Punctuation is all about social conditioning.
I'm personally now considering to use ''' 3 '''. Maybe ''''4'''''.
Communicating is about getting you message across in a way that people can understand.
Then if people decide to leap out of their office window cause you've used either '1' or ''2'' let them jump.........
I've just had a look in my husbands 442 magazine and our local newspaper and they do both use ", however I am going to stick with ', I'm sure it was what I was taught and I prefer it. Anyway, what do people think of the actual story?
Thanx, yes it probably should be a warm tounge, unless of course she had just been drinking an iced drink. I'm not sure what to do with Trish next, maybe a story with Harry?
I have just had to revise my Father 2 story as it was riddled with mistakes, I was disappointed nobody nudged me, or shouted foul. I have a thick skin when needed.
PS How does one include an image?