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Age:Does age really matter to you? Would you ever consider having sex with someone your fathers age

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It really does to me. I have a terrible relationship with my father, and I have no sexual interest in men from his generation.
Older women are rich in experience. If educated, they can have substance and the intellectual firepower to sustain a good conversation after sex. Older women are wiser and patient and can give a young lady patience to grow, make mistakes and learn.
Hope Breaking taboos around my sexuality.
I can understand you might be a little apprehensive to chat with me because of my age.
It is difficult for ladies to want to chat with me, because there is a huge stigma and a certain level of taboo connected to my age.

What is it exactly that makes mature woman attractive to me?
Have you ever really looked deeply at and felt a mature woman?

For me…
There is a sense of something rich, mature and possibly deep that can emanate through her body, a quality that is attractive in and of itself.
She usually offers an image of the aging gracefully, sexy mature woman as something that is desirable, something that aspire me to and look forward to being one day – beautiful mature women. They still so radiant because what’s inside always shines outward. They teach me to love myself, and love my life, and I will attract others.
My Personal Vids and pics updated Sep. 22, 2018 HAVE A GREAT DAY!! Meow!!!
I know this was a question for the lady's so I will try and be brief. I have noticed quite the upswing in young girls, ages 20 to 25 wanting to date or experience men in there late 30 to well into there 40s. I have heard all the same old things which I suppose is true. The young guys just aren't experienced and they find the older man more attractive to them for lots of reasons. Though personally, I think it should be kept to a sexual experience and fun for both rather than a relationship. Been there done that! But what works for some dosen't fit other's. There's much to be said for the connection one has with those closer to ones own age.
Not really a factor. As long as it's legal and I'm attracted to them. S'all good.
Yes, it does. With someone your own age, you have shared cultural touchstones and references.
It really depends on the two people.
yes I don't think age has anything to do with it and yes I have
Quote by Verbal
Yes, it does. With someone your own age, you have shared cultural touchstones and references.

Yes and no.

Similar to Verbal's statement, there has to be a connection there. For me, that connection would be technology. Technology is sexy to me, and if you can't navigate your way through a computer system, it's the biggest turn off for me. No matter your age or physical attractiveness. The older generations are more likely to not be very experienced with technology. Granted, there are exceptions, and if I met a tech savvy man or woman much older than myself, I'd probably be into it.

Never my father's age though. He's well into his 70s, and I spend so much time worrying about his health. I couldn't handle that stress in a partner.
I'm actually more turned on by guys between 30 and 45. My dad is a little older than that, but that's not what turns me on about it. It's more the age difference is sexy and I assume he will be better in bed and more appreciative of me.
I am not attracted to men that old enough to be my father so it does matter I suppose.
Yes I believe I would. Several times a year we still get together with Col Dee. He is now 82 years old and his girl friend is 60. He was 46 when I first had sex with him, I was 23.

I had a huge crush on a friends dad growing up, that was it. I later became friends with a girl who actually did him. Kind of shocked me when she told me as well as making me think, would I now? Never happened but it's in my mind for sure.
When I was younger I liked older guys, never my fathers age but at least ten years older. Now honestly I think I’d rather be with somebody around my own age. I think I’m more aware of the power dynamic these days and think it’s unsavory.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
If I knew my father it may be different. My first time was with an older guy and we were good together.

He is 58 now and I would think my sperm donor is about the same age as this man who was so good to me.

If you want to know he still is.

All those years ago I thought he was a stud and I still do. I am sure he does not know how to spell Viagra.

Generally I am not interested in men that much older, but you can see there are exceptions.
I'll take an older man (15 years + my senior) on Viagra over a younger, less seasoned guy any day. Nothing more satisfying than experience applied deliberately, on demand, every time.
Age difference sex is exciting and rewarding.
It is not a motivating factor for me, but I do notice feeling more attracted to older men.
I perfer a older man, but not my father's age he was 98 and he lived a long life... I have had both young and older. The younger ones you have to train with the older ones they know what to do and how to do it right... they're not the wham bang thank you ma'am... the older ones take their time.
I posted an answer about Col Dee on Feb 9. There is 23 years difference in our ages. When I was 17 during "My First Gang Bang" I was offered to the father of one of the biker group who owned the property the party / gang bang was held on. He was close to 60 as well as several of his friends that was with him. I serviced all of them.

I have more of an interest in younger men.
To me it does matter a lot. I'm not into older men at all. My father's age would mean around 60... I can't even imagine that.
It is a complex area. I generally don't find myself attracted to people who are more than (or even approaching) twice my age, and I try not to sleep with anybody I feel is inappropriately young (this is determined mostly by their behavior) with a hard lower limit of twenty-two. There's a lot that goes into the reasoning of that lower limit, but suffice it to say that it is in place for good reason. Generally I prefer to date those within a few years of my own age, but I am obviously flexible.
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I am really not to sure I would. My father is in his late 50's and I most likely would be thinking that this man is old (sorry), like my dad. And then I wouldn't enjoy the sex at all.
So I will stick with men that are not twice my age. I think nobody over 40 would be ok.
Age has never really mattered to me....I guess I would consider someone my father's age....i have sex with a gentleman that is 62 from time to time....I am 40 (1) so he is not my father's age but definitely older....I have also gone the other direction, from an age perspective and was a young man's first at the age of 18....age is just a number and as long as it is legal and consensual
It depends on the person. But I have done.
Depends on the age and the person.

I'm 26, and I'm perfectly alright with dating someone up to 20 years my senior as long as they're attrative, take care of themselves, and have a great personality.
I don't see why not. Would really depend on the person!
I've never had the patience or tolerance for men my age - ever. Not when I was young, not when I was in my 20s, and not now that I'm in my 30's.

Maybe all the guys in my age range have just been bad apples, but they just piss me off, irritate me, and can't fuck worth a shit.
I totally agree with Cindy_d I have always loved older women. they know what they like can be patient but I love when they are the in charge type