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The Omnium Badge (Keeping Track)

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Quote by MC1982

As a writer working on omnium now, can I second the objection to watersports? I got around by making it a story within a story... The really was a fantasy. But watersports? Ewwww! I'm holding my nose and doing a very silly entry that I hope will be OK. I do find I only write hot stories in scenarios I find hot and you can usually tell when my heart isn't in it🙄

Watersports means you're excited or turned on by the thought, sight, taste or feel of urine. What about a story about a woman who enjoys secretly watching her man pee? Just something to consider. 😎

Dear Mistress Kat - advice on how to spice things up

Another Man's Wife - a true hotwife story

The Cocktail Party - a fun office party leads to more

Boardrooms & Boudoirs - a Mac and Grace novel

Under My Umbrella - a true micro about coitus interruptus

Dessert Is Best Served In Bed - a true micro about delicious makeup sex

Amusingly watersports was the first category I wrote on Lush, back before my comp years and I was invisible LOL to everyone except those who like that kind of thing. I think the hardest categories for me are gonna be Humor, Cos I don't think I'm that funny, but if I binge watch enough sitcoms and stand-up I might stumble upon something, and then the True category, mostly because of my actual experiences are not all that great, that's probably why I write so much, cos my fantasies are more satisfying than any awkward attempts at doing things with people for real. I may ask for a friend's consent to share one of their true real-life stories since I think you are able to write stories about other people as long as they are true, so they don't exactly have to happened to you.

Quote by LuceDevlin

Amusingly watersports was the first category I wrote on Lush, back before my comp years and I was invisible LOL to everyone except those who like that kind of thing. I think the hardest categories for me are gonna be Humor, Cos I don't think I'm that funny, but if I binge watch enough sitcoms and stand-up I might stumble upon something, and then the True category, mostly because of my actual experiences are not all that great, that's probably why I write so much, cos my fantasies are more satisfying than any awkward attempts at doing things with people for real. I may ask for a friend's consent to share one of their true real-life stories since I think you are able to write stories about other people as long as they are true, so they don't exactly have to happened to you.

I changed location, names and possibly with the passage of years and alcohol involved my true story was probably exaggerated for effect..

Humor is so subjective I wouldn't worry too much..

Good luck with it all x

My latest competition entry about a Christmas shopping trip

Quote by MC1982

As a writer working on omnium now, can I second the objection to watersports? I got around by making it a story within a story... The really was a fantasy. But watersports? Ewwww! I'm holding my nose and doing a very silly entry that I hope will be OK. I do find I only write hot stories in scenarios I find hot and you can usually tell when my heart isn't in it🙄

I found Love Stories and Mind Control the hardest categories... the Omnium really pushes you. Thankfully you don't have to do

My latest competition entry about a Christmas shopping trip

Quote by techgoddess

In my humble opinion, the Omnium Badge is meant to stretch one’s writing chops. That means that some categories are going to be out of a writer’s comfort zone. I struggled with several of the categories, but gave them my best shot. I found creative ways to address the genres that weren't my thing. Readers were kind and encouraging.

My best personal example is the Water Sports category. NOT my thing! But I did a lil research and found a way to write a story that met the criteria.

I guess my point is, if you want the badge badly enough, you give every category your best effort. And if that genre isn't your forte, that's okay. You try and then you go back to writing what you truly feel is your niche.

Poetry doesn't have to be sophisticated or long to be of interest to readers. My best advice is to read some poetry by other Lush authors for inspiration.

Just my thoughts on a Monday morning. 😘

This. If it were easy, everyone would have it. It forces you to go out of what you're comfortable with. I'm terrible at poetry and don't understand it the way others do. For me, it either calls to me or it does. Most of the poetry I've written has been more Free Verse than anything else. I take all my emotions and yell it onto paper (laptop).

Quote by deviantsusie
I found Love Stories ... the hardest categories...

I found Love Stories so hard too. I was challenged by a friend to write one and my Lord, it was not sappy. One of the rules was there couldn't be any mayhem or spooky things. Rude. There can be love in spooky stories. lol

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2

For those who may be interested. With an Excel spreadsheet in place logging my Omnium badge process I have now written stories in 21 genres including those two required pieces of poetry. Though I am not writing very much atm, I do have another 6 story genres in work in process and aim to be in the mid to high thirties by the end of the year.

A question to the admins as it has been mentioned on this thread a few times: Are we likely to see any visible improvements to LushStories V2.0 in 2024? 🙄😊

My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories

Partly to keep this thread alive and partly to give an update if there is anyone interested. I have now written stories in 33 of the 58 genres (there are 4 more stories in new genres in my draft folder). So, I am well on my way to gaining an Omnium badge in late 2025. 😊

BTW: I made an Excel spreadsheet to keep track.

My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories

Woo! I think I have like 15-20 categories left, and so many I have started stories for, a few in my drafts and a few I have to think up something for.

Quote by wxt55uk

BTW: I made an Excel spreadsheet to keep track.

Excel spreadsheets are the dogs bollocks for keeping track for the Omnium.

My latest competition entry about a Christmas shopping trip

Quote by deviantsusie

Excel spreadsheets are the dogs bollocks for keeping track for the Omnium.

I'm sorry, but I have to ask, having only a single language to my name -- is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Quote by kistinspencil

I'm sorry, but I have to ask, having only a single language to my name -- is that a good thing or a bad thing?

It's a very good thing. Bollocks is bad but the dog's bollocks is good. I guess it's like the bee's knees

My latest competition entry about a Christmas shopping trip