females do not like providing this to males.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Sinful_Asiaa
Umm, this question is just ... ugh nasty. Not one DECENT female wanna be licking around some dudes asshole .. you SHIT out of there dude. Thats disgusting , and I might step on some toes when I say this but if you're a man and you like getting rim jobs then you're gay .. point blank period .. you dont need us to lick around your shit hole .. get a dude for that .. maybe you can 69 with that nasty shit . I just got chills thinking about that . Ewwe , wtf .

how about another girl's asshole? is that cool with you? and if it's a girl giving a man a rim job, does that still make him gay? what about a girl giving a girl a rimjob? are they straight then? and really, what's wrong with being gay, anyways? all very important questions, i think. oh, btw, yes, i am nasty like that.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nikki703

Sometimes you can have lots of fun at the dump, LOL!!

yes, one can pick lot of wonderful vibes!
Clever Gem
Quote by Sinful_Asiaa

If you hve a problem with it sweetheart, then that's something that you should solve. I am allowed to say what I want when I want, and as for ignorant... I won't acknowledge that statement because if you took time out of your boring ass life to reply then you're the ignorant one.
Good Day sweetie

1. I'm not your sweetheart, god are you gay???? (sniggers to the regulars)

2. The problem I have, is labelling everyone "gay" for things they like in the bedroom- that's just dumb.
And on a second note, gay is good, just as good as straight I would say!!
3. You did acknowledge and you also took time out of your boring ass life to respond.

Nice one Ignoramous, you did all my work for me. HIGH FUCKING FIVE!
Active Ink Slinger
we find this a very mutually enjoyable, tickling, open feeling, and enjoy it every time!
and yes its a matter of personal choice - we don't like many things that other do, so why expect then to like rimming?
Quote by Sinful_Asiaa

If you hve a problem with it sweetheart, then that's something that you should solve. I am allowed to say what I want when I want, and as for ignorant... I won't acknowledge that statement because if you took time out of your boring ass life to reply then you're the ignorant one.
Good Day sweetie

Active Ink Slinger
Only anal slurp sluts like rimming.
Clever Gem
Quote by jollylolly
Only anal slurp sluts like rimming.

Ha ! Another genius cow to solve all the world's faults.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by crazydiamond

Ha ! Another genius cow to solve all the world's faults.

I guess the ridiculousness of "anal slurp sluts" didn't clue you in that I was joking? Silly goose.HMqdr6IEMzleV9qB
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by crazydiamond

Ha ! Another genius cow to solve all the world's faults.

i'm changing my name to 'anal slurp slut sprite' - it has a ring to it, don't you think?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by jollylolly

I guess the ridiculousness of "anal slurp sluts" didn't clue you in that I was joking? Silly goose.iv2Xx6Sc01e5FULZ

you just totally dissed my new nickname as ridiculous! This means WAR! *gives you a reverse wedge, giggles, hides in the tuperware drawer*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Sinful_Asiaa

You know what? You're absolutely correct.. I shouldn't have said decent, I should have said that some females do not like providing this to males.

in all seriousness, Sinful, what you are experiencing here is the joys of feedback when you come in here and go judgmental - there is a huge difference between saying 'i don't like this, it's gross to me' and 'i don't like this, i think that anyone who does it is gross'. you might want to think about the difference between those two statements a bit before you go and post something else - really, i don't like guys with beards, but to label all guys with a beards as creepy and gross wouldn't be too cool, right?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

- really, i don't like guys with beards, but to label all guys with a beards as creepy and gross wouldn't be too cool, right?

I'm a total anal slurp slut for guys with beards.LPPt96SIuNvQXsXb
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by jollylolly

I'm a total anal slurp slut for guys with beards.aOb3b5GYBBm5O0er

and i can totally respect that

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by jollylolly
Only anal slurp sluts like rimming.

Isn't ASS short for "anal slurp slut?"

It always seems to come back to Ass in the forums.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by CurlyGirly

Isn't ASS short for "anal slurp slut?"

It always seems to come back to Ass in the forums.

speaking of which, yours is fine, just case you were wondering

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Clever Gem
Quote by CurlyGirly

Isn't ASS short for "anal slurp slut?"

It always seems to come back to Ass in the forums.

And here folks.... We Rejoice in all that is ASS and CG, And Anal Slurpy Sprite. God bless lush.
Active Ink Slinger
When you enjoy giving, you don't have to actually get anything out of the act yourself to enjoy it. The pleasure derived is simply from giving pleasure to your partner or doing something for them that they enjoy so much.

