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What do you do in real life as opposed to online?

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Active Ink Slinger
I used to work as an event manager for a few charities and was a university student but for the next few years I'm a kept women and full time mum biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
Mostly now I poke fun at young, attractive people who still have the delusion that they'll never get old and have to conjure up erotic scenes in their heads as a substitution for actual sex.
The Right Rev of Lush
What do you do in real life as opposed to online?

Even less.
RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
I do just what it says.
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm a medical transcriptionist for orthopaedic surgeons.
I'm an entreprenuer, real estate investor, and part owner of a small club on the beach called, "The Tropical Players Club". Some nights I play the piano there for the hell of it.

I also self publish my short stories through Erotrica House and sell them through tatto shops, Harley Davidson stores, and adult toy stores.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm in the military. For fun, I play the piano and sing... though I'm probably not as good as The Player. smile
I am a fucking secretary, just like says my profile! It's fun playing dewy-eyed and take care of my boss all day long. I wonder what would happen if he could read my mind and figure out how naughty I am...I would probably get a raise and he would probably get one too ;)
Active Ink Slinger
I'm a graphic design student whose full-time. No job and just chills around the house all day from room to room. Love the summer!!!
Weaver of Words
I was a business systems analyst, software and quality assurance tester, as well as a manager of a direct advertising department and manager of art shows in past lives. Currently I am self employed or unemployed depending on your POV. I hope to be able to make some money from my writing someday.
I'm an executive at a telecommunications company. My field of expertise is government/municipal relations. Sometimes I am a lobbyist...those people everyone despises. I oversee a small staff. I am lucky, my job is almost always very interesting and I've done it a long time now.

"Amsterdam, 1973, and Simone" is my entry into the VIP story competition. The reviews have been great so far. I hope you will take time to read it and, if you enjoy it, give me a vote and a comment.
Software developer by day. Erotica wannabe writer by eve. I also geek out on my own personal software projects in my spare time. Music fiend. When I have the time, money, and inclination I like to go to the gym and do martial arts (working out also alleviates my seasonal affective disorder). I usually always have a book in my hands and spend my time incessantly researching things online like an OCD hooker really sucks that guy's... well... y'know. It's kinda embarrassing how much time I spend researching random (but informative) stuff.

Curious and knowledge-hungry mind, I suppose.
Quote by insomniac
Nothing exciting here - just work part time in a video store. Gives me plenty of time to do other things I enjoy though - and it's nice watching movies for free

This is me too smile except I study beauty therapy once per week too lol
Site administrator
Buildings Manager/Maintenance Man at a large sheltered housing complex.
Purveyor of Sweetness
through the years i have been many things including a webmaster.... most recently i was a public information officer (which included graphic design and writing pamplets--which i enjoyed--and some other things that introverts hate to do)....

now i am glad to say i work part time for whoever is hiring and doing art full time... doing portraits helped me stay home with my kids when they were little but i hope now to just do still life and some landscape. fortunately there are still people who are willing to buy what i draw/paint.
Mad unemployed electronics fiddler-with who hopes to start his own business, fiddling with electronics, fixing games consoles and building PCs, in short, I'm trying to turn my hobby into a living). I moan about being unemployed but it's not all bad. I'm my own boss (well hopefully once my business gets off the ground I'll be my own boss and be making more money and being satisfied with the job) and I get to sleep whenever I want, which is bloody fantastic. Also "in real life" I'm online pretty much all the time. I actually hate the phrase "in real life" in this context. Just because one does something online, doesn't make it any less real, in fact in these changing times, the internet is responsible for more communication than "real life" or face to face interaction. Oh yeah, I also post on forums and digress from the original intention of the post. Whoopsie.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LusciousLola

Does anyone else find it interesting that these guys are imagining Clint Eastwood fucking?

Sig removed by admin: Too awesome.

(500px x 150px max)
Quote by AngelHeart01

I hope you get to go too. I bet it will be incredible (especially since you have a more intimate relationship with "stone").
I've never been to Italy, but look forward to going one day.

I have been to many countries, including tropical islands. None is as beautiful as Italy and I am not Italian!
I'm a Logistics Officer for a Govt Department. I get to spend their money, however they do not like it if I spend it on myself!!
I work for a small company that makes really rather nice biscuits.
Active Ink Slinger
Lush Serial Lurker
i'm a plumber soi get upto allsorts
Active Ink Slinger
I make drugs in an oncology there's a need for big distraction for me away from work.
"If you knew what you were doing you would probably be bored."
Geez! Well, I'm a college student, a psychology intern in the summer (hoping they offer me a job when I finish school), a singer/songwriter, and very soon to be a husband. . .and so much more to list, but just know I'm a man of many talents.
Active Ink Slinger
Artist/photographer by day, restaurant owner by night
Detention Seeker
D.J and designer of Celebration cakes.
Used to teach will probably again and am a professional musician/singer
Stay at home with children