It's a shame, but inevitable how 99% of people don't want to be accountable for their voting a story a 1. If a story is really that bad, tell the author so, explain why, and help them become a better writer.
I write copy professionally for a living, but if someone better qualified comes along and gives me some constructive criticism, I am thankful.
At least the new measures have stopped all the drive-by negative spam surfer voting. Perhaps that's where most of the 1 votes were coming from in the first place.
Maybe it was. Now as someone said, we'll just be getting a lot of 2s.
People are more brave when they're faceless. It's hard to take responsibility for your actions, for some people anyway.
I must admit after reading a story i just want to say that i liked it so much . it so much harder to say what you didn't like. as for voting i think maybe people just think oh well it's just a number and us writer's are always more interested in words. I did a creative writing course last year with the Open University and don't think some people where keen to hear whats bad about their writing. I think all comments are ok good or bad you can learn from it all, thats if your serious about being a writer.
I have no problem giving or receiving good or bad comments
and I have even re-edited stories for some people
HAve to agree with Nic. Miss the pool av.
Like not agreeing with the last poster - she's nuts and knows it, ok the last 3 ladies that posted.
Who's your special fan, DB?
I know exactly how DB feels. I've had numerous gay males come on to me in the adult rooms. They were blocked immediately.
If a 1 rateing on your story in flames you. You may need to take a lookat it and see if it is what you want it to say and the spelling and gramer is right.
I have left some and so far all have been cool and wanted to know how to make it better.
So, write on and have fun.
RED out
"It also means that we as writers have to be unafraid to go out on a limb and push the stories into either silly directions or serious directions. It means that you have to be willing to make a fool of yourself and have people tell you so. It means you can do as I've done and try to push yourself and watch your ratings fall, have yours stories pulled from the site (even if they get back on the site several weeks later ) and never see your name listed as a popular author on the site again."
I'm glad you feel that way Fetish and it's good to know that you can take constructive criticism especially if a story is pulled and not react like some in the past that have thrown a hissy fit about it being pulled and then threaten to pull all of thier stories and pick up thier toys and leave the playground.
"But trying to find stories that are actually NOT monotony and do the things that the lovely Anais suggested is like finding a needle in the haystack. I've found a few on your site but far, far, far more are at best, monotonous."
The problem is that some of the authors on this site are just begining to write and can always use guidance in making them a better writer so their stories become less monotonous. I'm sure that the author you speak of once started that way so it's always good to have patience and always remember that we are limited to our imagination. Some have more imagination then others which provides a different perspective on things but all and all it's a learning process. I have personally grown in various ways as a writer since I have been a member here and I have this site and it's members and my willingness to learn to thank for that.
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."