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Please do not contact us about "low" votes on your stories / poems

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Quote by Kelly18
Does tactical voting ever happen on Lush due to competing egos and personal grudges?

It's been known to happen but the mods and admins have gotten pretty good at spotting it and stomping it out. At least that's what I've seen in my six years here (including a couple as a mod).
Quote by Kelly18
Does tactical voting ever happen on Lush due to competing egos and personal grudges?

I got a 1 vote for a 600 word flash erotica story being too short and "not convincing", and it's the only activity the person has. I suspect it does happen. Didn't bother me at all being a total novice.
I'm really getting sick of auto-correct's shirt.
For anyone that is upset by story scores please refer to this lush video.
Click here to view

How dare you grown ass adults contact lush crew because someone made a stupid decision to not like you and then took it out on your stories by low voting on them? Goodness gracious.
Those that truly like how you write will leave a comment. I mean those that truly like how you write and not just your lush friends because those only give so so votes and comments.

Would you like me to read and vote on your sexual art?

If so, link me to your art and you'll receive actual real votes and comments.

No, I won't low ball.

Some people really are that petty. I prefer an honest critique personally. I know I'm a novice writer and I like to think I'm getting better each time. I also can't expect everyone to like what I write as that's not realistic. We are all human beings with different likes and taste.

With that said IMPURETHOUGHTS, I'll take you up on your offer and invite you to critique my work if you want smile. Love it or hate it, tell me what you think and why ;).
Is it ethical for an Author to insist on a comment as well as a score? I can see in some cases a reason for it but it can also be abused by blocking anyone who doesn’t give a perfect 5 thereby ensuring that the author’s ratings can be boosted. I have been told that on some occasions the Author has contacted their friends to encourage a score of 5 whenever someone gives a lower score. I myself no longer give a score of greater than 4 if I am compelled to comment even if I feel the writing is brilliant and worthy of a 5
Near as I can tell, that's been debated ever since the feature was introduced.

Whether you use it, how you react to people who use it... It's just personal preference. The feature wouldn't be available if Lush didn't consider it appropriate. There's a lot of coding work that goes into something like that. You don't waste that effort on something you're not sure about.

Sure, someone could boost their ratings, but a lot of people protest the feature by not voting at all. Add that to the blocked people, and eventually the vote totals get low enough that the higher score is more or less irrelevant.

Quote by Felice
Is it ethical for an Author to insist on a comment as well as a score? I can see in some cases a reason for it but it can also be abused by blocking anyone who doesn’t give a perfect 5 thereby ensuring that the author’s ratings can be boosted. I have been told that on some occasions the Author has contacted their friends to encourage a score of 5 whenever someone gives a lower score. I myself no longer give a score of greater than 4 if I am compelled to comment even if I feel the writing is brilliant and worthy of a 5
Quote by Felice
Is it ethical for an Author to insist on a comment as well as a score? I can see in some cases a reason for it but it can also be abused by blocking anyone who doesn’t give a perfect 5 thereby ensuring that the author’s ratings can be boosted. I have been told that on some occasions the Author has contacted their friends to encourage a score of 5 whenever someone gives a lower score. I myself no longer give a score of greater than 4 if I am compelled to comment even if I feel the writing is brilliant and worthy of a 5

I don't see an ethical issue with forcing a comment. While I won't use the feature myself (I don't believe in forcing people to do anything), I do prefer comments to scores. They really give me more information than just a number.

I do see an ethical issue with authors contacting friends and asking them to score their stories a particular way. That's rather like sleeping with the judges at a figure skating (or similar) competition.

I've long been in favour of either scrapping scores and only having comments or else replacing the 5 level score with a Like or Reaction button (Reactions would be positive things like Like, Love, Awww, etc.) To be honest, scores below 4 are so rare that I suspect most people are using it as a Like anyhow.
Quote by seeker4

I do see an ethical issue with authors contacting friends and asking them to score their stories a particular way. That's rather like sleeping with the judges at a figure skating (or similar) competition.

I've long been in favour of either scrapping scores and only having comments or else replacing the 5 level score with a Like or Reaction button (Reactions would be positive things like Like, Love, Awww, etc.) To be honest, scores below 4 are so rare that I suspect most people are using it as a Like anyhow.

