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Do you rate other authors?

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Active Ink Slinger
As an author on Lush, I often wonder whether authors rate other authors. Sorry for the repetitive words in the previous sentence; I'm in desperate need of a thesaurus :-)

My own personal feeling (whose other personal feeling could it be if not my own?) is that I feel somewhat abash about rating my peers (see, I'm already learning to use alternate terms to describe the same group of people).

As an author, how do you feel about rating your peers?
Constant Gardener
Quote by GirlyWorld
As an author, how do you feel about rating your peers?

I have no peers on Lush. This knowledge enables me to rate the rest of you peons quite readily.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Alpha Blonde
I read/vote on stories and don't really think me being an author has an effect on anything.

I will admit that if I start reading a story that wouldn't be a 5-score or at least a strong 4, then I don't vote. I probably should in order to make things more authentic, but in reality, if the story isn't good, there's nothing compelling me to actually finish reading it anyway.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh, yes. They work hard, so they deserve it. If it's well written and keeps me focused from beginning to end, well they are going to get a 5. I have given out a 1 and 2. Don't know how they made it in.
Well that's just my opinion, sorry if you don't like.

I don't like to read a lot of work just because I hate telling someone that i hate their writings. When I do read, which ends up being more than I wish it to be, I will gladly rate. Comments are another dragon.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I read/vote on stories and don't really think me being an author has an effect on anything.

I will admit that if I start reading a story that wouldn't be a 5-score or at least a strong 4, then I don't vote. I probably should in order to make things more authentic, but in reality, if the story isn't good, there's nothing compelling me to actually finish reading it anyway.

my point exactly DD .... (gosh us Canadian girls think similarly!!)

it's kinda funny with this rating thing.

I came upon a story that had a fairly high rating ... above 20.

omg .... it was shite - and everyone had rated it 3 or lower, with very little comments.

Now I know, rating does NOT equal great writing.

Lollipop Girl
Any story I read I try to comment and vote...I think they have a right to know how others thought about how their writing was thought about.
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Her Royal Spriteness
*nods* i don't read as many stories as i'd like to here, but yes, when i do, i certainly take the time to rate them. As with Doll and some of the others, if a story isn't going to end up deserving a 4 or 5, i usually can tell fairly quickly, and i won't finish it nor rate it. Honestly, i think that there's enough ego to be tied up in peoples work here that a poor rating is just sort of hurtful, and i'm very careful about that and i admit to reading only things i have an interest in (so some catagories i stay clear of) seening as how i am reading purely for personal enjoyment here.

btw, my own personal rating system when i do rate, tends to be either a 4 or 5 - 5 meaning it's just an amazing story, and 4 meaning the writer shows promise but can improve. yes, perhaps this skews scores a bit, but really, until they come up with a 10 point system, that's how it will remain for me. ALSO, i pay more attention to the comments then scores here as a way to gauge my own efforts and ALWAYS leave a comment when rating somone elses work - they need to know what they are doing right or what they need to work on - that's how you get better, and i really appreciate when someone leaves constructitve criticism for me! smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I have no peers on Lush. This knowledge enables me to rate the rest of you peons quite readily.

Here we go with ratings again, so I'm going to step out before this thing erupts in a ball of flames again.
Active Ink Slinger
Here we go with ratings again, so I'm going to step out before this thing erupts in a ball of flames again.

I was thinking less about rating stories in general or about the ratings system, and more about how one feels as an author giving a score to other authors.

I don't see any reason why the question should erupt in a ball of flames. Please enlighten me!

To me, the difficulty is akin to being a plumber and hiring a plumber to install a jacuzzi in my home. I think, but I'm not sure, that there has to be a level of impartiality in judging another person's work when one is engaged in the same trade. Based on the responses so far, I gather that some people have the ability to distinguish between their own work and the work of others, which is great. I'd love to know how they manage this (please write me!!!).

In the meantime, I have to admit that like many, I will abandon poorly written stories, and only rate a 4 or 5 to those which somewhat captured my imagination. If I were true to myself, however, I would give a more accurate (IMHO) score to all stories that I read.

Constant Gardener
Emily...on those rare occasions when I do write anything now, I have noticed that my writing has been affected by what I have read - here, at Lush.

What I mean is this...I have favorite authors whose stories I enjoy, who I have discovered from this website. I notice that I often attempt to 'write like them' a bit more, than I would just write, like I used to write...before I ever came here.

