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Where do you get your story ideas from?

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I would like to know where you get your ideas from to write such wonderful stories?

How long on average does it take to write a story for Lush?
for me my stories come from what I have already in my head the thing is trying to get it down in writing and improving each time I write sometimes it is based on life experience just depends on the story you plan on writing. As far as how long well my first on took forever to write second little faster these next two I been work on for a bit with being busy with work it's hard to fit in the time so I am doing a sentence at a time at the moment.
On question 1, I'd say it comes from my fantasies and desires, mostly the unmet ones. None of them are really "real life" though some may contain bits of things from life (e.g. the escort in His Secret; Her New Passion is based on my experiences with some professional ladies). I have a fantasy that I'd like to explore, then I build the story to explore it.

On your second question, I'd say it depends on the story. Looking at my last two, Sweet Tasty Treats was probably done in two days. Once the comp it was written for was announced, I started looking for an idea and then ran with the one that came to me. The Professor was done gradually over a couple weeks as I worked through the relationship and what kind of sex I wanted them to have. Then another week to stew while I proofed and edited to get it up to my standard (and hopefully Lush's). I have stories still sitting unfinished from a year ago but that's another issue. In terms of ones I finish, the average is probably around a week to write and 3-5 days to lie fallow before a final proof and edit. Keep in mind, though, that these stories are fairly short (I have yet to confront the 10,000 word limit) and I work fulltime and have a family so I'm not exactly dripping with time for writing. If I start getting more time available and tackling longer material, that could change significantly.
It's how I feel at the moment and sometimes I can just write up a poem in a moment or two :P (Poems I mean)

From my desires and a touch of fantasies :P
Active Ink Slinger
Of the stories that I've written, both are based on true-life experiences. I doubt that i'll write any fictional stories as to me they just aren't as interesting as real life experiences.
Active Ink Slinger
most of my stories are from me. life experiences, fantasies. some are ideas from friends and family.
Active Ink Slinger
A lot of what I write is from personal experiences, but I do have a few that are more of a mash-up of different events in my life that worked well together. Some are pure fantacy either inspired by real events or from stories I have been told by others. I write what I feel I can and some don't even make it out of the skeletal stage.

It can take me several hours or several days to get a story typed. If I know that it will be a multiple chapter story I like to have several chapters finished before I start to submit them. I can usually get a stand alone story done in a few hours, if I don't get distracted.
...I thought that maybe a new life, a different life, wouldn’t be so bad. But where the hell did I put the receipt, and could you return something that was over twenty years old? Where do you go to get a new life when your old one has you so puzzled you don’t know how to fix it? Wish I knew.
-Anita Blake (Laurell K. Hamilton)
I get my stories from all over; my life, my dreams, history, things I see walking around, ect.

Depending on where the inspiration comes from determines how long it takes me to write the story. I could write one in a day then it could take at least a week to write another.
Unicorn Wrangler
Mine are a hybrid of real life events and strange or silly ideas that pop into my head. Once an idea takes hold... the rest is as they say... history. The good ones become the stories I write and post.
Internet Philosopher
Quote by NymphWriter
Mine are a hybrid of real life events and strange or silly ideas that pop into my head. Once an idea takes hold... the rest is as they say... history. The good ones become the stories I write and post.

I'm very similar. Most of my stories have at least an inkling of truth In them, some are very strongly based on actual events. Even the most fantastical though have to be at least influenced by my experience in the bed. I honestly don't know how anyone could write a believable and graphic depiction of sex without having done it at least a few times. Maybe some could, but I couldn't.

The plots can come from anything. A wild idea that got me thinking to seeing a woman walking down the street and imagining how I'd like to meet her. Some again, are based in part on actual events.

