I suppose this is the correct place to ask this. It has to do with the ongoing My Boulevard Girfriend series (which has a chapter pending right now). Basically, it's about two students who are losing their virginity to each other and doing it in steps, with the girl taking the lead in this. The only place they really have any privacy for this is in a room in the basement of her building. She wants to try out a spanking scene (probably based on a magazine she has seen) in which she plays the role of a stern teacher and he is a wayward student. However, they want some plausible setting that could stand-in for a classroom although it doesn't necessarily have to be one.
So where would they go? They can't likely use their own schools after hours. She lives, I think, only with her mother and sister, so it is possible they might have use of the apartment if and when both are out. They can't use his apartment because he lives with a larger family and somebody is almost always there.