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Cock Size, What's Small?

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Active Ink Slinger
Inspired by - there was a link to 'small dicks' here -.

What would you, women, consider to be a small cock? Personally I am 8" so I have nothing to worry about, I know I'm above the UK national average but where do you girls draw the line from small to medium to large?
When does a cock become a medium sized cock? When does a cock become a large cock?
Hey there CM,

There are a ton of threads here that may be of interest for you...Have fun!
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious
Hey there CM,

There are a ton of threads here that may be of interest for you...Have fun!

You sure knew how to get to all the threads about dick size awfully quick there, PencilDick. You have them all bookmarked?

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
WOW! I was really expecting the guys to say a small cock is any cock 4" inch shorter than what they have!!
You know what, I do have one question about cock size? Did you ever notice that primarily GUYS seem to be posting these questions, and I mean endlessly (please see above list) posting the cock questions? Almost without exception, the women seem to respond with "it's what you do with it and not the size." So my question is...

Honestly, have any of you been told that your cock was too small EVER??? Why the male obsession with size? It's not like every day media is telling you women need and want jumbo-sized cocks so is it too much unrealistic porn?

Quote by curiousmystery
UK national average

FFS! There's a national average? Are you kidding me? How do you know that? Is there a boob size national average? Is there a cross comparison between countries? Forget it. Makes me want to shoot my laptop.
Active Ink Slinger
@Dudealicious - Thank you, my mistake - should've probably looked first. It shan't be happening again.

@Curlygirly - Why would a girl ask that question? More so in a "Ask the Gals" forum. How can you get so stressed and worked up over a question? If it winds you up so much move on, why would you click and go out of your way to reply and put a message about it.

As for your last comment, it's widely available on the Internet further more there's sex shows on BBC 3 (amongst other channels), with it being a British show it'd be referring to the British nation. There's statistics on everything, bra size inclusive.

You needn't unnecessarily reply again because I won't be checking back to read it.
Quote by curiousmystery

@Curlygirly - Why would a girl ask that question? More so in a "Ask the Gals" forum. How can you get so stressed and worked up over a question? If it winds you up so much move on, why would you click and go out of your way to reply and put a message about it.

As for your last comment, it's widely available on the Internet further more there's sex shows on BBC 3 (amongst other channels), with it being a British show it'd be referring to the British nation. There's statistics on everything, bra size inclusive.

You needn't unnecessarily reply again because I won't be checking back to read it.

I see you down on the bottom of the page, so I'll reply real quick before you go. I didn't realize I was stressed and worked up though until you let me know. Thanks! I do have to apologize. The "shooting my laptop" was a joke from a thread that the 2 men who responded to this thread would understand, but probably made no sense to you
Why would I click and post? Because that's what you do in the forums? Maybe I have that wrong.

Literally, every day there is a new cock size thread posted. I am honestly curious about the obsession. I'm good with all sizes and flavors and most of the women on Lush seem to be the same way, yet the question about size comes up over and over.

BTW, welcome to Lush!! Enjoy your time here!
Active Ink Slinger
From CG:

Honestly, have any of you been told that your cock was too small EVER??? Why the male obsession with size? It's not like every day media is telling you women need and want jumbo-sized cocks so is it too much unrealistic porn?

My question is then, would you really tell a guy his cock was to small? I know I wouldn't and haven't. I am no size queen, but have been with a guy that had a cock about the size of an ob tampon. There is a lot to be said about it's not the size it's how they use it. But in this case, no pleasure was to be had with that one.

@ Dude, give the guy a little break, his cock size question was different than all the ones you listed.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Curlygirly
You know what, I do have one question about cock size? Did you ever notice that primarily GUYS seem to be posting these questions, and I mean endlessly (please see above list) posting the cock questions? Almost without exception, the women seem to respond with "it's what you do with it and not the size." So my question is...

Honestly, have any of you been told that your cock was too small EVER??? Why the male obsession with size? It's not like every day media is telling you women need and want jumbo-sized cocks so is it too much unrealistic porn?


FFS! There's a national average? Are you kidding me? How do you know that? Is there a boob size national average? Is there a cross comparison between countries? Forget it. Makes me want to shoot my laptop.

CG, it is the guys who are more concerned with cock size. What you said about women is true. Most only care that the guy is skilled at using it. I think guys are too self conscious about the size of their cocks. If you look at the thread" What Characteristics Are You Atracted Too" or whatever it is called, most women said they like confident men. So I think guys with smaller cocks that get rejected, its more for the lack of self confidence than it is for the size of their cocks.

BTW, there is a national avg. There is a web site that has it for every country. Same for breast size too. I know the US avg breast size is 36C and it was 36B 10yrs ago, LOL!!
Quote by LusciousLola
From CG:

Honestly, have any of you been told that your cock was too small EVER??? Why the male obsession with size? It's not like every day media is telling you women need and want jumbo-sized cocks so is it too much unrealistic porn?

My question is then, would you really tell a guy his cock was to small? I know I wouldn't and haven't. I am no size queen, but have been with a guy that had a cock about the size of an ob tampon. There is a lot to be said about it's not the size it's how they use it. But in this case, no pleasure was to be had with that one.

@ Dude, give the guy a little break, his cock size question was different than all the ones you listed.

Nope! I never would and never have. Honestly, size has never been an issue or really even a discussion. Well, with the exception of that one cervix slammer. Yikes! For the the few bad lovers I have had, it had absolutely NOTHING to do with the size of their cock. It definitely always related to technique-skill and/or lack of.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by LusciousLola
I am no size queen, but have been with a guy that had a cock about the size of an ob tampon. There is a lot to be said about it's not the size it's how they use it. But in this case, no pleasure was to be had with that one.