Basically, if it turns me on, I figure it will turn others on.
Advanced Wordsmith
the few i've written before were made due and according to the wants of the people who asked me to make them. names, settings, activities, and then i just make a mental picture. the stories themselves have been quite short though sad
I get many from real life experiences and prop up with my imagination. Those that thank they know my inclinations are lost in my shadows, left behind. If one is to understand where I construe creations of my stories/poems, they must be on my mental mesa. Stories are strung in chains of sentences, followed by sensuality and not crap of porn.
Brown Sugar
My stories are pure fantasy. They contain sexual acts that I would love to participate in; however, I haven't engaged in any of them to date.

When I write, I simply let my mind wander. Whatever 'crazy' I can think of hits the paper.
Occasionally I am inspired by a picture I see, other times it is pure fantasy. Sometimes it is like finding the end of a ball of wool and it just rolls out, other times my ideas sit for months before I finally complete them. Some of my poems are inspired by friends and loved ones.
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes an idea will slide into my consciousness sparked by song lyrics, a photo or a conversation. A dream sparked my last story.
I have a story floating around my head that was inspired by a painting.
Mine are predominantly based on real events I have experienced. I have written some that I have exaggerated significantly for their entertainment value though. When writing erotica I believe all the best stories are those based on experience. The ring of truth is so provocative.
Active Ink Slinger
My poems in particular (only a few are here so far) are nearly all inspired by women I have loved, or perhaps I should say, was convinced I was in love with at the time. Is there a difference? I don't know.
Straight out of my imagination
Active Ink Slinger
I have a very active imagination, so a lot of ideas just come to me. Occasionally I will see a photo, and inspiration hits me like lightening, and I just know there is a story there. I will sometimes create characters from a picture, or an entire story.
Active Ink Slinger
Fantasy and real life experiences of my own or friends. Occasionally another story will trigger an experience I have had or been close to having and then my imagination runs wild.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AudriNichols
I have a very active imagination, so a lot of ideas just come to me. Occasionally I will see a photo, and inspiration hits me like lightening, and I just know there is a story there. I will sometimes create characters from a picture, or an entire story.

I think that an erotic photo can inspire a story. Even when you have an idea, if you can find a photo that fits, it helps.
Who are they. How did they meet. What got them to that point in the photo. What did they do afterwards.
It is true, every picture tells a story. You just have to find it.
Prolific Writer
I have a wild imagination. Things just pop into my head and I need to write it out. Some come to me in dreams.

I've woken up in the middle of the night with an idea. I'll just jot it down and work it out when I get up.
My stories are all true, so the ideas cum from real life.
If I decide to write fiction, I will label it as fiction; but for now, I prefer to write true accounts of my experiences.
Quote by Guest
I would like to know where you get your ideas from to write such wonderful stories?

How long on average does it take to write a story for Lush?

I get my ideas from just about anywhere smile Could be someone - a situation I see - a phrase on a bumper sticker - a news report (this often leads me to think 'what kind of sex does that person have?') and so forth.

My list grows longer every day - my most recent idea is using the dream-insertion concept in the movie inception and using it to explore sexual fantasies.

Time? Anywhere from a few hours to months - it depends on what on earth I'm doing (and if I know the answer or not)
Active Ink Slinger
most of my stories are true, coming from my early experiences of my becoming who I am. Lately I'm trying to write fantasy ones, these are inspired partly from my perverted mind and partly from watching internet porn. Time wise can vary. I like to write them on paper first. This can take a while then once written down i like to get it on my p c asap.
The story I just finished (shock - I know - it's been a while since I've written a short for Lush), Between Midnight and Noon, was inspired by the movie Byzantium. Sort of a mellow toned bittersweet piece exploring immortality in a way.

It should clear Moderator review with flying colors (lol - unless they find the content objectionable) and then be up for everyone to read.
My aunt Clarissa
Advanced Wordsmith
My imagination fuelled by experience. Most of my stories have a basic grounding in actual events. And to answer the other question posed in this thread, for me Lush writing is a recreational pastime and a story generally takes me an hour to write.