Thats all I pretty much needed, Maam. This has been going on so long, I needed a ”forum” to put all my data into and see if my conclusion was right. And both are. My situation is my fault and mine alone. My personality, my wiring, all add up to this mess. Result, women see me as prey, something to use and toss away. So, I make the necessary changes and do my Job, and only my job. I was cursed to be the protector of women, now I can just tell them what they have always told me, ”sorry, Im not good enough for you”, and go on within the limits of my duties. Thank you for your concern and input, have a nice day
This thread and a number of others have in my opinion been hijacked.
The original question has been answered by a few, especially Magical_Felix and Dancing Doll.
Generally a woman will always appreciate a man being nice to her, to a point, but he can't nice his way into a relationship with her if she feels there is no chemistry and a number of other mutual connections.
Being nice in most cases is a foil for hanging around in the hope that she will eventually see him in a different light and fall for him. It does happen but the success rate is very low.
Again as a generalisation: It's different for women, equally we can't nice our way into a relationship with a guy but if we are too nice and friendly he thinks he's in for an easy ride.
Back to the hijacking, I would just like to suggest "Relationship Advice" might be better suited...
The attention-seeker excels in manipulating people through their emotions, especially that of guilt. It's very difficult not to feel sorry for someone who relates a plausible tale of suffering in a sob story or "poor me" drama.
Attention seeker....I hate that. I just wished to learn or get validation to my theoriws of what I was enduring. Guilt was not a goal at all. Thank ypu for the written kick in the panta, I gather this is what trolling is and I am very sorry. My thanks to Al who wrote,I learned something fron each
Ms kimasa, made an assumption based on your prior message and the amount of messages related to my selfish behavior. I gather I goofed again.
Miss Kamasa is a seasoned member and i doubt commented without reading all posts. My prior posts have shit all to do with your selfish behaviour, we are commentig and responding to what you ask, you are the one deflecting every answer to suit your " pooor me" behaviour. That's CD signing off, you win hound.
I did post a hopefully more underatandable condensed version in advice along with a vehemont apology
oh my. what a tangle this has become.
As for nice guys, I think that many men are 'nice'. There are nice men that hold open the door for me as I'm walking into walmart. nice men who smile and nod to me as I shop. And a very nice man who will ring up my groceries. I've encountered at least 4 or 5 in one trip to the grocery store.
Niceness will never get you a woman unless she is inconsolably sad/very drunk/both. You need a personality that naturally attracts her. Just being nice doesn't cut it, so don't be surprised when all that niceness falls short of her love.