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Cut vs uncut

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Buxom Enigma
I've had both, and have to say that I really don't have a specific preference. I'm more concerned about the relationship I have with the man himself, rather than if he's cut or not.

I do like the fact that I can be more ... vigorous with a cut penis than uncut.

I love the foreskin, though. It's an added sensation during oral, and really, so long as a guy is mindful of his hygiene, then they really taste the same.
"Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon." -E.L. Doctorow
Cut for sure. No offense to the uncut out there, but that head looks so good on a cut cock! It also feels very good when sliding in.
Cheeky Chick
I think both are sexy. I've been with both. It doesn't matter to me.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CherryRedGirl

I think the extra skin in my mouth would feel weird lol

haha the skin is pulled back fully when you're erect... so no extra skin in your mouth lol
I am uncut, and whenever I was with a woman who had never seen or had one before they loved playing with the extra skin.
I have had both and really when it is inside you can not tell a difference. I do love playing with the extra skin.. but I do enjoy both...I have been told by an uncut that after a couple times it will get sore.. don't know if that is fact,but what I was told.
I have yet to experience a uncut cock. Very curious to enjoy one, just as long as it clean.
Active Ink Slinger
have experienced both. very nice.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Regello77
Being cut myself , I resent not having a foreskin . Parents are wrong to have their baby boys circumcised at birth , it should be up to men to decide on circumcision when they are old enough to choose .
I think circumcised penises often look ugly whether flacid or erect . With the foreskin covering the head they look smoother neater and there is a surprise when the foreskin is retracted exposing a very smooth , shiny ,puce , seemingly raw meat head of the penis .
I agree that hygene is an important factor , the more so for the uncut . My father-in-law was a pediatrician and stretched my baby son's foreskins when tiny to prevent there being stuck later , mothers should teach their boys to retract their foreskin and wash clean as a habit from early age . In a youthful discussion at drama school , a stunningly beautiful girl later successful film actress , said she prefered uncut because she could feel the foreskin catch on the vaginal opening making it slide back on entry and continuously slide back and forth . Martiann has the right idea ; I have seen in porn films women/girls who slide back the foreskin with their lips and tongue , which looks delicious . As an older man I am aware that the head of the penis forms a skin ; without the foreskin there is no protection of the once sensitive head that with age tends to lose feeling .

Agreed. In my opinion, performing any permanent, unnecessary procedure on someone too young to give informed, verbal consent is child abuse. This includes gender assignment surgeries on intersex babies, circumcision, and ear piercing.

I have only been with cut guys, but one guy had such a thick circumcision scar and extra skin that it looked/felt like a partial foreskin. It was interesting and felt rather pleasurable, much in the way that it would "catch" on the opening of my vagina. It's a shame he was a piece of shit. Anyways, hygiene goes for anybody I'm sleeping with. Cut, uncut, male, female.
Active Ink Slinger
The vast majority of guys I've been with were cut so I have to say I prefer it by default. I don't mind uncut men though, plus since it's the guys body his preference should be the only notable one.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Rookie Scribe
the few guys I was with where all cut as am I. Never got to play with one that is uncut.
i haven't said no to uncut, but if i had my choice...cut
Prolific Writer
I have only had sex with cut men.

I don't think it would be an issue though.

Just never had uncut.

Active Ink Slinger
Cut, I love big fat mushroom heads.
Rookie Scribe

I like both, I prefer uncut. As it was mentioned, hygiene is important for both. Hygiene is important for all of us.

Quote by Ls63563
Cut, I love big fat mushroom heads.

Even uncut, their big fat mushroom head should be the same, if not, it may be that they have not separated the foreskin from the bottom edge of the head. I used a sterile bobby-pin to peal my foreskin away when I was in my teens. Yes, it hurt like a sumbitchtimesahundred! 😱

Rookie Scribe

Makes little difference to me but I’d prefer an uncut one with skin over the top

Active Ink Slinger

I prefer circumcised cocks.

**Smile, it's free therapy**

It doesn't matter.

There are two bonuses for uncut, though;

1) The head tends to be a little more sensitive.

2) The skin gives you something extra to play with.

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