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Humor Month Competition Support Thread

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Quote by eiffel2007
As a first timer with only two lush friends I tend not to get many people give scores on my stories. So I suspect I may struggle (based on past experience) to reach the 10 vote threshold even though I do tend to have a high average. So if anyone would be kind enough to read and vote on my story (Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary - link below) I would very much appreciate it. It would be a shame to miss out on that potato simply because I don't have enough friends to vote me into the reckoning.

I should also say that I have received some lovely comments from fellow competitors and I am warmed and encouraged by the camaraderie they have shown.

Something I've asked other authors before who say they don't get many reads/votes, do you read and comment on stories here? Have you read and commented on any of the comp entries? Support other authors on Lush, and they will be more than willing to support you. It's a great way to get additional reads if you don't want to collect a bunch of friends. You're also supporting other authors, and as an author you know how much you appreciate it. Take the first step!

Good luck everyone. I've read some really funny entries.
Quote by CurlyGirly

Something I've asked other authors before who say they don't get many reads/votes, do you read and comment on stories here? Have you read and commented on any of the comp entries? Support other authors on Lush, and they will be more than willing to support you. It's a great way to get additional reads if you don't want to collect a bunch of friends. You're also supporting other authors, and as an author you know how much you appreciate it. Take the first step!

Good luck everyone. I've read some really funny entries.

Funnily enough I received your comment on my story, and in turn read, enjoyed and commented on yours before I read your post above. So yes it does work. Certainly in the competition environment at least (I'm not so sure it does the rest of the time).
Quote by CurlyGirly

Something I've asked other authors before who say they don't get many reads/votes, do you read and comment on stories here?

I'm going slightly off topic, so a mod can feel free to delete this. I think in general there is a real advantage to having lots of friends who vote quickly when you first post a story. I rarely look beyond the first page or 2 of new stories and my eyes are naturally drawn to stories that have a high number of votes and a high average, as well as an enticing title/premise. Who wants to waste their time with a duff story? The scores can be a good guide if you want a quick fix.

If others apply a similar philosophy then it is easy to see how some stories gain a momentum, while other stories that may be great, flounder and sink.

In my case, by posting at the wrong point in the week I have had stories disappear from the front page before either of my friends have had a chance to read them. Once it is off the front page it is out of sight, out of mind. It won't get many readers and it won't get many scores. And then faced with a choice between a story that has 35 votes (Avg 4.88) or 2 votes (Avg 5), it is natural I think for people to read the former story. I'm as guilty as anyone of that when I'm in reader mode.

I'm not saying I'm a great undiscovered author. But if I friended 300 people and asked them to vote on my new story. I reckon 10% would vote without reading it. That would in turn draw many more people to my story. It wouldn't make it a better story, but it would give it momentum and in turn would give me a higher profile.

However when I first joined Lush I did the whole friending many people thing, but I got tired of people who only contacted me when they wanted something. They weren't actually interested in me, getting to know me, or chatting to me. In the end I defriended more and more until I got down to two people who I am lucky and proud to class as proper friends. So although I may add more friends in future, I won't go down the route of collecting dozens and dozens again. It's my loss in terms of my story rankings, but it is my gain in terms of quality time spent with wonderful people.

Ramble over.
I think the humor competition is, by far, the hardest! I have finished my entry and it is waiting to be verified. It has been almost 24 hours. Its not a bad story, I just fear its not very funny...ahhh, I can only dream of that starchy potato goodness...sigh...
Active Ink Slinger
I would dislike having to be a judge in this competition. I have had the pleasure of reading some of your entries .& so far not one of them has failed to make me laugh.


Looking forward to reading more..
Also, as far as getting reads and votes go, I read stories and friend the author that inspire/impress me. I also watch my comment boards and friend the people who are kind enough to drop a note. I then check out their stuff and offer more comments/opinions on their things. My friends list hasn't jumped up...but in particular, people like cocokisses or AnnieLuvsToFu, have given me constructive criticism that has really helped me. Thats super appreciated. While I don't chat them up on a regular basis, I'm not so worried about that. I love Lush, but I'm not here everyday. I do feel like most of the people on my list would give me some feedback if I asked for it. As far as the competitions go, I don't think they are judged on views and votes. I think they are judged by a panel who reads them. Maybe the views and votes carry some weight, but I don't see the contests as a popularity contest. Read anything thats placed and its usually quite obvious why they placed. Good luck!
Constant Gardener
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Just a note to say if I'm being referred to as an asskisser, I haven't been here long enough to know who's ass to kiss. I'm sure your bravado was appreciated by all though.