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How to write sex differently

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I've been writing a couple stories and besides being in different scenarios, how do you write erotic scenes differently every time? Because I can't figure out more than about 2 ways to describe fellatio. I don't know. Maybe I'm not creative enough?
Hi Cloud, welcome to Lush smile

You're on the right track in terms of setting up different scenarios in your stories, as this adds structure to your plot. Simply describing a scene doesn't really make a story. That's not to say a simple descriptive scene can't be fun to write or read, but to become a story it needs plot - e.g. challenges the characters must overcome and/or conflict between them.

Something else to look at is your characters' personalities. You'll find the more you try to get inside your character's heads, the more you'll be able to visualize their actions. What emotions are they feeling? Perhaps try writing a reluctant character, or one who feels guilty or ashamed of what they are doing. Vary the amount of experience your characters have, and their confidence. Try writing from the male perspective or from the perspective of a voyeur and see how this changes what you see of the scene.

If you still find you're struggling to find ways of describing things, try reading more stories by other authors and see how they do it, it might give you some fresh ideas.

Hope that helps.
Ditto on Mo's challenge and conflict advice. This could be applied to any scene or scenario. I loved how you built Nyla's character with a lifelong challenge that could shape her response
to the world today. She might not be proud of her abilities as a scholar, but makes up for it in prowess as she brings Remley, the queen's deputy, back down to earth and his knees as he succumbs to
a sucking fit for a king.

We are surrounded by inspiration - right from where we sit. Step out to the world, watch, and wait. It will rain ideas.
I try to use all of my senses to describe a scene as opposed to describing an act. While she performs fellatio, what does she see, feel, hear, taste, or smell? Is he showered and shaved, or shocking her primal passion with man and musk?
Does the buckle of a man's belt flop and fondle his lover's cheek when she teases his cock and clasp. Many sensations and thoughts can accompany the race from base to tip and harnessing them will make great headway.

All the best with your success,
Two more words of advice...

Morgan Hawke
Go to any gay men's porn site that allows their members to submit stories, and you will find a plethora of detailed descriptions!
Leigh Jarrett
Come Play In My World...
Write the way you wish...criticism is only an opinion
Quote by cloudsnapper
I've been writing a couple stories and besides being in different scenarios, how do you write erotic scenes differently every time? Because I can't figure out more than about 2 ways to describe fellatio. I don't know. Maybe I'm not creative enough?

The physical is always the same. (Insert penis into vagina, insert penis into mouth)

What makes sex different in you life? Or someone else's? Even if its with the same person?

Location, setting, emotions, physical position, weather, state of mind, personal connections, number of people, fetishes, individual preferences, level of risk.

The list can only get longer.

You know - a crowded beech is different than a beech on a desert island.
Maybe it rained, and the storm blew a palm tree over which crushed the beach house and they're stuck living on their shored boat.

Very different than sex in their apartment back home in New York City.
As Metilda said the actions are all the same. You brought up fellatio it always involves the mouth and the penis, but just like every blowjob in real life is not the same you don't have to write it the same.

Not just the place can be different or in a story the characters are sometimes different. But even with partners you sometimes have to change things up. If in a relationship you do things the same way every time over and over it gets boring. So you change it up.

Fellatio can be performed on your knees with him standing up, in a 69 position, sometimes with your eyes closed, eyes open, sometimes he lets you control the action, sometimes he wants to be more involved with more thrusting, and so forth.

You use the emotions, the excitement, the positions, etc. to change up what is basically the same action. And also each time you write what is a similar scene you don't have to include the same action. Leave it open and let the reader imagine what might have happened.

I read a series of stories recently by an author and almost every sex scene this author wrote included taking the condom off after sex with the same wording... they reached over and took some tissues off the bedside table and used it to remove the condom and then the partner leaned in to suck off any remnants of the lovers juices. It just got boring and repetitive.
Writings are expressions, but the mind must be in tune to the genre which your thoughts lay. Write as you vision and perceive...the eye of the quill will lead the way.
Re the OP:

For a start there's POV. So you might try and write it from the guy's perspective. I've never tried it, but I have some idea from guy's feedback what it's like. I might try that one day, but it's not for me right now. Then there's your POV, so this is quite easy as I assume you're a girl too. Alternatively you could write a third person narrative. So there's three ways.

Then you could meddle with the tense, writing in the past tense or you could write in the present, which for a blow job would be fun. BUT, stick to one tense per story.

The most variety though would be the mood. not in the grammatical sense, but did she stroke his banjo string tenderly, her demure young face turning bashfully, avoiding his gaze...

or did she go down on him like a whore, gagging... drooling down his shaft and taking his cock ball deep.

Shiz, the opportunities are endless!

Hope that helps

Danny xxx

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

As Nabokov said it's not possible to write pornographic literature. Why? because sex is a repetitive act. There are just so many ways to do it and although it might be endlessly satisfying it never changes. You can only do so many things. Read " " and learn.
I'd like to disagree with Nabokov, stonedcrab. Even if it hasn't been done, or not in a way that found appreciation, there is no reason why a pornograhic story could not also be high literature. In my opinion, the wall that divides pornography from literature is quite a thin one, and always moving. Examples like the Diaries of Fanny Hill or Henry Miller's works illustrate that once popular morale has shifted enough, a formerly condemned novel becomes an accepted and in some cases even even highly acclaimed piece of literature.

To come back to the original question - to write sex differently, write a different story. Just a little bit of plot is enough to make characters react in a different way, have different feeling and thoughts. Don't get stuck with the main event, like in a good meal, its the spices and colors that count. We readers know what a cock looks like, but we're not aware of the birth mark on its owner's hip and that his pubic hair has a touch of red in it, and when we try to wrap our lips around the tip of the cock to start our first ever blowjob, we might just be startled by the chime of the old wall clock and lean forward a bit too fast, which makes us take it deeper than planned and gives us that startled deer-in-the-headlight look. Add the unexpected, like chillie flakes on a roasted banana or balsamic vinegar in the strawberry dessert. Make it a question of not what happens, but how it does. Play with circumstances, drop a few conflicting emotions into the mix and stir. Play with intensity. A climax can be hard, forceful, or soft and sweet. It can be loud, filled with grunting and shouted obsceneties, or quiet, with suppressed moans. It can have your skin tingle, your nipples burn, your eyes water, or just be a vulcano erupting from your loins. And don't stop here. Sex is, mostly, not over that quick. There are aftershocks traveling through the body, there's sensitivity that makes each touch sweet torture. There's this bunch of butterflies dancing under your skin and making you weightless. There are thousand emotions that combine with the deep satisfaction to form the unique experience of blissful afterglow.
Like anything in life, make it believable with characters who have emotions and a pulse. I have read some good erotica through the years...most in hard copy. Porn is an act...erotica/sensuality is a feeling within the realm of sight and vision. Porn is people going through motions. Writing a good sex story must come with some heart and soul.