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A relationship without intercourse...

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Advanced Wordsmith
Odd question. I'll give a bit of background info.

I'm 18 and I'm a virgin. I'm a virgin by choice and plan to remain that way for as long as possible. That being said, I am actually quite sexually active (I'm going to assume this doesn't only refer to intercourse, correct me if I'm wrong) and have been with many women before, though never in a serious relationship (more like "hook ups"). A few reasons why I never got into a relationship, one of them being I thought it was unfair to deny my partner of intercourse. Recently, I've been told it was indeed "unfair" to "assume we women only want to get fucked". So, I am here to let go of my assumptions and find out for real.

The question.

Could you have a relationship with someone that didn't involve sex (vaginal and anal) but involved other forms of sexual activities (oral, mutual masturbation, dildos, pretty much everything other than sex)? Let us assume that your sexual encounters are as frequent as you would have intercourse in your current/previous relationships and you are able to achieve orgasm(s). Let us also assume that your relationship outside of sex is awesome. The guy is everything you want him to be, he just won't stick it in you. Can you deal with that? Or is the act of intercourse that big of a deal for you?

I honestly thought it was a huge deal before, but this girl has made a few good points. One of the main ones being "It's like a lesbian relationship...with a man. Are you telling me lesbian's can't achieve the same intimacy as a hetero couple?"

I still think it is an issue (or maybe i want it to be, because I just don't want a relationship) but apparently it's not my place to decide that. So yea, appreciate any feedback.
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it...or, learn from it." - Rafiki, The Lion King
Is there a specific reason you don't want to have intercourse? That would be something I would want to know. Is it that you want to wait for marriage? Religious reasons? That would be a factor in whether or not I would want a relationship with you or someone like you. I probably wouldn't want to be with someone for years without having intercourse because it's something that I enjoy. If we were working toward something, then maybe I'd change my mind. If it's just that you think it's gross, messy or unpleasant then probably not. There's a lot of factors for a lot of women, I would think.
Hmmmm im not sure. First off, if he absolutely wanted to save himself for marriage I could respect that and wouldnt push him to have sex.

However, if he was happy with doing everything else, (oral, mutual masturbation, dildos, pretty much everything other than sex), APART from putting it in me, I would question it. Does he see actually putting it in me as dirty, or sinful? Does he want to retain his 'innocence' but is trying to find other ways around it so he can still selfishly have a sex life? I would have to really understand his reasos for that and might have trouble understanding why he wants to do everything but intercourse.

Other than, if a man i liked wouldnt want to be with me because he thought it unfair denying me sex, I would be a bit hurt. Its like he's saying the relationship is only a relationship if sex is involved. If you truly love a person you would be with them no matter what, sex or no sex.
Advanced Wordsmith
I didn't want to mention why because I didn't want this thread turning into a morality debate. Although it isn't the only reason, one reason is that I am waiting for marriage. It has less to do with Religion/Tradition(although they do play a part) and more to do with what I've seen happen to married couples that I know personally.

If you need more detail, then pm me, It's not something I want to discuss openly (at least not in this thread)

Anyways, the thread is less about me and more about you. You can make up your own circumstances, the main thing I want to know is whether intercourse is as important as I believe it is.
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it...or, learn from it." - Rafiki, The Lion King
It is important but, the reasons you give us/me would count for a lot. As MM said, if it's for religious reasons then we would both have to be on the same page with that. For instance a Jew and a gentile would see things differently.
Alpha Blonde
I couldn't start out a relationship this way to be honest. I need the full-blown sexual menu to satisfy me.

If I was already in love with a man and something happened where intercourse wasn't possible (ie. the Christopher Reeve situation for example), then I'd find a way to work around it if I felt soulfully committed to him.

But starting out that way....? I couldn't do it. I know I don't know the reasons behind it, but chances are it would lead to other differences that would affect the relationship for me anyway.
Artistic Tart fucking way. Good luck with somebody else who can swing that way, but not me. Fucking is a requirement for me.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX fucking way. Good luck with somebody else who can swing that way, but not me. Fucking is a requirement for me.

Exactly what my kindred spirit LadyX has said DITTO!!! And if you are doing everything under the sun when it comes to sex I DO NOT consider you a virgin at all just a bit confused. Call me a slut but if I knew what I know now when I was your age I would have fucked 10x more guys!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
It wouldn't bother me to wait - sex might be a lot but it isn't everything.
Active Ink Slinger
I would understand and respect your opinion in not having penetration and if there is true love not just sexual gratification. then one would do anything for their partner.

