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My first !*, and I loved it!

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Just received my first 1* rating on a story. At first I was a bit peed off, then re-read it and became quite chuffed. I quote......

Wow... I did not like it at all! It is too much like a drama novel =_= like one of those Arabic/Chinese TV dramas. Carla is made to angelic and Jack comes out like a and a monster. I would give it a zero, it doesn't suit this website... It's more like a short story. Like the story of the man who had sex with his mother and then poked his eyes out. (must read this, anyone one know the title?)

I think I must be starting to do something right if I can get readers to hate or love my characters. I am honoured to have my scrawling described as "too much like a short Story! " Beats indifference hands down.

I have to agree with some of what was said though. I think I over-egged it at the begininig and, at the limited perspective of the first part of my tale, it may seem a a little cliched, but things do start to fall apart at the end. Not to sound too pretentious, I hope my characters show more depth.

I have a great ending that I may use (not decided yet) but I am not sure if sits easily with the flavour of the rest of the story. I cold not stop laughing when I thought of it. I may use it just for the hell of it.

My Story is; How Jack Came To Fuck His Sister

You should read the "best negative feedback" thread too, it's comedy gold, I mean, excellent constructive feedback.
Wild at Heart
At least that person left a reason for the one vote. Most people are too chicken to let you know it was them that hated your story.
Quote by Magical_felix
At least that person left a reason for the one vote. Most people are too chicken to let you know it was them that hated your story.

Too true. No, I'm grateful in a way, some of the that stuff was at the back of my mind anyway. I'm still finding it hard to "kill my darlings."

I suppose fellow writers are loathe to leave poor feedback on others, using their own name, for fear it will lead to tit for tat voting. Could descend into a nasty spiral of vindictiveness.

We should all be open to technical criticism of our writing as we will never improve if we think we are doing Ok as we are. When it comes to content though, that is purely subjective. If you don't like a certain kind of thing, just don't bother to read it.
Wild at Heart
Yeah, it looked liked she/he had more of a problem with the content of the story rather than your writing abilities but those can always improve. No one is a perfect writer.
Constant Gardener
I've a couple of other thoughts on this.

I read a lot of schlock on a monthly basis. As a story moderator, I also get the first peek at a lot of very entertaining, imaginative and talented paragraphs, too.

Since the beginning of this year, Lush has made a concerted effort to showcase stories which are a bit more polished than those which show up on our competitor's websites.

We catch a bit of grief for being spelling or grammar nazi's, and we realize that English is not every writer's primary or even secondary language, so some few exceptions are granted.

Really, there should be very few of our author's stories, appearing on site for the first time this year - which should be blasted by a reader for the grammar/spelling/punctuation, etc...

And just like there is a wide range of talent between school age soccer players and those who are at the World Cup games, there is a talent gulf amongst writers.

If a reader has a beef with a story that is strong enough of an urge for that person to actually feel the need to complete the 1 rating with a comment, then by all means. Go for it.

I have seen a few stories here this year, which I am tempted to nail with a 1, but then I would have to devote another 30 seconds of my life explaining why, and my passion to do so is just not there.

I type a lot of smart assed and ridiculing things in the forum, but if I felt strongly enough to critique you, I'd give 'you' my opinion in a private email. I make a big enough ass of myself in the forum on a weekly basis. I don't wish to show people who don't visit the forum, what a crass and queer individual I can be, when others read the comments at the end of stories.

Besides, as a moderator, I catch enough grief lavishing praise on some of our authors (showing favoritism). Imagine what would be whispered or trumpeted if I was knocking stories with 1's and 2's on a regular basis?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
@ SnakeOil: It’s great that you got an explanation for the 1* score, and even better that you were able to learn something from it and grow as a writer.

As for me, I’m struggling a bit with giving scoring on the stories I read. I know as a writer I value the feedback, and appreciate the effort readers put into voting or commenting, and so I very much want to give back to the community.

After receiving a 1 vote myself, I’ve been trying to come up with a case where I would actually give a story a score of 1. It would have to be atrociously written as far as grammar and spelling goes. A story like this wouldn’t get verified, so that’s not really a possibility. Otherwise, it would have to be terribly weak writing, with no identifiably sexy elements (even if it’s not something that turns me on), or no provocative content at all. In fact, it would almost have to piss me off to some extent for wasting my time.

I can’t imagine myself ever voting someone a score of 1.

I love telling people their story is great. I hate the idea of giving someone a 1, or even a 2, and want to avoid it. Is this wrong? Should I adjust my standards so a 1 is a viable option in the continuum?

Active Ink Slinger
I'm sorry you got a 1, Snake... I couldn't imagine giving a 1 or 2 to anybody unless the story is pure trash in content, spelling, grammar, and style. They should have mandatory comments for both 1 and 2 or that score won't be recorded. I have give a 3 a time or two but very seldom and always tell why. 99% of the stories I read do rate 4 or 5, so I score and comment accordingly. There are so many wonderful authors here on LUSH. While I have visited some of the other sites around, my home is here. Lush Stories is a live, living being in my opinion, may it long grow and thrive!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SnakeOil
Like the story of the man who had sex with his mother and then poked his eyes out. (must read this, anyone one know the title?)

Your critic has likened your story with Oedipus Rex, the greatest of all the Greek tragedies.

To have your story compared with such a masterpiece is a very great compliment indeed.
I have gotten only one #1 on lush score so far, according to the reader because it was so long and boring, which for me usually makes a great story. Reading between the lines I assume that reader was let down because the story was tagged interracial, and perhaps the reader was expecting black/white interracial and not Native American/white interracial. As an author you have to bear in mind that you're your own best critic as well as your own worst critic. Within yourself you know how good you are and you should know how good you are not as well.

