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Attraction (Science) - Would you agree?

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So here's what I find attractive..

He exudes confidence, yet retains humility.
Has a smile that is genuine and laughs easily.
His body language reflects inner strength.
Has a twinkle in his eyes that tells me there's a rebel lurking not too far beneath.

I don't know how to label him, but there you have it.
Don't worry about it. Sometimes you just have to say 'hold on tight' and then pop a wheelie while she's on the back of your bike. She may not want you to skydive but 'fuck it', do it anyhow. Life has got to be fun, and predictable is boring.
Quote by Buz
Don't worry about it. Sometimes you just have to say 'hold on tight' and then pop a wheelie while she's on the back of your bike. She may not want you to skydive but 'fuck it', do it anyhow. Life has got to be fun, and predictable is boring.

Quote by Buz
Don't worry about it. Sometimes you just have to say 'hold on tight' and then pop a wheelie while she's on the back of your bike. She may not want you to skydive but 'fuck it', do it anyhow. Life has got to be fun, and predictable is boring.

Exactly. Like I said, it's not like I can change my personality entirely anyway, especially since I'm 31.

But I find this discussion intellectually stimulating, just like I would enjoy watching a documentary about birds mating.
Quote by SereneProdigy

Women seem to prefer men who display a proud yet reflective demeanor, and sometimes display a warm and sincere smile. Men that are always smiling seem to be considered a turn-off by most women.

Would you agree with this?

Echoing the Cliche - Women are deemed complicated. However, it is our complicated natural selection that intrigues me.

There are quite a few studies that might draw your attention; and although what you mention holds true for me, I would state that these studies can not be generalised.

A study states that - MOST Women find a pin up poster of a good looking man holing a baby more attractive than a drop dead gorgeous man posing shirtless. They percieve the first guy as a potentially better father and sexual partner, who is more stable and reliable than the other.
Quote by Noir
Echoing the Cliche - Women are deemed complicated. However, it is our complicated natural selection that intrigues me.

There are quite a few studies that might draw your attention; and although what you mention holds true for me, I would state that these studies can not be generalised.

A study states that - MOST Women find a pin up poster of a good looking man holing a baby more attractive than a drop dead gorgeous man posing shirtless. They percieve the first guy as a potentially better father and sexual partner, who is more stable and reliable than the other.

Thanks for that contribution.

I completely agree with the complicated nature of women, and this is what truly fascinates me. Let's face it, in the end it is females who decide their mating partner, not the opposite ; males simply parade before them, exposing their potential, and are simply looking for a healthy female to reproduce. Of course, a decent male will also look for a female that displays many more qualities, but he could still be satisfied with an healthy one. Females have a lot more factors to consider, and have a much keener perspective about reproduction and raising an offspring. This has been proven scientifically in the past, not just for humans, but for most primates as well.

I also agree with the importance women attribute to a potentially competent and faithful father. I read another study where scientists evaluated the attractiveness of masculine vs feminine features in men ; a combination of both seemed to be the most desired. Masculine features were perceived as hints of power, dominance, protection, and also deemed the male as a good provider. Feminine features were perceived as hints of empathy, cooperation and faithfulness.

Although these biological foundations play a great role in mutual attraction, I believe humans are in a big part adaptative by nature, and can thus transcend these boundaries. A woman could make the choice to never raise any children, and therefore her criterions of attraction could be altered to some degree. Another interesting example of people who transcend the natural rules of attraction are homosexuals ; while they still feel deep desires for their partner, such desires are driven by different criterions than those generally considered when mating with the opposite sex.
I am baffled by the use of ''shame'' in this discussion - I understand ''introspective'' but shame to me indicates guilt over some bad action - not to be confused with some ''rebellious inclination'' but something to be truly ashamed of (or is ''shame'' just some sort of point of reference term?) Why would that be appealing to a mothering instinct? I would have thought some sort of ''helplessness'' indication would be a better definition in this context of mothering. Also I thought that women are attracted to good providers therefore in today's world that would be the potential high earners rather then the past's more primitive criteria. If I was a girl I would like clever laid back guys who don't compete and try and prove themselves all the time as that's the kind of women I like.

shame [sheym] Show IPA noun, verb, shamed, sham·ing.
the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another: She was overcome with shame.
susceptibility to this feeling: to be without shame.
disgrace; ignominy: His actions brought shame upon his parents.
a fact or circumstance bringing disgrace or regret: The bankruptcy of the business was a shame. It was a shame you couldn't come with us.
verb (used with object)
to cause to feel shame; make ashamed: His cowardice shamed him.
to drive, force, etc., through shame: He shamed her into going.
to cover with ignominy or reproach; disgrace.
Quote by sprite

if i'm dating a guy and he never once shows an ounce of humor or joy, then i'm probably going to lose interest fairly quickly. if that's harsh or judgemental, so be it, but it would be kind of silly to keep hanging out with someone i'm not enjoying hanging out with, don't you think?
If that's the case i would imagine that you would have a good sense of what he's like, prior to dating him. If you're in a packed club surveying men with that criteria, i would say it's a bit harsh /judgemental.
Quote by Widowlicker
If that's the case i would imagine that you would have a good sense of what he's like, prior to dating him. If you're in a packed club surveying men with that criteria, i would say it's a bit harsh /judgemental.

mmm... let's say then that i'd be unlikely to say yes if someone along those lines asked me out. ok, so i'm harsh and judgemental - i can live with that - i'd rather then end up dating someone i'm not comfortable around or with whom i don't enjoy myself. wouldn't be very much fun for either of us.

btw, yeah, if i was in a packed club, my attention probably would be drawn by the guy who gives me a smile, or who looks like he's having fun. the ones that look like they're too serious or not enjoying themselves would probably get a pass. and i would expect the same of someone checking me out - if they took a look and thought 'naw, she's not really my type' i'd be fine with that. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

mmm... let's say then that i'd be unlikely to say yes if someone along those lines asked me out. ok, so i'm harsh and judgemental - i can live with that - i'd rather then end up dating someone i'm not comfortable around or with whom i don't enjoy myself. wouldn't be very much fun for either of us.

btw, yeah, if i was in a packed club, my attention probably would be drawn by the guy who gives me a smile, or who looks like he's having fun. the ones that look like they're too serious or not enjoying themselves would probably get a pass. and i would expect the same of someone checking me out - if they took a look and thought 'naw, she's not really my type' i'd be fine with that. smile

Awww. You're telling me you'd pass on my brooding contemplation? What if I'm thinking 10 moves ahead on the chessboard of life on how to woo your pretty soul in less than 5?
Quote by MadMartigan

Awww. You're telling me you'd pass on my brooding contemplation? What if I'm thinking 10 moves ahead on the chessboard of life on how to woo your pretty soul in less than 5?

Quote by MadMartigan

Awww. You're telling me you'd pass on my brooding contemplation? What if I'm thinking 10 moves ahead on the chessboard of life on how to woo your pretty soul in less than 5?

chess just confuses me. i like chinese checkers WAY better. besides, i'm betting you have a nice smile, so there. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Science has a funny way of being right about these things. Or is it they are part of the reason these social norms among genders is tailored?

I mean there's a reason woman prefer the strong male figure who displays a bit of prude and confidence. The shame thing surprised me a bit. And what's that saying, "nice guys finish last"?

Either way the article was a good read. I think, depending on where you're from heavily influences what a person finds attractive.i must say that article is pretty accurate