What if you were to fall in love with a man that is handicap and can not preform or get an erection. would you refuse him because he can't put his cock in you? Then you girls would be so vain as to not love him since he can not preform? He can only please you in other ways. with oral sex and manually. would you not Love him and want to be with him?

I would not care.. I would love him any ways and want to be with him. Because Sex is mental and can be very intriguing and adventurous. I would not need to be penetrated to achieve Orgasmic pleasure from him. Just him loving me would be enough to satisfy me and my needs and love for him.

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
Active Ink Slinger
I don't care how you look at it, for any reason, you are performing sexual acts. albeit without actual penetration with the partner. If you are avoiding penetration because of religious beliefs, then you shouldn't even be masturbating, or using toys, or doing oral. If your beliefs say no penetration before marriage, you are violating those by using your tongue, fingers, toys, etc. Think about it!!

Active Ink Slinger
C'mon kid.. get it together.. hang with the bulls a couple of days and see how it's done.. sex isn't the only factor in a relationship.. but IT IS a factor.. you can like all the same foods.. all the same movies.. and even have the same favorite color.. but if you can't close the deal when the lights go out.. your best friend will be tapping your girl within the month... on the other hand.. and I have nothing against it.. you may be gay...
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't care how you look at it, for any reason, you are performing sexual acts. albeit without actual penetration with the partner. If you are avoiding penetration because of religious beliefs, then you shouldn't even be masturbating, or using toys, or doing oral. If your beliefs say no penetration before marriage, you are violating those by using your tongue, fingers, toys, etc. Think about it!!

Lol. Although it plays a part now, Religion had nothing to do with my original decision.

C'mon kid.. get it together.. hang with the bulls a couple of days and see how it's done.. sex isn't the only factor in a relationship.. but IT IS a factor.. you can like all the same foods.. all the same movies.. and even have the same favorite color.. but if you can't close the deal when the lights go out.. your best friend will be tapping your girl within the month... on the other hand.. and I have nothing against it.. you may be gay...

I'm kind of confused here. I know sex is a factor (or I "assumed"), the point of this thread was some girl got upset at me for rejecting her and told me I was a cunt for assuming I knew what women wanted. This thread was meant to see whether I was right or wrong with my assumptions.

And I've thought about the "gay" comment heaps, seeing as you aren't the only person to bring it up. I've actually tried to experiment with it and it didn't work, I'm not attracted to men. I am still attracted to women, it's just that my beliefs (and it isn't just Religious) keep me from sticking it in. I still do heaps with women, just not intercourse. Sure, it's weird, and you probably won't ever understand why, but that's okay. It is what I believe and if I were to ever compromise my belief then I wouldn't be who I was today.
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it...or, learn from it." - Rafiki, The Lion King
Dude! The only way I would stay with someone was if the fucking was off the hook. If there was no fucking then there would be no relationship. This is what we call in LA 'a circle' that spins and goes nowhere.

I don't understand the hang up. Maybe you need to pound back the grey goose, buck up and just stick it in. Maybe don't do it with a girl you like but pick up a girl to practice on first. A good drunk fuck is the best way to learn the ropes.

If not, the chicks who want to pretend their virgins even though they've sucked a football team of cock are probably perfect for you. They'll really dig that whole "let's wait it out" thing. Really its an untapped market. Someone like you can really clean up in that department. There are some real hotties in the 'religious virgin' scene. Look at old school Jessica Simpson who waited for marriage. Then there was Britney Spears claiming to be a virgin back in the day but that's a laff. She was the biggest slut there was. Just ask Timberlake! Haha
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Revolution
I don't care how you look at it, for any reason, you are performing sexual acts. albeit without actual penetration with the partner. If you are avoiding penetration because of religious beliefs, then you shouldn't even be masturbating, or using toys, or doing oral. If your beliefs say no penetration before marriage, you are violating those by using your tongue, fingers, toys, etc. Think about it!!

Lol. Although it plays a part now, Religion had nothing to do with my original decision.

C'mon kid.. get it together.. hang with the bulls a couple of days and see how it's done.. sex isn't the only factor in a relationship.. but IT IS a factor.. you can like all the same foods.. all the same movies.. and even have the same favorite color.. but if you can't close the deal when the lights go out.. your best friend will be tapping your girl within the month... on the other hand.. and I have nothing against it.. you may be gay...

