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What Do You Think Your Readers Do?

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Gingerbread Lover
I know this is odd, but... I'm interested to know what goes through your mind about your readers when you write and post a story.

For me, I write a story, because I feel like writing, and then I post it, and think that if people read it, and like it, I am happy. The first time I got told somebody was... shall we call it, "excited"... over one of my stories, I was mortified. And then I remembered that this is Lush, and that was a good thing. Surely?

Speaking with somebody just now (the Scottish lass with the excitable readers), I said that from the looks of her comments, people were certainly very happy to read her latest story. And she said, she didn't want to think about it in too much detail. But I think, what do we expect our readers to do? You know, reading sexy stories on a sex site.

Me? I expect them to read it, if they choose. and either enjoy it or not as a simple story, and that's all. It doesn't really occur to me that things I write can or do create... Happy Feelings.

So, do you sit writing and wiggling away, as some of you have said you do, thinking, "Oh god, people are soooo going to wank over these three sluts and their enormous gherkins"? Or is it more, "I hope people have a good, hard think about this tonight"? Or do you think they print them off and use them laminated or framed? Do you think they share them in bed (or anywhere they want to have sex) with a partner(s)? Maybe leave them lying round for guests to find? Or are you more like me, and you simply write for the joy of it? Or...?

Please tell me, Authors: What do you think your readers do?

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Ha, great thread, Daisy!!

I don't write with a specific goal in mind. Often times, I may be thinking of a person, or scenario as I write, but I'm not writing specifically to turn the reader on...

Hold on, that is utter BS isn't it?? I am totally writing to turn the reader on!! I just forget how many people will actually read it!!

I sit, typing in a bit of a bubble, forgetting that Lush has like 40 million hits in a week... A lot of people will share with me what seems like an intimate thing at the time of writing...

I do like to get feedback on my stories, I think most of us do... It can sometimes make me a wee bit squirmy when I get a blow by blow [sic] account of their reaction to the story...

When I read a story, well, nowadays, I often times find that I'm looking for spelling mistakes and tense shifts... (because I'm a story verifier) I kid you not, it can really ruin the mood for me... (not that my own stuff isn't littered with errors!!)

Sort of comparable to eating a burger and biting down on a piece of gristle...
Good question! It's not something I really thought about until recently. I write mainly because I enjoy it and I post my stories in the hope that others will enjoy them, too. My writing is more on the subtle side though and not overly sexy, so I wouldn't have thought readers did anything other than just read.

I post my work on an offsite blog as well as here and received a twelve page Word attachment via email recently from a man who'd read all of my stories and wanted to he felt about them. In great detail. So that made me realise that maybe there are others who "enjoy" them that way, too. (I don't usually get those kind of emails.)
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by Shylass

Or do you think they print them off and use them laminated or framed?

Yes, I believe that everyone who reads my stories prints them out and then displays them prominently in a guilded frame in their living room...why, what else would you expect?

I have had a few interesting notes, but never a twelve page Word doc...I have to say I'm impressed there Boss Lisa...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by DirtyMartini

Yes, I believe that everyone who reads my stories prints them out and then displays them prominently in a guilded frame in their living room...why, what else would you expect?

I have had a few interesting notes, but never a twelve page Word doc...I have to say I'm impressed there Boss Lisa...

Hey, Al... You PROMISED me that you'd sign all of those prints for me!!! You realise that I had to move to a bigger house and everything??? Dammit man, you've written SO much!!

As for the ebook stuff, well, you signed my kindle and I can't read a bloody thing now...

I'm still waiting, Sharpie in hand...

Active Ink Slinger
I'm not nearly as accomplished as the rest of you - I've only posted 2 stories on Lush so far - but maybe I can offer the perspective of a novice author. I wrote my first story as a very personal fantasy. It had been bugging me long enough that I felt totally compelled to just write it down. I'd never done anything like that, before. But I sort of liked the flow of it, so I asked a couple of friends to read it. To my amazement, they not only liked it, but told me made them aroused, as well! When one of them suggested another erotica website (vastly inferior to Lush, I might add), I initially posted it there, to lukewarm reviews. ONE person's comment, though, encouraged me to write a "sequel," which I also posted on that site. But when another friend suggested Lush, and I posted my stories here... My God, the genuine, sincere responses were overwhelming! And it's given me incentive to write yet another chapter in a story that started out as a simple scenario in my head.

