Are females attracted to Musicians more than normal people?
i heard about this ages ago and wondered if it was really true.
i play piano and guitar so just really interested
Hmmm im not sure. Both my exes were musicians but that wasnt a factor when i was deciding to be with them. i would have liked them just as much if they werent one.
I guess a guy being a musician sends off the signal that he's passionate, hardworking and willing to put time and effort into things... much more attractive than a guy who doesnt know what he wants to do in life and sits around playing xbox all day
It's certainly a plus, but not over other things I like :]
I think women are attracted to men that have an intensity and complexity and are able to express a wider range of emotions or maybe feel things on a deeper level or have more dynamic personalities. That can be found in most artists... not just in musicians. I think the idea of a man who is a musician, a writer, a painter or sculptor means that he's a multi-layered guy that is in touch with self-expression, and is probably going to be more passionate and exciting, so it can be more intriguing to a woman. That's what attracts me to someone who has some kind of artistic side. I like the intensity, and you don't often find that with boring conservative guys, guys who aren't in touch with their feelings, or dumb jocks.
Others might be more interested because of the "groupie factor" if it's a popular musician, or a famous artist, but that's never been a draw for me.
My mind interpreted that question completely differently. I was wondering why women weren't considered "normal people." lol.
Musicians have never been my thing, but I do know several girls who go nuts for them.
uhhhm yes...Mrs Dave Grohl at your service (grins)...duh we love musicans..okay I do, I'm a big music fan though
"Don't date professional athletes, actors or musicians. If they're successful, they'll be cheating on you. If they're not, they'll be using bed sheets as curtains when they're forty".
Not sure how accurate that quote is, but it's something to think about!
Ohhh. Musicians are a weakness for me. I would never have dated one, but they were always very, very tempting. I wish I knew why.
I am attracted to musically talented people. Singers and guitarist especially, and piano players. I don't think I'm a groupie, but there are certain musicians who could have me for the asking. Carlos Santana and Tom Morello among the guys and Orianthi and Joan Jett among the girls.
I have always liked musicians. Mainly because I love music and am attracted to the Rocker type of guy or girl. Love long hair on men. The way the girls dress, act, YUMMY. I have had many fantasies about being ravaged on stage by a hot rocker! Rockers id love to fuck, Joe Perry-Aerosmith, Dave Grohl, Tom Petty and girls, Lita Ford, Avril Lavigne. So many more!
Yeah, I was wondering ... am I not a normal person because I'm a musician, and a classical one at that? IMHO, it shouldn't really matter ...
Men that sing classically or can play an instrument like piano, violin, and ect are very attractive....
As in, if I were blind I'd still think Josh Groban is a gorgeous man.

~ "She left the web, she left the loom,
She made three paces through the room,
She saw the water-lily bloom,
She saw the helmet and the plume,
She look'd down to Camelot.
Out flew the web and floated wide;
The mirror crack'd from side to side;
"The curse is come upon me," cried
The Lady of Shalott. " I love those musicians they are always soooo hot. I figure if they know how to use their hands on an instrument like a guitar or know how to pound those drums, they'll be knowing how to pound me too.
I'll admit I can be a bit of a groupie at concerts but I always get backstage so easy I don't get why more girls don't do it. I've had sooo many crazy times!
I'll admit I can be a bit of a groupie at concerts but I always get backstage so easy I don't get why more girls don't do it. I've had sooo many crazy times!
As a 30 year guitar player, former performer, and man....I think I also speak for quite a few on here in saying that we'd love to hear details of some of these...."crazy times"