At least the feedback was more personal about your characters. Has been somewhere where commenters attack the writers and lifestyles viciuously, and it ain't no picnic. Here on lush though, for the biggest part, the comments are good, especially from your peers. Where ever you go and whatever you write is not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but as long as it's yours don't let that first #1 rating bother you. Just think of it as something that, in reality, you probably will not see too often.


P.S. - the name of the play referenced in the comment is Oedipus Rex, a tragedy from classical Greece.
It was such a pleasure to read a thread about scoring that didn't contain bitching and whining ~ especially considering the title

I have noticed in the forums that about 95% of the authors admit that they don't really care about the scoring and just appreciate the comments ~ good or bad... You cannot learn anything as a author by the votes alone. Comments on the other hand....

In one way, (not bitching, just dreaming ) I wish that we could replace the scoring of 1-5 and simply have 'Did you like the story ~ YES or NO and WHY?'. We could still have most popular and top author simply by the number of YES votes .... and if we are feeling really evil start a new category 'least popular' by the amount of NO votes .... for other authors who need a good laugh, or simply to feel better about themselves

I read your story and I personally don't think it deserverd a '1', but in one way, at least they were honest, even if it was to themselves. I would rather have a constructive '1' then have a PM sent to you, saying your story was 'brilliantly written' but then give you a '4' ???? You are therefore one of the lucky ones ~ congratulations by the way.
Yeah sweet, why do they do that? Seems like one of those great mysteries I will never figure out. If I send a glowing review to someone they're getting a five.

Quote by SweetBitch
I wish that we could replace the scoring of 1-5 and simply have 'Did you like the story ~ YES or NO and WHY?'.

I like this idea, but I need my shades of grey.

To take it further, it would be cool to have a "fact" based rating system that could help make voting more consistent. Does my 3 mean the same thing as your 3?

(5) It made me come

(4) It turned me on

(3) It was interesting/entertaining

(2) It turned me off

(1) It made me angry
I started the site off having a thumbs up or down type system, and moved it to numeric after polling members / authors / surfers.
Quote by nicola
I started the site off having a thumbs up or down type system, and moved it to numeric after polling members / authors / surfers.

Just curious as the owner of the site and not an author, do you find the new voting system the best or prefer the old one, considering all the complaints you receive? Or do you think this site would do just as well with no voting system at all?

Me, and please believe me, I am not complaining about the current voting system, just saying which I would prefer personally. Maybe if we could have an individual option ??? I just think it would be nicer to look at your profile/story and instead of a score of 4.75, having something like 'wow, 20 people like my story and 2 don't... who cares about the 2, 20 PEOPLE LIKE MY STORY'

Quote by kinkybelle
To take it further, it would be cool to have a "fact" based rating system that could help make voting more consistent. Does my 3 mean the same thing as your 3?

a fact based rating system could mean so many things....


(5) Had me a mind blowing orgasm

(4) Had me a sweet orgasm

(3) Got me so wet/so hard...

(2) Meh, felt a tingling down there

(1) I was scared there for a minute... Had to whack it to see if it was still working..


(5) Brilliantly written ~ why aren't you making millions?

(4) Fantastic writer

(3) Mediocre writer

(2) Maybe you should stick to writing in your diary.

(1) I wouldn't let you write a shopping list.

AS A FRIEND (The most common form of voting )

(5) I gave you a 5 because you are my friend

(4) I really like you and want to remain friends

(3) Not so concerned about being your friend

(2) Friend or not ~ this really sucked

(1) F**k friendship
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kinkybelle
Quote by SweetBitch
I wish that we could replace the scoring of 1-5 and simply have 'Did you like the story ~ YES or NO and WHY?'.

I like this idea, but I need my shades of grey.

To take it further, it would be cool to have a "fact" based rating system that could help make voting more consistent. Does my 3 mean the same thing as your 3?

(5) It made me come

I think there is more to a story then whether or not it makes you come.
Quote by SweetBitch
do you find the new voting system the best or prefer the old one, considering all the complaints you receive?

I really don't receive many complaints at all to be honest. Almost every site out there has a numeric scoring system, it's the norm and expected.
Quote by steffanie
Quote by SnakeOil
Like the story of the man who had sex with his mother and then poked his eyes out. (must read this, anyone one know the title?)

Your critic has likened your story with Oedipus Rex, the greatest of all the Greek tragedies.

To have your story compared with such a masterpiece is a very great compliment indeed.

D'oh! *Slaps head with hand*

I was tempted to say I was being ironic and really got the reference, but actually the allusion went straight over my head (I do of course do know the myth). Too wrapped up in the world of Lush, thought it a was reference to some infamous story on this site.

Ironic really, when I had tried to incorporate a little of the Arthurian mythology into my own story.

Thanks for pointing that out Steffanie (and you Master_vyle)
For anyone who wanted to see how my Jack And Carla story ended, it is now up and running. It's a bit long.

I actually had it nearly finished last week but due to my hardwired carelessness I had a few problems uploading. I went with the quirky ending I mentioned.
Active Ink Slinger
... Like the story of the man who had sex with his mother and then poked his eyes out. (must read this, anyone one know the title?)

Oedipus Rex. Ancient Greek tragedy.

[edit] I received a grade of "1" recently. The reader gave a comment something along the lines of "I found your story too extreme and besides, I don't really like stories anyway." I guess there's no way to please everybody. But I will keep trying.
You've been a bad girl! Now take your pajamas off and go to my room!