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For the authors that visit this often do you post a story and is there a theory behind the frequency with which you publish? I know several of you are just going to cop out and say whenever I write a story, but I was curious as if some of you actually have a strategy.

Writius Eroticus
Copping out: no strategy.

But timing publication right does make a difference to the number of views/comments and how much time a story stays on the front page, after which time views rapidly decline. This is difficult as it depends on so many variables such as moderator workload/availability/how big the queue is, story category, number of words, subject matter, whether it needs any edits or is fairly error free, and so forth.

But if you do hit a 'sweet spot' such as making the front page when, say, America wake up or leave work, or perhaps when UK/Europe do the same, then you're more likely to increase your exposure. That's the only real 'strategy' there is, besides ensuring your work is well-written and engaging, and you reciprocate on other stories by being kind and supportive.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

I publish when I have something to post. My writing here tends to go in fits and starts so if I have something ready, up it goes. The one strategy I do use is to not post other stories when I have a comp entry up. Just don't want to distract my readership when I need them to be reading and voting on the comp entry. However, I don't really strategize beyond that.
OK....a follow up question...every one says that views tend to begin dwindling the longer your story is around. That said, how in the world do you accomplish "Famous Story" status over even non-famous but well over 10,000 views. Is there some sort of guideline that you use to determine whether it was a successful story, number of votes, number of comments, numbers of views? If it is views, what is a good number to achieve and how do you get continual views on stories that are over a year old?

Quote by Sweet_Reese
OK....a follow up question...every one says that views tend to begin dwindling the longer your story is around. That said, how in the world do you accomplish "Famous Story" status over even non-famous but well over 10,000 views. Is there some sort of guideline that you use to determine whether it was a successful story, number of votes, number of comments, numbers of views? If it is views, what is a good number to achieve and how do you get continual views on stories that are over a year old?


Sigh. If I knew the answer to that one, perhaps my early stories (now going on seven years) would have more views.

Category is a factor. Two of my Famous Stories, including my most-read story, are in . April's Secret is Famous, too, and it's in College Sex, which seems to be another popular one.

RRs are not a factor, IME. I have RRs from years ago with under 5000 views. It may help get attention on a story initially, but I think category counts more, TBH. Not sure how much an EP helps as I have never received one.

Promoting old stories doesn't really seem to help much, but I keep doing it. Otherwise, they really only get noticed by people who like one of your recents and then go back to see more. I have seen people link stories to stories that aren't really related, I assume just as a way to get people to read on. Not sure if it works as I have only used links for related stories.

Hopefully, others have more wisdom to share on this than I do.
"the Great God (snicker)" - James 'Bear' Llewellyn
I have tried to remain 2 chapters ahead with the series I have done and said I am going to post one a week. This is important for me, it sets a guideline for me to follow. However you do it I think it's important with a series to let people know what sort of schedule you keep.

The 1st series, all six chapters were posted within 2 weeks...

I said the same on my current and it seems to be every 2-3 days.

As for time of day, late evening UK time seems quite a good time. I have gone to bed and woken up a few hours later for work and found my latest effort posted and with a number of reads and comments already.

I can't answer as an author if there is a trick to maintaining views. As a reader, if I come across something that catches my attention, but it part of a series I will go to the first chapter - I think it's important to be clear where it starts I have given up on many that are just too ambiguous about the start.
If it's a one off I really like, I will go and look at the author's back catalogue. And if there are a few there and they post on a reasonable basis, then I will often follow, at least for a while.

If I find unfinished series, I do get miffed and will most likely unfollow the person.

When I finished my first series a friend was really kind and emailed all his friends to tell them about it. Which was awesome, though I hope no one thought of it a spamming.

Category makes a difference from what I have seen. Ch6 of my first is the 2nd most viewed of the series, behind Ch1. Ch6 was reluctance, One chapter was love stories, the rest straight sex.

Kite's Kinky Tales

My latest offering -

Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty

My 2 previous submissions:

Both Love Poems


As The New Year Dawns

Please read and enjoy. If you really enjoyed a story someone has written; how about clicking on 'Like' and/or 'Favorite'.
Why not leave a comment too?

I feel that if "one's" story or poem is posted, It's a success. Numbers can be misleading. Write to your own beat.
Active Ink Slinger
Hi Reese, let me answer your questions IMOHO. I publish a story every Friday because I want to start my readers off with a (hopefully) good weekend. And because I have so many stories backlogged waiting to publish, I am also publishing on Monday just to make their Monday brighter! And it seems to work for me being regular - my readers come to look forward to publishing day, so they tell me!

As for the length of a story is out. my advice here is to publish the story and then forget about it and move on. Some stories will take off like a Minuteman missile and others will fly like a rock! And there's no way of knowing which ones will do either! So publish and move to your next story... otherwise it will drive you crazy! LOL! As long as your story is out there somebody will read it. You can promote it to a point but sometimes it just takes time.

Baked Orange
Quote by Sweet_Reese
OK....a follow up question...every one says that views tend to begin dwindling the longer your story is around. That said, how in the world do you accomplish "Famous Story" status over even non-famous but well over 10,000 views. Is there some sort of guideline that you use to determine whether it was a successful story, number of votes, number of comments, numbers of views? If it is views, what is a good number to achieve and how do you get continual views on stories that are over a year old?


To be 1000% honest - in my experience - the dirtier the story, the more views it gets. I have two famous stories. One has a very leading title, and the other is . These have gotten far more views than my more, shall I say, 'better written' stories.

Think about it - if you're reading something that makes you come, wouldn't you go back to read that story again later?

There's no recipe. The ingredients of your title, story, tags and all need to come deliciously together to get those views. I'm still trying to work up to that Millionaire badge.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Sweet_Reese
For the authors that visit this often do you post a story and is there a theory behind the frequency with which you publish? I know several of you are just going to cop out and say whenever I write a story, but I was curious as if some of you actually have a strategy like this


I try to post stories at the places allowing this. Moreover, if the process takes place at the large platform, it is better to make sure in every point of view.
Primus Omnium
I have no plan about posting stories. I love to write. When I get an idea I try to write it. I have 524 stories and poems here. I have 450 on 'sacre bleu'. No method to the madness. I just like to write and publish. I do really make it a habit to always write a story for every contest. That is definite.