I have seen those begging letters asking for people to vote a 5 to counteract a low score and it sounds so needy as to be almost pathetic.. even worse, is when those friends vote and leave comments like "Didn't have time to read it, but's here's a 5 from me."

I prefer getting comments to scores. but I'm a feedback junkie who get s a buzz that someone has read it and cared enough to let me know what they thought.. and the criticism is important, because I can't improve if everyone tells me I am brilliant.

I think the reactions is a good idea.. I liked it, I didn't like it, I loved it, I hated it. Means more than a 5 or 4.
I don't like giving low scores because I know the work that goes in to writing a story, so usually I won't score if I don't like it. Other times, the subject matter doesn't appeal to me.. it might be really well written but if it doesn't excite me, I can't score it highly.

2 competition winning stories, 1 Famous story, a smattering of Editor's Picks, a handful of Recommended Reads and one Clitorides award are scattered amongst my stories.

One of a handful of writers to get the Omnium badge for writing in every category

For a book club with a difference... try this lesbian romp

As to the low balling, since the manditory comment with a five is already a choice, why not do the same on the low end? Why not make any score 2 or below require a comment, as some do with the 5? Make it mandatory so they can't leave a basement score without saying why. That way if they really believe it needs a lower score they can explain why. That would also stop the 1 or 2 just to low ball someone.

The scores are simply an opinion, especially if they do not include a comment. I do look at the scores, but I pay attention to the comments. I do appreciate them so much more if they contain somethiong about the story and not just saying 'good story', or 'so hot', or even 'I loved the story, good job'. While those are nice to read. They do not tell you what they really think of the story. That is why I do not like the reactions button. What does it really tell the author? It seems like a easy way out to me.

But that being said, as long as you read my stories, I am very happy. I am not a writer and have never really thought of myself as anythibng but a story teller. Putting it on paper correctly is the most difficult part of it all. What I need is someone that can write to whom I can dictate lol.


I don't see an ethical issue with forcing a comment. While I won't use the feature myself (I don't believe in forcing people to do anything), I do prefer comments to scores. They really give me more information than just a number.

I do see an ethical issue with authors contacting friends and asking them to score their stories a particular way. That's rather like sleeping with the judges at a figure skating (or similar) competition.

I've long been in favour of either scrapping scores and only having comments or else replacing the 5 level score with a Like or Reaction button (Reactions would be positive things like Like, Love, Awww, etc.) To be honest, scores below 4 are so rare that I suspect most people are using it as a Like anyhow.

I tend to agree that forcing someone that is giving you the highest score to explain why, sounds a little ego driven. Are they really gonna tell you the truth in a comment that is forced or are they gonna say, "I love it, great story". You get my drift I hope. But on the low side it makes sense, because if a reader believes it should be scored that low they should be willing to tell the author to benefit their future work. The contacting friends will always happen we really can't control that but, I for one, do not want a good score and a nice comment if someone doesn't evern read


Quote by deviantsusie

I have seen those begging letters asking for people to vote a 5 to counteract a low score and it sounds so needy as to be almost pathetic.. even worse, is when those friends vote and leave comments like "Didn't have time to read it, but's here's a 5 from me."

I prefer getting comments to scores. but I'm a feedback junkie who get s a buzz that someone has read it and cared enough to let me know what they thought.. and the criticism is important, because I can't improve if everyone tells me I am brilliant.

I think the reactions is a good idea.. I liked it, I didn't like it, I loved it, I hated it. Means more than a 5 or 4.
I don't like giving low scores because I know the work that goes in to writing a story, so usually I won't score if I don't like it. Other times, the subject matter doesn't appeal to me.. it might be really well written but if it doesn't excite me, I can't score it highly.

I have seen those letters as well and I don't imagine ever sending one out. I might go read their story, but will still vote my true feelings. I want honest votes and comments. If someone honestly does not like my story, be honest and tell me why. I don't think that is too much to ask.
There are times she is kneeling out of obedience, reverence and respect. Those are the times it is okay to stand above her. But when she is kneeling because the weight of the world is just too heavy to bear … that is when You should be kneeling beside her.

Daddy has a lovely family - Daddy’s Little Family …

He is behind the curtain - Someone’s Watching ...

Some childhood memories return - Memories of Daddy …

Just a ride in the country - Afternoon Distraction …

She waits to keep a promise - Promises …
That setting isn't tied to what the value of the score is. It requires a comment in order to cast any vote when enabled. 1, 5, or anything in between.
Actually, I'm amazed by the generous voting here, as compared to another site I'm on.