I'm kind of confused here. I know sex is a factor (or I "assumed"), the point of this thread was some girl got upset at me for rejecting her and told me I was a cunt for assuming I knew what women wanted. This thread was meant to see whether I was right or wrong with my assumptions.

And I've thought about the "gay" comment heaps, seeing as you aren't the only person to bring it up. I've actually tried to experiment with it and it didn't work, I'm not attracted to men. I am still attracted to women, it's just that my beliefs (and it isn't just Religious) keep me from sticking it in. I still do heaps with women, just not intercourse. Sure, it's weird, and you probably won't ever understand why, but that's okay. It is what I believe and if I were to ever compromise my belief then I wouldn't be who I was today.

It sounds like you are a very grounded young man.. most people don't recognize the value of principal and integrity at your young age .. and it's only in your later years when you look back that you realize that when you are the only one standing in the crowd with principal and integrity... you lose... there is another word far more valuable.. and it will let you lead a very pleasant and enjoyable life without sacrificing so many opportunities and chances to find happiness... that word is honor.. honor your friends and family and everyone close to you.. and you will have your principal and integrity.... you don't get any merit badges or bonus points for either.. and whether or not you have sex isn't a criteria for how you live your life...
Constant Gardener
What are you wanting to be, when you figure that you have emerged from your chrysalis and fledged? A revolutionary celibate monk? Enjoying cunnilingus, fellatio and the whole spectrum, except...vaginal penetration?

Bill Clinton fucked up a whole generation when he claimed he did not have sex with that woman.

No, Mr. President - you did.

If there is no fucking going on in the first six days to six months...I am not sticking around. It's a horse of a different color, if you've already enjoyed the first two or three or six years and something occurs to either you or your partner which causes a lack of libido and then there's no lust involved anymore...but by that time, there is everything else which binds a couple together, however loosely.

Hope is one of those things.

But you're talking about the beginning of relationships...and there should be plenty of animal magnetism and electricity crackling every time you and your specific partner are within 150 foot of one another.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Alpha Blonde
Just a question for Revolution... in the "how big is your tits or cock" thread, I just noticed that you mentioned that you "have size 34C boobies", yet in your profile you say you are a male. Could this be the reason for the lack of penetration?
Constant Gardener
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Just a question for Revolution... in the "how big is your tits or cock" thread, I just noticed that you mentioned that you "have size 34C boobies", yet in your profile you say you are a male. Could this be the reason for the lack of penetration?

Hey! I just reviewed a story about a young woman who wakes up with dick & balls overnight and transforms from a female to a hermaphrodite. It was a bit on the over the top side, but a different angle, you must admit.

Heheh...I just read it. I left it for Rocco or Freelancer to approve
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by BigRod
Quote by Revolution
I don't care how you look at it, for any reason, you are performing sexual acts. albeit without actual penetration with the partner. If you are avoiding penetration because of religious beliefs, then you shouldn't even be masturbating, or using toys, or doing oral. If your beliefs say no penetration before marriage, you are violating those by using your tongue, fingers, toys, etc. Think about it!!

Lol. Although it plays a part now, Religion had nothing to do with my original decision.

C'mon kid.. get it together.. hang with the bulls a couple of days and see how it's done.. sex isn't the only factor in a relationship.. but IT IS a factor.. you can like all the same foods.. all the same movies.. and even have the same favorite color.. but if you can't close the deal when the lights go out.. your best friend will be tapping your girl within the month... on the other hand.. and I have nothing against it.. you may be gay...

I'm kind of confused here. I know sex is a factor (or I "assumed"), the point of this thread was some girl got upset at me for rejecting her and told me I was a cunt for assuming I knew what women wanted. This thread was meant to see whether I was right or wrong with my assumptions.

And I've thought about the "gay" comment heaps, seeing as you aren't the only person to bring it up. I've actually tried to experiment with it and it didn't work, I'm not attracted to men. I am still attracted to women, it's just that my beliefs (and it isn't just Religious) keep me from sticking it in. I still do heaps with women, just not intercourse. Sure, it's weird, and you probably won't ever understand why, but that's okay. It is what I believe and if I were to ever compromise my belief then I wouldn't be who I was today.

It sounds like you are a very grounded young man.. most people don't recognize the value of principal and integrity at your young age .. and it's only in your later years when you look back that you realize that when you are the only one standing in the crowd with principal and integrity... you lose... there is another word far more valuable.. and it will let you lead a very pleasant and enjoyable life without sacrificing so many opportunities and chances to find happiness... that word is honor.. honor your friends and family and everyone close to you.. and you will have your principal and integrity.... you don't get any merit badges or bonus points for either.. and whether or not you have sex isn't a criteria for how you live your life...

