Liz approved my first poem submission 'River of Noire'. My memorable interaction with her greatly inspired me and paved the way to some of my poems. I will never forget her. She is a true lady with a bright mind and an eye at seeing and correcting misses that I as the writer repeatedly commits on my poems. (lmao!...darn it never really learned my lesson...what a shame) She was very kind, very polite and precise on what I need to improve on. Never hesitates to lend a helping hand. Takes the initiative to help out when she can, without being asked for it. Her sincerity to really help and set the bar of standards warms my heart. (hugs and kisses to Liz).
Sprite was very encouraging and friendly. Never fails to make me smile. She has a kindred mod soul and spirit. She greatly inspired me to write one of my RR poem 'If Whores were Fairytales'. I had a lot of fun writing that poem because her, she never knew it till now. (hugs and kisses to Sprite).
And of course, these two gentlemen 'Buz' and 'Milik_the_red'.
Buz is one of the nicest moderator around. I don't have a clue what a 'moderator' was or what they do but because of him I now understand how some things work around here (he is quite becoming my 'lush101'!...thanks Buz for all the answers to my questions). I learned to appreciate the time and effort each and every moderator invests to help keep things running around in this community. Another reason was my first RR poem 'Till we meet again' was approved by Buz. I will never forget that surreal moment. Thank you.
Red was very motivating. His approval, comments and words of encouragement were heartfelt and sincere. He was always ever kind to a neophyte, wanna-be-a-poet like me.8h0LricKy1wAJFYv
Liz, Sprite, Buzz and Red (as moderators) will always have a special place in my poet's heart.
Well since I am a returning Lush member (having left and came back), I have no way of knowing who My first story was approved by but I am with others here in thanking all of the mods here who do such an amazing job. With the number of stories I have submitted, it would be a pretty fair assumption that I have hit all of the story mods at one time or another, but I do want to thank saga, MadameMolly, Sprite, sweet_as_candy, and Verity in particular for their wonderful help in getting My stories published and helping Me fix them when they needed it. And if I missed anyone else, I'm sorry!
My current Lushcrush is Pixie. Rather than rewrite an unclear paragraph, she sent it back to me because it made no sense to her.
Of course it made no sense to her. Chapter One had vanished into the ether and had never been seen, let alone verified. And, without Chapter One, this paragraph in Chapter Two made no sense.
That caused me to do three things:
1. Ask Pixie to withhold Two until One was published. She did!
2. Figure out how the heck to get Chapter One in for review. Finally!
3. Stop writing entire paragraphs that made no sense unless one had already memorized all preceding work. I'll make a new mistake next time.
Any mod who has rejected any of my stories.
It's through that rejection and the help they give that I've gotten better as a writer.
Thank you
Why did I see that one coming? *scratches her head*
They all do a great job but my fav is still a skunk followed by a Disney Princess who's S.O.H is more warped then mine lol please leave my wall alone Sprite I beseech you pmsl xo
I would like to send a big thank you to the Lush staff, and so many other author's that have offered their assistance in my attempt at writing. Everyone that has written me has offered their assistance.
I find this extraodinary! You would think most would be competitive against each other.
You know, each one wanting to be the best writer.
But the opposite is true, at least with me. I find that very refreshing that so many would
offer their assistance.
sweet_as_candy - Milik_Redman - and from what I've read in this forum - Lisa and Nicola all need that special thanks. I wish I wouldn't have deleted the messages from so many authors that offered to help. I would have posted their names as well. But a big thank you to all.
I can't speak for everyone but I feel when we help each other the whole genre benefits.
I personally love to help new authors. I don't know everything but I do know some & it just may be what they need.
Unless it's comma related. Fucking comma, devils punctuation that thing is
I just had to write back after reading what you said about the COMMA.
"Fucking comma, devils punctuation that thing is"
I have to tell YOU Haineko. I literally broke out laughing when I read that. That may be the
absolute best description of the comma that I have ever seen. BRAVO !!!
At least it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that has problems with the comma.
Again BRAVO Haineko.
I saw this thread and I had to look back to see who was the Mod for my first story, Dawson, and it was NaughtyNurse.
Since then I've had my share of rejections and approvals. I've pulled some due to content I chose not to change, and fixed most of the other. I owe Liz, Coco, and Buzz a big thank you for giving three of my stories a Recommended Read award (or you could say two since were given to the two separate parts of the same story.) Earning my first one was a shock and an honor. The other two, were even bigger shocks and bigger honors.
I can no more pick a favorite Mod than a favorite book or story. I love them all, even before I joined the team. They are hard working folks who often work behind the scenes with little to know recognition for all their hard work. I'm glad I found this thread and can thank the entire team. In the year an a half I've been a member, and the six months I've been a Mod now, I seen some great writers come and go, and so many grow and become great.
Thank you to all the great Mods. Those who were here before me, and to those who will join us later. I'm lucky to work with such a great team.
Clum's guide is awesome and does make it easier to use.
I still hate it. Even after reading it (which I have done a while ago) more of my stories have been rejected due to misuse of the comma than anything else.
I understand the comma, I just can't put it into practical use for some reason.
I guess it'd be a tie between Madamemolly, and Buz. Both very nice, and write good stuff too.