I have no need to 'steal' ideas or plots from other writers, my imagination is quite fertile. What I find myself doing more often than trying to write a story like Lisa...or Dancing_Doll, or Milik...or etc...

Which often causes me to vapor lock, half way through my own stories.

But I know what you're asking. I vote on those stories which keep me reading them from start to finish. And as a few other people have stated above...if they can't keep me interested, I stop, click on 'HOME" above and go look for another story to read - and rate, if I can finish it.

I judge myself to be in the upper 66% of 'talent' here at Lush. So many of those I do 'rate'...often receive a 4 or 5 from me. I can only aspire to write as 'they do'.

Sort of like the apprentice plumber who hires a pro to come in and install his jacuzzi, so that afterwards, he (or) she can either admire the handiwork and learn new tricks...or scowl and think......"Fuck, I could have done that myself!"
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by GirlyWorld
As an author on Lush, I often wonder whether authors rate other authors. Sorry for the repetitive words in the previous sentence; I'm in desperate need of a thesaurus :-)

My own personal feeling (whose other personal feeling could it be if not my own?) is that I feel somewhat abash about rating my peers (see, I'm already learning to use alternate terms to describe the same group of people).

As an author, how do you feel about rating your peers?

"As a person who submits Erotic Stories on the Lush Site, I often wonder whether Writers rate other Authors?"

(I'M SOOOOO sorry I just couldn't resist!!!!) BUT SERIOUSLY FOLKS...

I think this is a rather interesting question, since like most Lush Writers, I'm gratified and encouraged when people both rate and comment upon the work.... HOWEVER....

While I do rate a lot of the stories I like (like people above, if I don't get it I stop reading and have never rated a story below a 4.... Most of my ratings are deserved 5s....) and occasionally comment upon some, I find I have to confess that my own inhibitions occasionally prevent me from commenting upon stories that in truth I find genuinely arousing... And it's odd, since I mostly write about subject matter BUT there are some stories on the site that while they turn me on in a serious way..... Well I just CAN'T CONFESS TO THAT 'COS ALL Y'ALL WILL THINK I'M WEIRD!!!! So there you go..... Stephanie might LOVE your 'pantie-sniffing' stories but she's never in a million years gonna comment upon one..... (Ha!) xx S
Active Ink Slinger
Wow. And I thought I was the only one following the "either 4+, or nothing" rule.
Advanced Wordsmith
I try to rate stories when I read them, but I would be reluctant to rate a story below 3. Perhaps it's just not doing it for me and that may be my problem, not the story. As for myself, I derive a lot of satisfaction from receiving ratings much more than I had thought I would. They have definitely spurred me on to begin work on a second part to my first story, something I most likely would not have done without the feedback.
If you're going through hell, keep going. - Winston Churchill
Active Ink Slinger
I rate the stories on the site, but not the authors. A story by itself may be indicative of the writer's skill at the time it was written, but not of their potential. Stories that show promise get higher ratings from me than stories without potential. Writers who seem to show no potential I don't rate at all, like Reprehensiballs I am reluctant to give very low scores or leave negative comments because I don't want to risk the chance of stopping a writer from improvement by causing them to give up trying. I have found a few excellent writers posting here, a large number of average ones, and a scattering of people who should probably give up, but that is all about my opinion gleaned from reading individual stories. Most of us are average, some are truly talented, and some lack the inner spark that makes a person a writer. Anyone who wants to write should try though without having to take the abuse of strangers. I vote fours and fives when I find stories I enjoy, turn me on, or show the incredible talent or potential of the writer. I don't vote if I feel the story deserves less than a three, I leave that to people who are more interested in style than substance. I don't read stories on Lush in hopes of finding the 21st century's Shakespeare or discouraging some potential hack, just for the sex, but when someone exhibits talent or the potential for talent I like to tell them either in a comment, the chat rooms or a private message. A writer who has not interested me in their work is just that, they have failed to interest me, not failed as writers. Putting your writing out in public for other people to read requires a certain amount of courage, and I am proud of anyone who has that.
"Happiness is doing it rotten your own way."Isaac Asimov (1994)
Active Ink Slinger
Like most of the rest of you, I agree there's little point in bestowing the '3 or below' scores: work that isn't going to pan out well usually shows itself early on in the poor writing. So really it's like beating up on Timmy's refrigerator drawing for not being a Michelangelo. If other readers really find those stories float their boat, well and good; but it's not really necessary to warn other people off bad writing that exposes itself as such.