Very well put BigRod. Nicely done.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Just a question for Revolution... in the "how big is your tits or cock" thread, I just noticed that you mentioned that you "have size 34C boobies", yet in your profile you say you are a male. Could this be the reason for the lack of penetration?

Lmao. No, that was just me being silly.

Just to clarify, I never really asked any of you for your input on my virginity. If you want to discuss it, you can make a thread else where and I'd be glad to. This thread was to find out how many women (who aren't virgins) think it would be possible to be in a relationship without intercourse. I ask because I personally wouldn't get into a relationship with a non virgin, because I don't think it can work. Recently, after rejecting a non virgin, she got upset and told me I was a cunt for assuming it couldn't work. The point of this thread was for some clarity, so that the next time I have this argument, I had some proof to back me up.

So please, quit posting your opinion of my virginity, I am not against discussing it but it's not what this thread was for.
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it...or, learn from it." - Rafiki, The Lion King
Mr Nobody
Quote by Revolution
So please, quit posting your opinion of my virginity, I am not against discussing it but it's not what this thread was for.

WTF open you post with "I'm 18 and I'm a virgin. I'm a virgin by choice and plan to remain that way for as long as possible"
Thats an invitation to comment ...... I just think your scared cos you have a mini penis and you are a bit dopey

But frankly I dont give a damn
Artistic Tart
Quote by DBarclay
Quote by Revolution
So please, quit posting your opinion of my virginity, I am not against discussing it but it's not what this thread was for.

WTF open you post with "I'm 18 and I'm a virgin. I'm a virgin by choice and plan to remain that way for as long as possible"
Thats an invitation to comment ...... I just think your scared cos you have a mini penis and you are a bit dopey

But frankly I dont give a damn

but you gave a damn enough to post? But ya, I'm sure that's the reason "cos" he has a small cock.Z3kh1CWoTTkhhzZw
Cock Connoisseur
Quote by The_Driver
Dude! The only way I would stay with someone was if the fucking was off the hook. If there was no fucking then there would be no relationship. This is what we call in LA 'a circle' that spins and goes nowhere.

I don't understand the hang up. Maybe you need to pound back the grey goose, buck up and just stick it in. Maybe don't do it with a girl you like but pick up a girl to practice on first. A good drunk fuck is the best way to learn the ropes.

If not, the chicks who want to pretend their virgins even though they've sucked a football team of cock are probably perfect for you. They'll really dig that whole "let's wait it out" thing. Really its an untapped market. Someone like you can really clean up in that department. There are some real hotties in the 'religious virgin' scene. Look at old school Jessica Simpson who waited for marriage. Then there was Britney Spears claiming to be a virgin back in the day but that's a laff. She was the biggest slut there was. Just ask Timberlake! Haha

Wow....I have never read such crap in my life. Are you serious in the things you say? Do you even think before you say them?
You have some serious issues and I do hope that you soon figure out how to be a man.
Quote by DBarclay
Quote by Revolution
So please, quit posting your opinion of my virginity, I am not against discussing it but it's not what this thread was for.

WTF open you post with "I'm 18 and I'm a virgin. I'm a virgin by choice and plan to remain that way for as long as possible"
Thats an invitation to comment ...... I just think your scared cos you have a mini penis and you are a bit dopey

But frankly I dont give a damn

Good to see you back David. Glad you haven't changed!
Constant Gardener
Quote by Sassy2010
Quote by The_Driver
Dude! The only way I would stay with someone was if the fucking was off the hook. If there was no fucking then there would be no relationship. This is what we call in LA 'a circle' that spins and goes nowhere.

I don't understand the hang up. Maybe you need to pound back the grey goose, buck up and just stick it in. Maybe don't do it with a girl you like but pick up a girl to practice on first. A good drunk fuck is the best way to learn the ropes.

If not, the chicks who want to pretend their virgins even though they've sucked a football team of cock are probably perfect for you. They'll really dig that whole "let's wait it out" thing. Really its an untapped market. Someone like you can really clean up in that department. There are some real hotties in the 'religious virgin' scene. Look at old school Jessica Simpson who waited for marriage. Then there was Britney Spears claiming to be a virgin back in the day but that's a laff. She was the biggest slut there was. Just ask Timberlake! Haha

Wow....I have never read such crap in my life. Are you serious in the things you say? Do you even think before you say them?
You have some serious issues and I do hope that you soon figure out how to be a man.

