Hi everyone, any tips you can give when writing a story for the first time? Thanks, Saz.
The grammar/mechanics questions have been answered by those FAR more qualified to do so than I. I can, however, share with you that my first story is by far my most viewed and best liked. The content and detail of your story does not have to seem novice even though it's your first story. Write about your most erotic experience ever (true stories are easier to write, in my opinion) and mentally relive every detail of it as you write it... the writing is half the fun ;)
Happy writing!
As well as the excellent advice above - just make sure that you carry on reading a lot. See which stories you enjoy and that'll tell you what you'll probably end-up writing.
If you've never sat down to write a story before, remember that you don't have to start at the beginning and work to the end. Just write whichever part is in your head at the time.
It is important to jot down ideas as you have them (so that you don't lose them!). I get my best ideas when I'm on the bus - the people I see become characters. You catch snippets of conversations, see the way people are.
The most important thing is to just get on and do it.