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How dirty and kinky would you really get?

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So, you're an erotica writer... you must be completely uninhibited, right?

Just a few questions to ponder:

* As a writer, do you ever find yourself limiting or censoring how dirty or kinky you would get in a story (or what categories you write in) because you're concerned that it might limit/shock your reading audience?

* How much does your writing cater to what you think your readers want, or do you strictly just write according to your own agenda?

* Does your online presence and 'reputation' affect how you write and what you put out there, or do you feel that your stories are 100% authentically as dirty, kinky and explicit as you'd ever want to make them.
I am not erotic story writer but I do have oppinion about the subject..

I think writer should be completely uninhibited, without any restraint. It is the way people express themselves and I don't see why would they limited themselve.. howevere that can mean that they are not going to be published (in general not just here at Lush) or they are going to be asked to 'fix' few 'smaller corrections'.. Publishing companies can kill the creativity.

As a writer, do you ever find yourself limiting or censoring how dirty or kinky you would get in a story (or what categories you write in) because you're concerned that it might limit/shock your reading audience?

No, I don't think they should. I believe that writer should take the risk of being refused by publisher and by negative criticism of a reader. It is all about being unique and different, but that is not going to be posible if writer is limiting himself.

How much does your writing cater to what you think your readers want, or do you strictly just write according to your own agenda?

None. I think when inspiration is high and imaginaton is on and writer is infront of the paper, he/she should let the story to write itself. Every limitation in art of writen word is waste of a writers talent, time and a good story, eventhough that there is a risk of being redjected, I personaly wouldn't do it.

* Does your online presence and 'reputation' affect how you write and what you put out there, or do you feel that your stories are 100% authentically as dirty, kinky and explicit as you'd ever want to make them.

It shouldn't affect it but than again everything we do, does affect us, so this is tricky one.
I would say that every story should contain different amount of fiction, truth, kink, dirtines.. Every story should be different because 'we' are at that point of writing different because of affects of life or in this case, online presence. The only thing that should affect the way writer is writing a new story is the quality of a story.
I will embellish my stoties and include things that are more wishfull thinking than what I would do. I do however let my imagination run wild when writing. If readers take my writings as gospel, so be it.
I do try not to affend anyone. But if I write a story to be submitted in a certain cathegory. . bdsm, I take it for granted that the readers will know what to expect.
* As a writer, do you ever find yourself limiting or censoring how dirty or kinky you would get in a story (or what categories you write in) because you're concerned that it might limit/shock your reading audience?

No. When I write best is when I have an idea in my head and let it blossom with a little care and time. If that idea is shocking, that let it be. Although I have to admit sometimes I find the scenerio is difficult to fully commit to paper because I have trouble making it as lyrical as I like. That is where reading other author's works comes in, and the feedback!

* How much does your writing cater to what you think your readers want, or do you strictly just write according to your own agenda?

Writing, for me anyway, is a selfish indulgence. I write for me first- an audience second. I write about what gets me hot and bothered and if my readers don't like it... well, there are always other authors for them to read, especially here.

* Does your online presence and 'reputation' affect how you write and what you put out there, or do you feel that your stories are 100% authentically as dirty, kinky and explicit as you'd ever want to make them.

I feel like I'm more honest and true to myself online (which is something I need to work on in real life), so my online presence and rep is a more crystalized version of myself. With that comes my stories, which is not quite as dirty or kinky as I hope to make them, but again, more due to the proper english and the hope of making it an interesting read then to the lack of the will to commit them to paper.
* As a writer, do you ever find yourself limiting or censoring how dirty or kinky you would get in a story (or what categories you write in) because you're concerned that it might limit/shock your reading audience?

No. I don't care if my writing offends anyone. I do care that there are rules of the site that need to be followed. I have written stories that I would never submit here.

* How much does your writing cater to what you think your readers want, or do you strictly just write according to your own agenda?

I write what I want. I'm not too good at writing for others. I do try to improve my writing by small and simple things each time I write something new.

* Does your online presence and 'reputation' affect how you write and what you put out there, or do you feel that your stories are 100% authentically as dirty, kinky and explicit as you'd ever want to make them.

I don't care much about any reputation or what anyone thinks of me. I do respect the site enough to not trying to submit anything that would be against the letter or the spirit of the rules.
Thousands of user submitted stories removed from the site. You are nothing without your users or their freely submitted stories.
* As a writer, do you ever find yourself limiting or censoring how dirty or kinky you would get in a story (or what categories you write in) because you're concerned that it might limit/shock your reading audience?

