Quote by AriOli101
I hate when someone gives a three or less but doesn't tell you why. That's my main bug-bear with this site and some users.
Quote by Saucymh
I don't like the forced comment box for the exact opposite reason to Wannabe - I often score stories immediately based on my gut reaction but I then need time to think about the comment. I often add them later. Sometimes much later. A forced comment box will either get you a rubbish comment from me or no comment at all - and no score. Sorry.
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
I'm not a fan of forced commenting. Sometimes I'll read an excellent story and write a comment immediately, then add a score afterwards (because comments don't refresh the entire page, but scores do). If my proposed score then pops up a box asking for a comment, well, I've already left one so I cancel the score: no point writing a second comment for the sake of it. Plus, I don't like the popup comments box as it's not very conducive to writing longer comments: you have to scroll too much to read it back.