I have done many things through the years that a partner wanted. And I still got off just enjoying their pleasure. Plus if I was willing to participate in what they wanted I got the same in return.
Advanced Wordsmith
I love it. no limits to sex for me I want it all done and I do it all
Quote by Sinful_Asiaa

No, speaking from a womens perspective.. im open to various things but a rim job? Seriously, that's just nasty

Just took you off of my friends list. I don't care if you think rimming is gross, but the way you said it is a huge turn off. Goodbye!
Quote by Thatgurl
I love it. no limits to sex for me I want it all done and I do it all[/quoteWow Babe, Love to Play with You!!
Quote by crazydiamond

1. I'm not your sweetheart, god are you gay???? (sniggers to the regulars)

2. The problem I have, is labelling everyone "gay" for things they like in the bedroom- that's just dumb.
And on a second note, gay is good, just as good as straight I would say!!
3. You did acknowledge and you also took time out of your boring ass life to respond.

Nice one Ignoramous, you did all my work for me. HIGH FUCKING FIVE!

Ahhh, here you are again. You know, I applaud you for knowing your numbers.
You are questioning me, for what reason? What I do is what I do. If im ignorant then what does that make you? Oh I'll tell you an imbecile, which is the definition of a dumb ass broad... DING DING DING, that's you ! I do not have a problem with homosexuality, but I am entitled to my opinion.. if you don't like it then FUCK OFF IMBECILE
Quote by Naughty_Talia

Just took you off of my friends list. I don't care if you think rimming is gross, but the way you said it is a huge turn off. Goodbye!

I don't care if you take me off, and as far as that turn off situation... you were NEVER a turn ON. Control yourself before your feelings are hurt. Now, I will say goodbye
Quote by sprite

how about another girl's asshole? is that cool with you? and if it's a girl giving a man a rim job, does that still make him gay? what about a girl giving a girl a rimjob? are they straight then? and really, what's wrong with being gay, anyways? all very important questions, i think. oh, btw, yes, i am nasty like that.

Ehh you're taking what I said the wrong way. Im entitled to my opinion.. which I gave. What you do is what you do and personally I don't care what you do. If a girl wants to lick another male, or females asshole then that's them... but you won't find Asiaa doing it. FYI which is what I said.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Sinful_Asiaa

Ehh you're taking what I said the wrong way. Im entitled to my opinion.. which I gave. What you do is what you do and personally I don't care what you do. If a girl wants to lick another male, or females asshole then that's them... but you won't find Asiaa doing it. FYI which is what I said.

no, i'm taking what you said exactly how you said it - yeah, you probably didn't intend for it to come of as incredibly insulting, but when al you have to communicate with words, sometimes it pays off to take a moment and make sure ones you used are the ones you meant to use. yep, you're totally entitled to your opinion, but so is everyone else - what you are reading in response to your post is other people's opinions. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

no, i'm taking what you said exactly how you said it - yeah, you probably didn't intend for it to come of as incredibly insulting, but when al you have to communicate with words, sometimes it pays off to take a moment and make sure ones you used are the ones you meant to use. yep, you're totally entitled to your opinion, but so is everyone else - what you are reading in response to your post is other people's opinions. smile

You're right... EVERYONE is entitled to they're opinion, and I have not once said that you weren't. Say what you feel ,I don't mind at all. I'll post what ever I feel on that particular topic though, just keep that in mind. Just as im sure you will too, the words I used explained EXACTLY what I wanted to say, but thanks for helping me see that I offended some people. And if you are one , then I apologize.. end of discussion
Clever Gem
Quote by Sinful_Asiaa

Ahhh, here you are again. You know, I applaud you for knowing your numbers.
You are questioning me, for what reason? What I do is what I do. If im ignorant then what does that make you? Oh I'll tell you an imbecile, which is the definition of a dumb ass broad... DING DING DING, that's you ! I do not have a problem with homosexuality, but I am entitled to my opinion.. if you don't like it then FUCK OFF IMBECILE

No it's not.
There you go again Ignoramouus, doing all the work for me.

Dumb ass broad(who even says that?) is a derogatory term meaning dumb or unintelligent woman.
Imbecile was a medical category of people with moderate to severe mental retardation, as well as a type of criminal.

One is not the definition of the other, and I am neither.

Your ignorance is hanging out dear, you might wanna tuck that in a little.
It is pretty common knowledge that a man wanting a WOMAN to lick, play, or even FUCK his ass does not make him a homosexual. His chosen partner is of the opposite sex, and what is being done to him is on HIS body. What makes someone a homosexual is their desire for someone of the SAME SEX, not simply an act performed. And what makes someone a homosexual is their desire for ONLY people of the same sex. If a man desires women and men he is bisexual, not homosexual. And if a man desires certain sexual acts, but with ONLY someone of the opposite sex... they are heterosexual.

People have their own preferences, and that is what they are, their own preferences/desires/opinions. My opinion is that it is hot that a woman would enjoy rimming, of ether sex, and for whatever reason she enjoys it (either personal turn on, or that it turns on her partner). RIM ON!!!! ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Well said John C.

Some guys both straight, bisexual, and gay have a lot of sexual feeling in their anal region. Not every str8, bisexual or even gay guys do. I have slept with some guys over the years who identify as gay but they don't even want you touching their ass. It just does nothing for them...tonguing it, fingering it, nothing.

What turns one guy on won't turn another on. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation at all.