They have a one to five system too, and you really have to wow the readers to get above a four so so. If they don't like it, I definitely will hear from them in their comments (sometimes anonymous) and their votes. There have been pieces that I've been, well proud of, but no, the scores just weren't there. Sometimes it can just be the subject matter. Of course, they don't restrict the voting or comments to members only.

But if I do get a decent score - and I've been able to do that quite a few times - then I know I've got something good going.
Quote by calx86

Some people really are that petty. I prefer an honest critique personally. I know I'm a novice writer and I like to think I'm getting better each time. I also can't expect everyone to like what I write as that's not realistic. We are all human beings with different likes and taste.

With that said IMPURETHOUGHTS, I'll take you up on your offer and invite you to critique my work if you want smile. Love it or hate it, tell me what you think and why ;).

Sometimes the critics are right. On another site, an anonymous person (I think it was a guy) didn't like a story and told me - in maybe five sentences - how it should have been done. I posted a rebuttal, and that was it.

More than a year later, I revisited the comment (somebody else had finally posted below him). The first person hadn't been really nasty, but he wasn't very diplomatic either. But I thought now that he had some plausible ideas.

As an experiment, I wrote a version of the story that went along the lines he had suggested. And damn, it actually was better. And it lead to some sequel ideas, so I'm going to make a series out of it. I know it's going to work, because I've started writing those.
Quote by LakeShoreLimited

Sometimes the critics are right. On another site, an anonymous person (I think it was a guy) didn't like a story and told me - in maybe five sentences - how it should have been done. I posted a rebuttal, and that was it.

More than a year later, I revisited the comment (somebody else had finally posted below him). The first person hadn't been really nasty, but he wasn't very diplomatic either. But I thought now that he had some plausible ideas.

As an experiment, I wrote a version of the story that went along the lines he had suggested. And damn, it actually was better. And it lead to some sequel ideas, so I'm going to make a series out of it. I know it's going to work, because I've started writing those.

Which goes to my point that a good comment is better than a simple score. What would have happened if he had just left a "3" and said nothing?
Quote by calx86

Some people really are that petty. I prefer an honest critique personally. I know I'm a novice writer and I like to think I'm getting better each time. I also can't expect everyone to like what I write as that's not realistic. We are all human beings with different likes and taste.

With that said IMPURETHOUGHTS, I'll take you up on your offer and invite you to critique my work if you want smile. Love it or hate it, tell me what you think and why ;).


Sometimes the critics are right. On another site, an anonymous person (I think it was a guy) didn't like a story and told me - in maybe five sentences - how it should have been done. I posted a rebuttal, and that was it.

More than a year later, I revisited the comment (somebody else had finally posted below him). The first person hadn't been really nasty, but he wasn't very diplomatic either. But I thought now that he had some plausible ideas.

As an experiment, I wrote a version of the story that went along the lines he had suggested. And damn, it actually was better. And it lead to some sequel ideas, so I'm going to make a series out of it. I know it's going to work, because I've started writing those.
Okay, that's weird. I responded to LakeShoreLimited and then after that his post was duplicated. Usually double posts happen together at the same time.q5jqfpDybLBfS4r2
Quote by seeker4
Okay, that's weird. I responded to LakeShoreLimited and then after that his post was duplicated. Usually double posts happen together at the same time.S591mucbWcjiDCCI

That was my fault; it think it happened about ten minutes apart. I could go through the procedure of contacting them and telling them to delete it, but I'm probably not.

I don't know if he voted or not. You can be anonymous over there but I don't think you can here. In any case, I would guess he gave me a two at best.
Couldn't see where this would be more appropriate to post:

I've had several stories approved after less than 4 days. My last submission was a week ago and nothing yet. The funny thing is that it appeared on my profile with 2 views which I assumed were the moderators and people who approve of the stories. And then it disappeared from my list. I'm wondering if someone could let me know if it's still in the approval queue.

Quote by territeach
Couldn't see where this would be more appropriate to post:

I've had several stories approved after less than 4 days. My last submission was a week ago and nothing yet. The funny thing is that it appeared on my profile with 2 views which I assumed were the moderators and people who approve of the stories. And then it disappeared from my list. I'm wondering if someone could let me know if it's still in the approval queue.