Long story short, I'm not really sure what someone thinks or does, reading my stories. But I know I'm just as thrilled with the comment that says they loved my use of language or my descriptions, as I am with a comment that it "made me hot." smile In fact, I think I like the fact that they enjoyed my writing style is even more of a kick. Like maybe this new hobby isn't a waste of my time. :)

Anyway, those are my two cents. I continue to read and admire the rest of you, immensely. xx
Quote by T_Elle
I'm not nearly as accomplished as the rest of you - I've only posted 2 stories on Lush so far - but maybe I can offer the perspective of a novice author. I wrote my first story as a very personal fantasy. It had been bugging me long enough that I felt totally compelled to just write it down. I'd never done anything like that, before. But I sort of liked the flow of it, so I asked a couple of friends to read it. To my amazement, they not only liked it, but told me made them aroused, as well! When one of them suggested another erotica website (vastly inferior to Lush, I might add), I initially posted it there, to lukewarm reviews. ONE person's comment, though, encouraged me to write a "sequel," which I also posted on that site. But when another friend suggested Lush, and I posted my stories here... My God, the genuine, sincere responses were overwhelming! And it's given me incentive to write yet another chapter in a story that started out as a simple scenario in my head.

Long story short, I'm not really sure what someone thinks or does, reading my stories. But I know I'm just as thrilled with the comment that says they loved my use of language or my descriptions, as I am with a comment that it "made me hot." smile In fact, I think I like the fact that they enjoyed my writing style is even more of a kick. Like maybe this new hobby isn't a waste of my time. :)

Anyway, those are my two cents. I continue to read and admire the rest of you, immensely. xx

I came to Lush in much the same way... I wrote a couple of stories for a friend, they were well received and I happened across Lush, as a place to let more people read them...

I've written quite a few now, and they seem to do quite well (much to my great surprise)

It IS a great place to be and I'm very pleased that you've received a warm welcome and are enjoying it here!!

Here's to more stories from you!!

Alpha Blonde
Quote by Shylass
But I think, what do we expect our readers to do?

I expect them to jizz in their pants.

No, seriously... I do!

Actually I've gotten a lot of great feedback from readers that really covers a huge range, including:

- my partner and I act out and role-play your stories (!)
- I came "X" number of times tonight while reading your stories
- I read one of your stories and then called in sick to work today so I could read the rest of them
- I read your stories with my partner in bed at night or print them off and read them on the beach
- your story inspired me to try anal sex for the first time (from females)
- your story turned me on so much I had wild monkey sex with my husband all afternoon
- I gave your story to my husband to read so he knows the kind of sex I want to try/have
- your story about a cheating girlfriend caused me to contemplate the real reasons behind why my own wife cheated
- I am a psychology professor, can I use your stories in the 'sex and human behaviour' component of the course I teach next semester
- I jizzed in my pants... at work.

I'm probably missing a few that I can't remember at the moment. But basically... how readers react to reading erotica seems to vary a lot. If I have entertained and titillated, then I consider it a success. Really those are my only expectations and everything else is a bonus. It is amazing (and humbling) to imagine that something that comes out of my head has the possibility of impacting someone on the level it does. I think that's how every writer feels - whether it's being turned on or inspired to become more sexually adventurous and liberated with erotica or those that write about serious/touching subject matter that can reduce a reader to tears. That kind of impact through words and the connection between the author and the reader is often an undefinable kind of magic.
I write because I actually do enjoy writing, but I do also hearing that others enjoy my stories and poems.
That said, I really don't write with an express purpose of stimulating a multitude of readers into orgasmic bliss,
but when someone tells me how exciting they found one of my stories, I feel honestly complimented.
Not many people read to masturbate, men are too visual and would rather look at the real thing, or movies; and perhaps women are more seeking the emotional side.

I am more interested in putting the story to paper in such a way that the reader feels transported into my pages. As the characters become aroused I do still try to capture the readers thoughts and make them feel they are there, which does become arousing. But isn't that a part of writing.
Internet Philosopher
I have to say Lass that this is the most original threads I've seen. When I write I fully expect that many of my readers are looking for something to stimulate their arousa and while I try hard to make the back story interesting I try to keep in mind that it is erotica.
I find it exciting to think that people, especially women, might be encouraged to orgasm by my words. As a writer what could be more satisfying and even intimate then that.
Active Ink Slinger
Let me ask my readers daisy, an see what they say

Edit; Shyless

All those white Daisie's look alike
I love writing! I mostly write for my friends and the women I know. It is always a great feeling to know my readers love my work. I expect my stories to aroused women and make dudes jizz in their pants!
I'm not a very well known author, but for the people who do happen to enjoy my stories, I
am extremely grateful and really appreciate it.

Before I joined, I would read the stories and get really turned on my them. I then read this story
that was sooo good, I decided to join just so I could comment on it. After that I decided I should
give back and try my hand at writing a story.