I agree Lola. I had a tampon-sized guy too, and trust me, there was nothing he could have done in the way of 'using it' that would have made much of a difference.. LOL ... I still remember that "oh no!" feeling when I first put my hand on it.

I do think some guys are too small, but they are few and far between and I think it just depends on how important that feeling of 'fullness' is to a woman's sexual pleasure. Some need it, and others are fine to get off more on oral-sex or the overall pleasure of being with that lover in particular.

I've never told a guy he was too small, but I did think it with the tampon-guy, but that was a vacation-fling so it didn't really matter as much to me at the time.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

I agree Lola. I had a tampon-sized guy too, and trust me, there was nothing he could have done in the way of 'using it' that would have made much of a difference.. LOL ... I still remember that "oh no!" feeling when I first put my hand on it.

I do think some guys are too small, but they are few and far between and I think it just depends on how important that feeling of 'fullness' is to a woman's sexual pleasure. Some need it, and others are fine to get off more on oral-sex or the overall pleasure of being with that lover in particular.

I've never told a guy he was too small, but I did think it with the tampon-guy, but that was a vacation-fling so it didn't really matter as much to me at the time.

Like with anything, there are outliers!! A tampon size cock is small and I agree, probably wouldnt matter how skilled he was.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nikki703

Like with anything, there are outliers!! A tampon size cock is small and I agree, probably wouldnt matter how skilled he was.

Question ladies. If I guy does have a tampon sized cock, would you recommend enlargment surgery? Should he try to "better" himself to improve his quality of life? I know if I were that small, I'd fix the problem. How awful!

edit... i just read this and it comes off as sarcastic. it's not intended as such. genuine question.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
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Quote by lafayettemister

Question ladies. If I guy does have a tampon sized cock, would you recommend enlargment surgery? Should he try to "better" himself to improve his quality of life? I know if I were that small, I'd fix the problem. How awful!

edit... i just read this and it comes off as sarcastic. it's not intended as suck. genuine question.

I would never be the one to recommend surgery. I honestly am not sure I would even encourage it if he suggested it? I guess if he thought it would make him feel better about himself, but I would make sure he's doing it for himself and not thinking it's something I wanted.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Curlygirly

I would never be the one to recommend surgery. I honestly am not sure I would even encourage it if he suggested it? I guess if he thought it would make him feel better about himself, but I would make sure he's doing it for himself and not thinking it's something I wanted.

I agree. I am all for cosmetic surgery if it is something you truly want to make you feel better. But the decision has to be yours and not because someone is trying to convince to to do it.

Does anyone know of a person who has had their penis enlarged? Does it work? Is it natural looking? Is it like breast implants in that a lower cost job looks very un-natural while a high-end job can look and feel very natural? I have read that with these type of procedures, the guys sometimes loses normal penile functions. Just curious!
Advanced Wordsmith
I agree with dudealicious; the number of men who ask these types of questions in the forums is astounding. So, you're dick is <5.5" or 6". Get over it. Penis pills won't help in any way, I've heard, other than drained your bank account. Stretching techniques? Minimal, maybe. STOP. Just stop.

I highly doubt your dick is preventing you from having any sex at all, or from dating, or from having a career or from bettering yourself in other ways.
And you know what? A guy asking his lady, "Am I small?" is a major turn off.

Sigh. I suppose I now should answer your question:
To answer your question, I would guess 5.5" - 6" is a pretty standard median-sized dick. And no, conventional porn does not endorse this statement.
Anything from 4" - 5", you are technically below average, but who the fuck cares? I've had great sex with men this size.
Anything from 3" - 4", you are getting into the smaller range. Deeper penetration sex positions will likely be of use to you, but good sex is still possible. You are noticeably smaller than the norm, but good sex is still possible. You just have to try harder.
Anything smaller than 3", you are outside of the realm of the micropenis, but, by many women's standards, you have a teeny peeny.
So, I would say heart" is quite small. 3" is the smallest I have seen, and he had no girth whatsoever. His lack of girth was more off-putting than the shortness of his cock.
Which brings me to my next point.

Girth, in my opinion, matters more to be than width. All things considered, if the man would remain the same, I would take a thick, stump-like cock measuring at 3.75" in length over a skinny cock measuring at 7" in length. I'm assuming hardness would remain the same in this hypothetical scenario, too. Which brings me to my next point.

Hardness matters. Take sex toys, for example. Dildos aren't made of soft plastic. You know why? Because a hard cock puts far more pressure on a woman's G-spot than a softer, spongier cock. Poor diet, smoking, stress, drug use, and an overall unhealthy lifestyle can make men's erections flag a bit. I'll be honest: harder dicks feel a lot better. The man who had the biggest cock I've encountered and the hardest cock I enjoyed were not the same person. I liked the harder cock better, even though he was very average in length, and the bigger cock was longer than average.

I once read that the now-deceased infamous porn actor, John Holmes, did NOT have the best quality erections despite his massive size and length. His wife even said that he never got completely hard, and had the softest erection she had ever encountered, even when he ejaculated. I cannot imagine how disheartening it would be to suck a man's cock--a large cock, a cock difficult to pleasure due to its massive size--and not feel it get fully erect. One of the things I love about sucking cock is taking a man from flaccid to hard in very little time. His wife didn't get that feeling, even if he was enjoying himself immensely. I guess he didn't have enough blood supply to pump into that monster. Not my dig.

I don't know what your cock looks like, but seriously, learn to deal with yours. Read sex books. Learn to kiss, pleasure a woman. Live a happy life. Have friends. School. A job. A career. Work out/exercise, maintain a healthy weight, and live a healthy lifestyle so your cock can get quality erections. And god forbid, don't smoke! That is awful for your cock.

Happy humping!

- Meg