- no. i DO, however, censor some of my work (sometimes after the mod 'suggests' i do so) in order to fall within the site guidelines. Honestly, i accept that my stories aren't for everyone and it limits my readership to write something extreme, so be it - i want to please myself as well as others, and limiting my writing has never even entered my mind.

* How much does your writing cater to what you think your readers want, or do you strictly just write according to your own agenda?

- if what i'm writing doesn't turn ME on, then i lose interest very fast. everything in my stories runs to my own sexual tastes. i certainly hope that they titilate others too, but it's not a real concern. i DO want people to enjoy what i write, don't get me wrong, but if i don't enjoy it, why should anyone else?

* Does your online presence and 'reputation' affect how you write and what you put out there, or do you feel that your stories are 100% authentically as dirty, kinky and explicit as you'd ever want to make them.

- lol - i am kind of hoping that my online rep IS extremely kinky - sadly, i think people might actually have the misconception that i'm fun and sweet and silly in the bedroom - i like to think i am, but i am not afraid to admit that i'm a probably a lot 'filthier' and kinky, then some might think. so, as it stands, yes, if it's in one of my stories, with the exception of the scenes, it's not only something that turns me on, but most likely, i've experienced it at one time, if not regularly.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

hmmm good question doll..

when started to write it was purely as a creative exercise for me. and the few stories i did were like movies in my head. never was it about what the audience might want or not want but neither was it purely selfish either. the stories were already there and once i started them they sort of took on lives of their own... i just did the typing. smile
Great questions, thank you.

So, you're an erotica writer... you must be completely uninhibited, right?

Just a few questions to ponder:

* As a writer, do you ever find yourself limiting or censoring how dirty or kinky you would get in a story (or what categories you write in) because you're concerned that it might limit/shock your reading audience?

The subject matter that most interests me is plenty , and primarily gay male. So, in a lot of ways, my choice of subject is what censors my work. Not many folks really interested in reading it. For me, it's just a love story or an erotic story. Even though it feels perfect unremarkable to me from the inside, it is already "dirty and nasty" for its context.

* How much does your writing cater to what you think your readers want, or do you strictly just write according to your own agenda?

I used to worry about that stuff a bit. But now, I just write what's inside me.

* Does your online presence and 'reputation' affect how you write and what you put out there, or do you feel that your stories are 100% authentically as dirty, kinky and explicit as you'd ever want to make them.

In my real life, I'm a performer, so I've learned a lot from dealing with audiences. My biggest lesson is to never expose that which I do not want to give away ownership. Because it's very much a Pandora's box. Once exposed, I'll never get back that bit of privacy. So, I'm careful in that regard. My most precious, private stuff will always remain private.
In all honesty, I censor myself. I don't like the kind of pornography that is shame pornography, and I think of that when I write. I don't want my writing to be considered into that genre. For example : Ass to mouth. Everyone has watched a vid of ass to mouth, or some other rather ... unhygenique act, and after wards, cringed and closed the browser. Lol. I don't want to put my writing into that category. I know If I'm not into it, and it doesn't get me hot writing it, then I know it won't get other people writing. I think my favorite story that I've posted of my own so far was the Cowboy story just for the woman character. I don't know, it just connected with me, writing it. What I write, it isn't beautiful, but in every story there is some aspect that can't be tarnished by something I would cringe to, so yes, I censor myself. I'm completely uninhibited, but there are some things I don't post. I know I should probably start posting some of my sketches, but I haven't the equipment, or time to do sketches that would actually be 'good'. Hah.
However, my online presence and 'reputation' doesn't affect how I write because, quite simply, I haven't a 'reputation'. : )

You should be able to enjoy what you create, and take pride in what you create. I couldn't bear myself to be brought down to the level of J.D Robb or any other writer you'd take off the shelf at a grocery store, but I can't bring myself down to the 'cringeworthy porn writer' level either.
* As a writer, do you ever find yourself limiting or censoring how dirty or kinky you would get in a story (or what categories you write in) because you're concerned that it might limit/shock your reading audience?

I have a few very kinky stories that I haven't quite brought myself to put up on lush. It's not because I am worried about socking anybody, but they tend to be more personal stories that I want to work on a little more before I post them. I have had a lot of battles with the kinky side of me recently, so I think there are some things I am not ready to share, or write about yet.