Quote by 1ball
I didn't think you would have the balls to answer my questions. Do you lack the ability to be intellectually honest? Or are you just not interested in abandoning intellectual dishonesty?
Quote by 1ball
I relate to people as equals, neither inferior or superior to me. Some people appreciate that. Others have entitlement beliefs. Are your friends entitled to unlimited sacrifice from you? Are you entitled to unlimited sacrifice from them?
Quote by BigJay23
Ive been trying to get a gf for almost 3 years now only to get told im not their type or how canI date someone like you, i know im over weight, balding, and have acne but do women really only care about looks? I have a great personality and great sense of humor, im nice, kind hearted, caring, is that not good enough either? Please ladies and gentlemen help me out and give me some advice
Quote by Magical_felix
I crumbled under your intellectual superiority. confused1 This isn't exactly an intellectual conversation though... I'm actually not sure what it is.
I chose not to "answer" everything you said because all you did was say the same thing over again. I was not interested in reading the same thing once again if I would have responded to all your dumb points.
This is a dishonest statement. Your posts sound like those of a narcissist. You do not relate to people as equals. You think you're better than them. Anyone that has wasted their time reading anything you've posted can clearly see this. This statement of equality from you is laughable at best. This is probably why you have a hard time doing favors for people. Because no one likes to do favors for you because your narcissism makes you come off as a prick. I'm being intellectually honest now. People think you are a prick. You can tell and that is why you keep score like you do. The favors people are inspired to do for you are few and small. It has made you bitter and it's obvious to everyone.
Reflect and better yourself.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by sprite
i don't expect anything from my friends except friendship. nor do i give in regards to what i'm giving. people give what they can and what they are comfortable with. i do the same. sometimes the levels of giving don't match up. sometimes they are uneven. sometimes they see saw back and forth. the only person i have expectations of is me.![]()
Quote by 1ball
Sanctimony. There are a lot of ways that a friend can be "high maintenance" and we all make decisions on whether the value of a friendship is worth the cost. Friendships are either symbiotic or parasitic, and when they're parasitic, they're destructive. I guess I'm just more honest and direct about that than some people.
If some woman had advised another on this board that "many men are only interested in <whatever>", nobody would have said a word about it. But there's probably a Shallow Sal for every Shallow Hal on the planet, and if the OP is running into women who friendzone him when they sense his interest, cutting the string and moving on unless they bring mutual benefit to the friendship is just self-preservation.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by sprite
how is what i said hypocrisy? as i said, all i said is that i expect friendship, not more - the level of that friendship my vary, but as long as it's there, i consider someone my friend. yeah, i have friends that i'm closer to than others, and friends that i give more to than others, but that doesn't change the dynamic of friendship. now, if they're not giving me friendship in return, obviously that's a different story. and really, all friends are, at some point in time, high maintainance - i know that i can, and have been at times, HM, but i think i'm worth it, and i think my friends are worth it as well. *shrugs* as i said, my behavior is that only thing that i can control, so my expectations are only on myself. yes, if someone proves themself to not be a friend, likely that friendship will fade, but otherwise, there is always the seed of a relationship there, regardless. all i am really interested in is that i can have a relationship were i can talk to someone and we can both come away with a smile on both our faces after.
Quote by 1ball
I didn't call it hypocrisy. I called it sanctimony, the pretense of superior holiness. If a "friend" doesn't live up to your expectation of what it means to be a friend, you adjust the level of support they get from you downward. In other words, you change what you expect of yourself as a result of a declining opinion of them. There's nothing wrong with that, but to pretend it isn't an expectation on them to meet your standard of friendship (or face consequences (that friendship will fade)) is sanctimony.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by sprite
ok, done with you now. bye bye. have fun in your sandbox.![]()