I ask this question as I recently said to someone that I thought the ultimate compliment to someone reading my story would be that it made/helped them cum.
Is this physical release attained by having first got inside of someone's head and led them on a journey or is it simply someone who wants to cum anyway and so anything will do?
Or maybe something else entirely...
A bit wishy washy all that, but I'd be interested to hear people's views.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
For me, it's when someone says they relate to what I'm saying or understands what I'm trying to capture. Yes it's erotica so I want them to be turned on, but there's more to the story than just the sex. Any compliment that's based on the story itself and not just the sex goes a long way with me.
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With me It's the fact that they have read my story and enjoyed it.
I'm always flattered if someone said it made them hard/wet. Some people say my stories make them cum, although I'm always a bit skeptical about that.
i love it when someone writes to me just to say how amazing and inspiring they found my story to be. and obviously a good hard orgasm is always a compliment lol
Thanks for all your feedback.
I especially like Dancing Doll's view on things, that 0-100 analogy I think is perhaps the ultimate!
I have just had my first story up today actually.
If anyone had the time/inclination to have a read of it I would value any constructive criticism from more experienced authors.
For what it's worth, I'll have a look at yours and give you the opinions of a novice if you're interested...
The ultimate compliment is when someone takes the time to let me know what they liked (or hated!) and why... I particularly like messages which start "I don't normally enjoy (some genre) but your story was so hot/horny/shocking that it had me coming/laughing/crying over and over again - please write more about..." It's good to known when someone gets something out of reading your words.
For me, the ultimate compliment is someone enjoying my story so much that they favourite it, so they can come back to it over and over again, even better if they also decide to follow you as an author based on that story!
For me, the ultimate compliment someone can pay my stories is to say that it made them think or that it touched them in some way. This might mean it helped them to view something in a different light, or think about something they hadn't previously considered. It might mean that it struck a cord with them emotionally, for whatever reason.
Only very rarely have people ever said that my stories have made them hard/wet, or that kind of thing. My writing isn't the raunchiest but I like to think that it has some depth (some of it anyway). Of course, it's always nice to hear that your erotic fiction has turned someone on but that's never been my main objective (indeed, sometimes it's the very opposite).
To hear people say they laughed out loud or shed a tear to my story - that makes me the happiest writer in the world. If they can rub one out to it, too, that's just a nice bonus.
I've gotten a few as I post on a few sites so here are some of the ones that were the most profound for me personally:
-I loved the twist.
-You really surprised me.
-I don't normally read this genre, but I'm so glad I did as I would have missed out on a great story.
-You should consider publishing for money.
-I can't wait to read what you post next.
I know not everyone who reads my work will like what I wrote, or even take the time to comment and/or vote, but for those who do, and have, these few words have brightened my day and given me the confidence to continue writing.
I hope in turn I have encouraged others as well.
Someone who doesn't know me, who doesn't normally comment on stories and who didn't think they'd enjoy the story saying they loved it and are inspired. Either that or "I work for a major publishing company, please accept a cheque for £200,000 for your first novel"
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.
Why not read some stories instead
NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber when I write that I cannot wait for the next instalment, I really mean it - it probably means that I need another story before bed (or if not, that it was a nice way to get ready for bed).
For my Dealing with Death series it would have to be "I laughed my ass off!". I didn't try for them to be sexy, I just wanted to write something funny. For my other stories "I came" is good enough. Anything else is pretty much just saying the same but the same words. It's very easy to write something general that most people can related to; making your story good is a lot more difficult.
For me, with one story, any comment would be great, however, if the comment mentioned it made them pause and think, that would be well, that would be darn well wonderful.
When she boards a round trip flight from Boston, D.C., Sacramento or Chicago and flies to your hometown to live out, in person with you - the fantasy of a scenario you implanted into her mind a few days or weeks before.
Of course she could just be fucking crazy/hard-up to begin with.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Someone (I'm not naming or alluding to names) told me that they "kept coming back" to a story of mine. When asked what they liked in particular about it, they said that the story and hint of romance heightened the action, so I felt pretty chuffed with that. It made me feel I'd achieved a goal or two and if I'm totally honest, it turned me on that my words could turn someone else on.
I am not a writer so I don't know the best compliment but I tend to agree with Dancing Doll. I enjoy reading erotica and yes I admit I read a lot of it. But if the story isn't well written I don't get turned on let alone masturbate or have sex to it. If i masturbate to orgasm it is exceptionally well written and is the best compliment I can give personally.
I have had three comments that were my favorites. Two of them were from couples and they said that reading my stories made their sex even better and the third was a private message from a new member and he told me that my stories is what convinced him to join the site. What better compliments then that can you get!!!
I've watched my wife masturbate to Lushstories. Good luck to you all.
For me it is when a reader says how much they loved the story and felt like they were either a part of it, or wanted to BE the person in it. That means I made a connection, and that was my intent. Also when I am told that they can't wait for the next part and actually try to RUSH me to publish it.... and then more so when they tell me they keep going back and read the story over and over.
I think the best compliment is a, "well done". Anything over that is baiting for a catch. Sad but true. Consider the sight.
When they tell me they were drawn into the story, stopped everything to read it, and want to read more like it
My goal when I write is to first take my imagination and fantasy to where I really want it to go. When I finally let the story out for readers, I just hope they are able to follow along the same path and enjoy the adventure with me. I suppose hearing they enjoyed it is a great compliment, but I know there are a lot of people who just like to read and remain anonymous, so perhaps watching the traffic count to my stories also lets me know that I've written something that appeals to people.
"If you knew what you were doing you would probably be bored."
Heather Locklear calls, and tells me she wants to star in the movie