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Is there another story category you'd like to have on Lush?

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by adele

this isn't so much a category as it is just having lush change it so that more than one person could get full credit and it displays on both profiles, rather than just a co-author credit with only the one who does the submitting have it only on their page.

makes more sense the way you explained it. I agree.
Active Ink Slinger
I would like to put another plug for the threesome category. Sometimes keeping track of the people in a "group" or ogry is just more trouble than it's worth! MMF or FFM or other combinations of three is a lot easier!
Active Ink Slinger
If it were my call, I'd say add "Outdoor." But realistically, we have a lot of categories. I'm not convinced that more would not be less.
The Linebacker
We have a long list of categories that covers the spectrum well. I think we're more than set on enough on categories. Most subjects beyond this point are really secondary things that should be listed in the tags. As it is not all categories enjoy the same popularity. I think any additional categories suggested would be weak in views under that subject, especially when that particular story can get more attention under a category already available.

Besides every time we add categories, all those authors who have worked their ass off to earn an Omnium Badge will lose it.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Buz
We have a long list of categories that covers the spectrum well. I think we're more than set on enough on categories. Most subjects beyond this point are really secondary things that should be listed in the tags. As it is not all categories enjoy the same popularity. I think any additional categories suggested would be weak in views under that subject, especially when that particular story can get more attention under a category already available.

Besides every time we add categories, all those authors who have worked their ass off to earn an Omnium Badge will lose it.

i know. this is why i keep adding them. it's hilarious!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

For me, I wish there was a warning of reproduction in stories... All of us of a certain age know it happens (like it, plan it, or neither), but it's somewhat nauseating (or at least not sexy) to look at/imagine.

That said, I like the post I saw on this page regarding use of fictional characters... I believe I saw a "historical" category on the main page, so why not fictional famous names?
Quote by oceanrunner

Was suggested previously by Lunafalls, who was quoted by 8ox8.... I don't understand the question.
Edit. Deleted because the post it was responding to no longer exists.
Quote by oceanrunner
Without having read back far enough to have seen the reproduction category request, I'd assumed that any such category would be more about procreative sex. Impregnation. Referring to it as nauseating confused me (would it look different?), unless you meant the actual birth, which I would imagine was not part of the original request, nor would it be within TOS.

I admit to having no children of my own. Also, I am well-aware that many couples are out there wanting to have children whether or not they are able to. However, I believe the concept of adoption would be downright foreign if people who took part in sex weren't at least partially aware it was a potential result, meaning any sex written about would potentially be "procreative".
Miscellaneous? #Kidding #Smartass
Active Ink Slinger
In terms of personal fantasy, I love the idea of public or outdoor sex. It's not quite voyeur or exhibition as there isn't an audience, just the potential for an audience and the risk of getting caught. Of course, the whole concept overlaps with other categories but it's just an idea.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Detention Seeker
Fem Domme or Humiliation for my worth
Fan Fiction and Celebrity will be something I would like. Other categories I saw mentioned that would be interesting would be: Revenge and Threesomes.
Hello, I hope it's okay to post in here because I know this is Ask the Author (which I'm not, at least yet).

I think that Suspense/Thriller/Mystery would be good, either as any of these combined or as all three separately. Especially Thriller, I think that sex and thriller-type stories go well together, although I've seen this done more in films than books.

Just my hapenny's worth, anyway smile
Advanced Wordsmith
Something that was previously a category, but was taken away, so answering that would cause my mentioning it to be removed, and censored because it: Violates Lush TOS... shrugs
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by PlayWithMyYoyo
Something that was previously a category, but was taken away, so answering that would cause my mentioning it to be removed, and censored because it: Violates Lush TOS... shrugs

and you decided to post this, why?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Advanced Wordsmith
Shrugs, because - freedom?
i decided i had a thought in my head, so i let it out... i'll know better now, and won't next time.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by PlayWithMyYoyo
Shrugs, because - freedom?
i decided i had a thought in my head, so i let it out... i'll know better now, and won't next time.

i never said you couldn't, it just seems rather pointless and more than a little passive aggressive, as did your reply. obviously, i'm not about to censor you, or i would have already. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

No. For those of us that might want to someday get an Omnium Badge, this is a terrible thought. Honestly, I personally believe we could do away with some of the categories.

For those who already HAVE the Omnium Badge, they'd have to write a new story to keep it for every new category.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Simmerdownchick
No. For those of us that might want to someday get an Omnium Badge, this is a terrible thought. Honestly, I personally believe we could do away with some of the categories.

For those who already HAVE the Omnium Badge, they'd have to write a new story to keep it for every new category.

don't know if you've noticed, but everytime someone gets that badge, we add a new catagory, just to vex them

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
I haven't read the whole thread, so forgive me. I'm not suggesting a catogory, but easier access through the tags, please? Probably the wrong place to post and a hell of a lot of coding... sure I'll be put straight lol
Quote by sprite

don't know if you've noticed, but everytime someone gets that badge, we add a new catagory, just to vex them

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

I've heard many suggestions that are good,

but the (Collaboration Category) idea is the best so far I think.

And as the Omnium Badge is supposedly for an individual achievement only?

I don't think a new (Collaboration Category) should affect anyone seeking an Omnium Badge,
or anyone who currently has it.

Group...a number of people or things together, or to associate them together.
A 3some category isn't necessary for me really.
When I look at the Group Category? I think of a threesome or larger group of people in the stories anyway.
But that's just me. I can see how others would like to have the category

Some of the other suggestions about Uniform Categories I liked too.

As for me? I would like a (Story/Poem Tag).
I'm gonna like to write poems in an old style known in Ancient Times as (Story Line Poems, or Story/Poems),
just as I did my first Story/Poem for the Passion Competition, in which story telling is written in a poetic, or poem format.
My poems could be erotic, love, or neither of these categories,
just as I've seen others write poems here about such things as flowers, trees, summer, the ocean, and other things,
but which were not Love Poems, even though they were put into that category.

I've seen so many here write poems about flowers, birds, the ocean,
and other things that fit into neither the erotic, or love poem category I think.
If anyone is saying they are writing a poem for their love of flowers, or the ocean?
Well, that's just silly. That isn't a Love Poem really is it?
Is that what the Love Poem category was intended to be for too?
Maybe all of those poems I've seen here,
and my future poems should be published on the other non-erotic Lush stories site?
Not sure about that I
We've been through all these, and doing some brainstorming ourselves.

Stay tuned for a bunch of new categories, coming soon!
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by nicola
We've been through all these, and doing some brainstorming ourselves.

Stay tuned for a bunch of new categories, coming soon!

also, for those who have earned the omnivore... onomotapia... harmonium... ominum.. whatever badge, we're looking into how best to let them keep it every time we mess with the categories. still under discussion, but it might just become a 'write in at least x numbers of categories, x being equal to however many we have currently. stay tuned. i think a lot of people are going to like some of the new ideas (hi verbal!).

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Can we have a category for bad sex? I even have a name for it: Stinker Sex!

I'll see myself out....
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Burquette
Can we have a category for bad sex? I even have a name for it: Stinker Sex!

I'll see myself out....

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

Why do I suspect that steampunk and tentacle sex are just over the horizon. sigh.