My first story I had in my mind night after night,
the thoughts just wouldn't leave my head. I eventually got up and just started typing away this
story and I did not stop until I was finished. I decided to post on Lush and people actually liked it
and I got a few PMs telling me what a great first story it was and such. It inspired me to write more.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I write for my own enjoyment and I happened to attract some
readers along the way which is totally awesome.

I've learned a bit about writing better here, and I don't write much stories as I only have 3. When I
do, now I take into consideration of the readers instead of my own enjoyment.
I try to make it so the reader can envision themselves there and feel it. I'm still learning on how
to do that. I enjoy reading stories where it feels like I'm there, let it be watching or apart of it. I think
those capture the readers the most to get a feel of it.

So from now on, I will aim for that
Active Ink Slinger
What I hope that the readers that I target do and what I think at least some of them do is get caught up in the story and feel what the character they've identified with feels, at least to the point of satisfying arousal. I'm not trying to get them to orgasm, but they're certainly welcome to use my story to do that and it would be flattering. I'm more interested in seducing them into a state of mind where they feel whatever other emotions I've added to the story. I like to trigger responses that people like to have and some that they might not, but that are crucial for the realism that results in others. I might cause tears or laughter or disgust. We have an oral tradition of telling ghost stories around a campfire at night to people who are camping and if I can tell a story well enough to thrill in a manner similar to that, while also telling a sexual tale, that's all the better for the readers I'm targeting. I've written emotion laden true stories (not erotica) and heard from readers that they enjoyed the ride, so I think that way about my stories now. They take the reader, if the reader is amenable, on a ride and I like readers who like to go on rides.

All of the above explains why I publish here. I write for the joy or for whatever other emotional release I get from it. I don't masturbate while I write, although I do get aroused at times, because the mind is a sex organ.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Active Ink Slinger
Initially when I first post a story, my thoughts are:- Am I happy with it, and will it capture the attention of the wider audience. I’ve never been in it for the votes alone, or to push my own personal boundaries to an uncomfortable level. If the reader gets something from my writings, (it’s all an education) then it warms my heart.

Writing erotica can be immensely liberating, giving a chance to indulge the seldom seen side of ourselves. Whatever that may be!

*The Dark Room*

How do you talk to an Angel available from Amazon.
I love to write. I write erotica to tell great stories and hope to cause great orgasms.zIruhqkiHh2TlgyG
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Dancing_Doll

I expect them to jizz in their pants.

No, seriously... I do!

Actually I've gotten a lot of great feedback from readers that really covers a huge range, including:

- my partner and I act out and role-play your stories (!)
- I came "X" number of times tonight while reading your stories
- I read one of your stories and then called in sick to work today so I could read the rest of them
- I read your stories with my partner in bed at night or print them off and read them on the beach
- your story inspired me to try anal sex for the first time (from females)
- your story turned me on so much I had wild monkey sex with my husband all afternoon
- I gave your story to my husband to read so he knows the kind of sex I want to try/have
- your story about a cheating girlfriend caused me to contemplate the real reasons behind why my own wife cheated
- I am a psychology professor, can I use your stories in the 'sex and human behaviour' component of the course I teach next semester
- I jizzed in my pants... at work.

I'm probably missing a few that I can't remember at the moment. But basically... how readers react to reading erotica seems to vary a lot. If I have entertained and titillated, then I consider it a success. Really those are my only expectations and everything else is a bonus. It is amazing (and humbling) to imagine that something that comes out of my head has the possibility of impacting someone on the level it does. I think that's how every writer feels - whether it's being turned on or inspired to become more sexually adventurous and liberated with erotica or those that write about serious/touching subject matter that can reduce a reader to tears. That kind of impact through words and the connection between the author and the reader is often an undefinable kind of magic.

Rachel's Rehab and Blindfold *nods* seriously, i umm... read those. a lot. and i don't 'jizz in my pants' but that's only cause i'm not wearing them. quite honestly, i masturbate to them. i'll be honest, a LOVE the well written stories, but i love them because i can get off to them without the distraction of 'oh, that's not very good'. i get totally lost in them. and yes, some i appreciate for other merits as well, but that's not the reason i read erotica. if i JUST wanted a good story, i'd read non-ertoica. the POINT of porn is to get off - unless i'm missing the point? hopefully, that's what other people are doing to my stories as well - i certainly encourage it if they are not. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

well this is erotica so I'm thinking they touch themselves but if they don't that's ok.

I sent it in pieces to a friend here on Lush to see what she thought and she loved it. I'm not sure if she masturbated while reading it (I didn't ask) but she did tell me it was the first time she read a story from that category and she loved it.