Driver is merely posting, unabashed from his reality and point of view, Sassy. Personally...I welcome such honest and open discourse. There is a naïveté and yet growing sense of experience which he is openly sharing.

Fuck, he reminds me of me. 30 yrs ago A regular Hot Tub Time Machine.

Cheers to you, Driver
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by DBarclay
Quote by Revolution
So please, quit posting your opinion of my virginity, I am not against discussing it but it's not what this thread was for.

WTF open you post with "I'm 18 and I'm a virgin. I'm a virgin by choice and plan to remain that way for as long as possible"
Thats an invitation to comment ...... I just think your scared cos you have a mini penis and you are a bit dopey

But frankly I dont give a damn

Haha. Lush makes me laugh. Yes, I have a mini penis. I am ashamed of myself and sometimes hope I wake up dead.
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it...or, learn from it." - Rafiki, The Lion King
Constant Gardener
Quote by Revolution
Quote by DBarclay
Quote by Revolution
So please, quit posting your opinion of my virginity, I am not against discussing it but it's not what this thread was for.

WTF open you post with "I'm 18 and I'm a virgin. I'm a virgin by choice and plan to remain that way for as long as possible"
Thats an invitation to comment ...... I just think your scared cos you have a mini penis and you are a bit dopey

But frankly I dont give a damn

Haha. Lush makes me laugh. Yes, I have a mini penis. I am ashamed of myself and sometimes hope I wake up dead.

Awww, don't be so hard on yourself, Rev.
Some guys like girls who sport clits which resemble penii.
I have long suspected such the case with DB.

Ever read any of his stories?

Excellent punctuation...and, gotta read'em to see how his mind works.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by Sassy2010
Quote by The_Driver
Dude! The only way I would stay with someone was if the fucking was off the hook. If there was no fucking then there would be no relationship. This is what we call in LA 'a circle' that spins and goes nowhere.

I don't understand the hang up. Maybe you need to pound back the grey goose, buck up and just stick it in. Maybe don't do it with a girl you like but pick up a girl to practice on first. A good drunk fuck is the best way to learn the ropes.

If not, the chicks who want to pretend their virgins even though they've sucked a football team of cock are probably perfect for you. They'll really dig that whole "let's wait it out" thing. Really its an untapped market. Someone like you can really clean up in that department. There are some real hotties in the 'religious virgin' scene. Look at old school Jessica Simpson who waited for marriage. Then there was Britney Spears claiming to be a virgin back in the day but that's a laff. She was the biggest slut there was. Just ask Timberlake! Haha

Wow....I have never read such crap in my life. Are you serious in the things you say? Do you even think before you say them?
You have some serious issues and I do hope that you soon figure out how to be a man.

Driver is merely posting, unabashed from his reality and point of view, Sassy. Personally...I welcome such honest and open discourse. There is a naïveté and yet growing sense of experience which he is openly sharing.

Fuck, he reminds me of me. 30 yrs ago A regular Hot Tub Time Machine.

Cheers to you, Driver

Finally!!! A bro I can really cruise this scene with! Cheers man!
Active Ink Slinger
Plato hypothesized, there is a love greater than "traditional coupling" that can be achieved through abstinence. That a relationship is far more powerful if it is not clouded with sexual desires... etc... read up on "platonic love" there is some interesting conjecture there.

But. He was hiding the fact he was getting homosexual relief from several of his students, while maintaining these non-sexual relationships on the other hand. It's easy to remain non-sexual, when you're getting sex on the sly! *lol*

Most relationship experts and psychologists through out the centuries have debunked Plato's theory, and agree sex is a very important part of a romantic relationship. Eventually, it will be an issue.

Waiting is great. If you're not ready (whatever the reason) you're not ready. But... don't expect the other to wait forever. Eventually the relationship will strain and resentment will build. Doing other things to circumvent this inevitable deterioration, like oral sex or fingerplay... is only stalling.

So, while you still have their interest, seek professional help. Work out whatever your issues are. If it's just waiting for marriage, then work on moving that forward. If he/she is not the one, move on... it's cruel to keep stringing someone along like that.

Best of luck to you.

paranormal • erotic • romance
Active Ink Slinger
Looks like you have a date for the weekend WMM... Break him in easy.. he's only been used to taking it topside so far...