You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
A smart, lovely, beautiful, and amazing person
Has trouble in life but does not use sex as a fill like others
Is not a whore like people she knows
Is very talented and outgoing
She is a lover and not a fighter; but she will fight for what she loves
Keeps friends close and protects them from rumors
Stands up for herself and others
Hates conflict; but not afraid to speak her mind
Keeps all promises and never betrays her peers
Kitty is an amazing girl; and an absolutely an amazing friend she is shy at first but once you get to know her she is loud and out of control
She is heart broken or depressed often and needs someone to catch her when she falls
Its easy for her to find a boyfriend because she is beautiful beyond the word beautiful goes....and anyone will be lucky to have an outstanding friend or lover like her
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by sprite
*laughs* ok, i'll try... Akira and I are talking about being a kitty. it's kind of a mind set, not unlike a sub (or a Domme, but most kitties tend to be subs, in my limited experience). i guess you could call it roleplay, where a girl (or a guy!) takes on the role of kitty, but i think it goes a little deeper where i slip into a kitty mindset - not a plug, but check out my first kitty girl story for a little bit of an idea of what it's like for me. that said, i'll do my best.
i have ears and a collar (and a few more things, but i'll leave them out of this for now.) when i put them on, when i'm feeling kittenish, which is not always, but there are time when i just DO, i transform a little. not magic (i wish!) but i slip into a sort of kitty like state. playful, shy, skittish, affectionate, most of my communication is in purrs or mews or non verbal, i become, in essence, a human-kitty. i guess you could classify it as a fetish, somewhat like the 'furries'? like i said, tho, for some, it goes beyond role play, and you tend to react as your kitten self - my wife would probably tell you that it's the one time i get jealous and a little possessive - i get growly if she's paying too much attention to some one else. at home i tend to curl up at her feet or with my head on her lap and she indulges me by scratching behind my ears. i have a bowl for water and one for food, that i prefer eating and drinking out of. as i said, this is not a full time thing for me, but there are times when it's comforting to slip into it - often when i'm feeling very energetic and playful or, conversely, when i'm stressed out...
sometimes, it's sort of an in between for me as well... i get super affectionate and tend to be very quiet, sort of a half kitty/half human girl. this is, btw, something fairly new to me, perhaps 2.5 years now since i discovered this side of me and i am still exploring it. it's scary, too, coming out of the kitty closet - i am aware that it's 'not normal' at least in some peoples eyes, that they don't get it, that it's weird, but i have met enough people now who understand in a variety of ways that make me feel a little comfortable with sharing it.
hope that helps?![]()
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by Gurlyboy
I recently discovered this side of me and embraced it. I'm sure it seems a little strange that a dude is a Kitty, but as said in Moulin Rouge (I just love that film) "The greatest thing you'll
ever learn is just to love and be loved in return", which is essentially all a Kitty ever wants. There's definitely something both sub and dom about it, I like the weird fusion.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by CuriousKitty
*pokes my head in curiously and cautiously enters, trotting over to Sprite to lick at her face and tapping happily at her tags, listening to the jingling*
Hi everyone, my name is Laura and I love being a kitty too ^.^, lately though I've only brought out my kitty side when I'm alone with sprite (shyness) but this place seems nice! Thankyou Akira. ^.^
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.