I don't know about everyone else but sparking someone's interest in a whole genre is a lot more satisfying then knowing they got off reading it (although that makes me happy too)
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by Dancing_Doll

- I read one of your stories and then called in sick to work today so I could read the rest of them

Damn Doll, I have to say I'm impressed...don't think I've ever had anyone tell me they didn't go to work so they could read my stories...

Though somehow I can't help but wonder...if someone would call in sick to work just to read about sex, I wonder what they would do if they actually had a chance to have sex? Just sayin'

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
The Linebacker
I think my readers open a beer, light up a doobie, get naked, put on a party hat, get crazy and then go bang some friends in a wild ferocious fun orgy!
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by DirtyMartini

Though somehow I can't help but wonder...if someone would call in sick to work just to read about sex, I wonder what they would do if they actually had a chance to have sex? Just sayin'

I'd tell them I was off sick for the rest of the year, obviously!

Thank you for your replies, everybody. I thought you'd all ignore this thread! Apart from Maz, who promised me faithfully she'd not make me look (any) daft(er).
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Quote by Shylass

I'd tell them I was off sick for the rest of the year, obviously!

Thank you for your replies, everybody. I thought you'd all ignore this thread! Apart from Maz, who promised me faithfully she'd not make me look (any) daft(er).

I would never ignore you
Active Ink Slinger
I used to read stories and would hunt through pages and pages of rubbish to find a decent story, then I found Lush and now I would classify the majority of those 'decent' stories as rubbish too. My boyfriend at the time encouraged me to join and write my own stories. I did join and I tried to write something but I couldn't finish a thought, I'd feel inspired and start writing, only to run out of steam and leave it, hoping to come back to it another time. I did that over and over again.

It took an intense chat with a friend before I was able to write a story, I only wrote that one because of his encouragement to do so. The first time I thought about the readers was when I submitted the story, I hoped they would like it and they did!

The next story was written with a particular person in mind, again, I didn't think of any other readers until I submitted it. Conversely, the second part to that story was only written because of the readers, the first part ended with a cliffhanger of sorts, I just didn't expect the second part to be so difficult to write. If it hadn't have been for the readers I would have left it half written and forgotten about it.

I've written a couple of stories since and neither were written with the readers in mind, it's too much pressure to write with them in mind. It's easier to just let your imagination come up with an initial idea and then watch the story appear in front of you as your fingers tap away at the keyboard.

Once it's been submitted I hope it will be published, once it's on the site I hope people will enjoy it. As for how they enjoy it? I don't give it too much thought.
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by Hyourinmaru

I would never ignore you


Quote by freakycactus

I've written a couple of stories since and neither were written with the readers in mind, it's too much pressure to write with them in mind. It's easier to just let your imagination come up with an initial idea and then watch the story appear in front of you as your fingers tap away at the keyboard.

Once it's been submitted I hope it will be published, once it's on the site I hope people will enjoy it. As for how they enjoy it? I don't give it too much thought.

I completely agree. I have only tried twice to write for the actual readers. My more popular stories are mostly the ones I wrote because I felt like it, rather than what I thought others would like.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
I write to tell a story; I write to entertain; I write to have fun; I write to become a better writer.

I don't write hot, steamy, nut-busting sex scenes; I (try to) write fairly ordinary, often quite intimate sex.

I have had a few people tell me that they were turned on by my work but not much. My writing doesn't really lend itself to a violent accompanying wank. It can be hot, sure, but I just don't feel like it's that kind of stuff.

I do not intend to get my readers off; I intend to make them think and laugh and say to themselves, "This guy's pretty good." Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. If they want to play with themselves while reading my stories then that's fine by me but I don't expect them to.

If anyone can get turned on and stroke one out to my latest story, Help The Aged - Mrs. Atkin, then I will be impressed.
Active Ink Slinger
All of my stories have been inspired by my friends, with real life experiences in mind. Hartclass inspired me to write 'The Potting Shed' - and my imagination has grown from there. From the feedback I've received, readers can tell if a story is from the heart or not, and I like my stories to depict a true part of me - I believe they do.
The Right Rev of Lush
Me, I don't know and, truth be told, don't really care. As long as they don't go to sleep, I'm okay. smile

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Active Ink Slinger
When I first starting posting up stories, I did not think much about the readers. I simply wanted to write a story and get it out of my system. Though I found that the more I wrote for the site, the more I was writing toward what my readers had really liked. So I know that my stories get people excited and that makes me excited knowing that I could create something that could do that.
If you can't fuck yourself ... who can you fuck?
Well I write for me and well to be honest I doubt someone would be getting off to one of my stories but if they do i'd feel flattered. I mean, hey I'm good enough if they do get turned on.

I usually hope that readers would like the story as a whole and that the feedback is not based only on the sexual parts. I suppose this is the main reason I'm no longer bothered about the number of views my stories get.