Your story is in the queue. We've got a huge number of submissions at the moment, and lots of our volunteer moderators are very busy, so things might be a bit slower than you are used to.

Gold Members have their stories fast-tracked through the queue and get additional input from moderators. It's also a great way to support the site. You can upgrade your membership here:
Well, I've just had to switch on comments to leave a score due to my recent 1 vote which quite frankly I don't understand when I've tagged up correctly and left a note because I know it is niche. A 1 without a single reason why means I cannot know where I went wrong. I understand 4s and 3s and 2s but not 1s and I know how much time I've spent on it. I'm going to have a pause from writing because I'm just not feeling it anymore.
Quote by utterchaos
Well, I've just had to switch on comments to leave a score due to my recent 1 vote which quite frankly I don't understand when I've tagged up correctly and left a note because I know it is niche. A 1 without a single reason why means I cannot know where I went wrong. I understand 4s and 3s and 2s but not 1s and I know how much time I've spent on it. I'm going to have a pause from writing because I'm just not feeling it anymore.

The scoring doesn't mean anything. Whenever I have won or placed in a competition my story is always the lowest rated in the competition, even though I won... what does that tell you?
I thought that was down to some votes being removed from other competitors when it comes to the actual scoring? As someone trying to do a series which is one of the least read of the stories, also in a niche category and only receives a handful of votes, I find an average score of 2.5 pretty soul-destroying. I also received a 3 on my 100-word story around the same time so I, may have rubbed someone up the wrong way but genuine criticism would have been much better if they felt that score was deserved.
Quote by utterchaos
I thought that was down to some votes being removed from other competitors when it comes to the actual scoring? As someone trying to do a series which is one of the least read of the stories, also in a niche category and only receives a handful of votes, I find an average score of 2.5 pretty soul-destroying. I also received a 3 on my 100-word story around the same time so I, may have rubbed someone up the wrong way but genuine criticism would have been much better if they felt that score was deserved.

Please don't take a "pause" in your writing and posting. Take it from a poet that gets very low "votes" here. I stop at times and then continue to write because for me I write to feed my soul.
So I hope you continue your writing and try to remember you are on a journey and one needs to feed their soul along the way.

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Quote by utterchaos
I thought that was down to some votes being removed from other competitors when it comes to the actual scoring? As someone trying to do a series which is one of the least read of the stories, also in a niche category and only receives a handful of votes, I find an average score of 2.5 pretty soul-destroying. I also received a 3 on my 100-word story around the same time so I, may have rubbed someone up the wrong way but genuine criticism would have been much better if they felt that score was deserved.

Sometimes users read something they don't like and will vote w/ that frame of thought.
I prefer to judge their writing over the subject matter.

I'll check your art out.
Quote by Magical_felix

The scoring doesn't mean anything. Whenever I have won or placed in a competition my story is always the lowest rated in the competition, even though I won... what does that tell you?

You write well. That's the difference.

Sometimes users read something they don't like and will vote w/ that frame of thought.
I prefer to judge their writing over the subject matter.

I'll check your art out.

you should - it's hardcore bdsm stuff, but it's seriously good if that's your kink. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.


Sometimes users read something they don't like and will vote w/ that frame of thought.
I prefer to judge their writing over the subject matter.

I'll check your art out.

I use very clear tags to not shock anyone and I always use the author's notes to add an extra warning with the controversial subject matter. I agree with my four score. I don't think it's the best but I'm also writing from the mind of someone who has at that moment in time taken substances.
Quote by utterchaos

I use very clear tags to not shock anyone and I always use the author's notes to add an extra warning with the controversial subject matter. I agree with my four score. I don't think it's the best but I'm also writing from the mind of someone who has at that moment in time taken substances.

*nods* scores should reflect how well a story is written, not if you're a fan of the particular genre. seriously, your tags are great - anyone reading your stories knows what they're in for - if they are squeamish about the subject matter, thy should probably just skip them - dining you for drug use or whatever is just stupid, imo.

fyi, i get crap scores too - in my case, tho, i think it's cause i piss people off a lot. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
I think it's cause i piss people off a lot. smile

You piss people off? Say it ain't so! You're one of the most kind-hearted people I know here in Lush. If they get pissed off, it is because they are self-centered egotists and not community-oriented members. I for one just want to say, I support you Rachel.