To all the authors out there...what, if any, things you try to get over a writer's block..
The story is inside me.. I want to write but the second I click on the Word Icon.. nothing really comes to mind.
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
― Helen Keller
One thing I have found helps me is writing on paper. I put my laptop and all its distractions away, take out a pad of paper and just write. It's a much freer way to let your creativity flow out and, even if a lot of what you write doesn't end up in the final piece, at least you're getting it out there and building a basis for the story.
Another bonus of this is the extra time to edit and proof-read when you transfer it on to your computer later.
I took up photography to help get over writer's block. Sounds odd, but I was inspired to write again by an image I captured on my camera. The image I captured became a poem I wrote that got published in an anthology a year ago.
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I keep a daily journal of morning pages - basically I scribble all of the nonsense that pops into my mind into it 9 times out 10 when all the clutter is out of the way I'll get snippets of the story boiling in my head. That's when I open Word and start typing. Hope this helps - I know how daunting the white page can be... Good luck!
Something that i use sometimes is thing of how the story is gonna go, plot out the dialogue, and just start typing as the thoughts come to you. Over time, the edits will come.
"I ‘accidentally’ wrapped my hand over my pitched tent. “Trying to cover it up” I lied to myself. Only to be rewarded by chills rocketing down my spine. Fuck! I needed to cum now! "
"Wasted Time" by
I usually try to diagram the story out. Set up a timeline, plan how certain scenes will go, &c. I guess it's almost like a story board. Then, I just write. Doesn't matter if it's garbage, I just write, and if it's bad, I edit it later, but I at least get something onto the page to work with.
I'm a bit blocked in that I have several bits of stories written but I'm having trouble hitting closure on any of them. Last time this happened, I cracked off a "quickie" and that seemed to get things moving. Hasn't worked this time, though, because my mind really, really wants to write something longer and a bit plotty. Next strategy is to pick on that's been ripening (i.e. that's been sitting untouched on my Google Drive for a while) and try to edit and finish it.
One way to get past a block is to think like a wingman/wingwoman, instead of a cock blocker. Think of ways the writer can "assist" the lovers to get together. Build up one or the other or both; make a conversation where the characters seduce each other; create a spontaneous event that throws them physically together..let Nature take its course.
I call it thought barriers
I usually try watching well written TV shows. Like Castle, or Person of interest. Sometimes TV will get my creative juices flowing, but not always. Or, sometimes I just stopped for a short while. I find myself trying, trying, and trying, but I get nothing. It's because my nerves become shot, and just freezes my creative juices. Take a break for a day or so. Maybe shorter, or longer. I hope this helps you.
I (if the situation permits) try to carry around a small pad and pencil to jot down any ideas I get there's nothing worse than being away from any writing utensils and getting a great story idea. As for story ideas I always like to use previous experience as inspiration, try thinking of exciting encounters you've had previously, or have wanted to have to get the creative juices flowing.