But to the original question: no, I can't find anything strange about 'peer-reviewing' the work of writers. I'm sure that the critiques of other writers are much more satisfying than those of casual readers, and are much more likely to understand what one is trying to do (also more sympathetic to what has been attempted, even if it's a failure!). Likewise, it's especially pleasurable to find writers who are nailing their craft, surmounting the same obstacles that one has struggled (perhaps, *still* struggles!) with. Another writer is less likely, I think, to just be flattering you because you talk dirty-- they understand what has to go into writing. There's nothing awkward in that, certainly not for me.

Anyway, if you need to evaluate a plumber, ask a plumber (just not the plumber's son or something!). Ditto writing
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Rookie Scribe
I read all kinds of stories, but I only rate the stories in the categories that I enjoy reading. Normally my rating is a 4 or 5.

I do not read stories that have lots of mistakes or no punctuations, it's too frustrating.

As for the stories in the categories that I don't prefer, I don't think it's fair for me to give a low rating just because I didn't enjoy it, the story might be a good story.

Being new to this site, I find the rating system like other erotica sites. When I submit a story, I personally would like a honest opinion on my writing. It is a form of art and people should learn to take the good with the bad. Ratings help me know what story genres are more popular and shows me what the readers as a mass prefer. So if you see mine and make it to the end, honest opinions please.
Active Ink Slinger
For here... I use the "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." method. I give 4's and 5's only. If something ranks a 3 or less in my mind, I leave it alone. I've never seen anything worthy of less than a 3 here though. The moderators are very good in sorting out the poorly written stories. I also try to leave a writing tip behind to help them with their next story.

Now, in the professional world, when I review someone's work, I give them the brutal truth and I expect it in return. They wouldn't ask my opinion if they thought I'd sugarcoat the flaws in their story. If I don't expose the problems, they might submit it to their publisher as is and most likely receive a rejection.

paranormal • erotic • romance
To rate something is to be human; we even rate great masterpieces that we could never equal, and we wash down the drain beautiful things we just don't understand.
I try to rate everyone unless their story is really crap because is you want to give them below 3 you have to write why.

Personally I love it if people vote and I love comments, I think most of us do. And so I do to them as I want them to do to me. It should be the golden rule of lush.
Yes, and if I love their work I will leave a comment.
Advanced Wordsmith
I read, vote, and comment. A story I don't finish because I made a mess probably gets a 5.

I've given a couple of 2s and learned that Lush demands a reason.

I also track my own statistics on Excel.

If someone asks for suggestions, I often respond. I always tell the best parts that work well first.

There sure are some excellent writers here. I'm so glad to have an audience at last. I'm making new friends, neglecting my life, and I love it.
Paddling works three ways:

* Me on top
* You on top
* On the water
Quote by BrindleChase
For here... I use the "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." method. I give 4's and 5's only. If something ranks a 3 or less in my mind, I leave it alone. I've never seen anything worthy of less than a 3 here though. The moderators are very good in sorting out the poorly written stories. I also try to leave a writing tip behind to help them with their next story.

Now, in the professional world, when I review someone's work, I give them the brutal truth and I expect it in return. They wouldn't ask my opinion if they thought I'd sugarcoat the flaws in their story. If I don't expose the problems, they might submit it to their publisher as is and most likely receive a rejection.

This comment for me hits it right on the head...This site does a excellent job of making the sure the stories have the right puncuation, and spelling and so forth. However, in the end its not the (real world) and if someone took the time to write a story and they feel good about it voting anything less than a three is just mean. Most of the writers here are kitchen table writers, not trained professional authors. I would never squash someones creativity for my own personnal satisfaction. I think the scoring is unnecessary, all they need is (like, or dislike) and then people can still comment.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Oh wait're telling me the higher number means it's a better story?

Hmmm...I've been doing this all wrong...I thought Miss Sprite said it was like miniature golf, the lower the score the better...

I've been giving her all 1's because she's number one in my book...

Let me get back to you on this one...

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Alpha Blonde
Recently (on another site), I had a writer contact me saying that since he "respected me as an author" would I please read his story (it was the first he had posted) and give him some feedback. I read it, and gave him some private feedback, stating what he did well and just made the suggestion of needing to separate dialogue into new paragraphs. I guess he didn't appreciate anything negative or constructive, as he promptly went and bombed one of my stories. Sooo... I've realized that writers can be rather overly sensitive, and just because they say they want feedback, it usually means that they only want glowing praise. In this case, I didn't even vote on the story, I just gave him feedback, and it still backfired on me. It tends to make me shy away from saying anything constructive to writers, other than ladling on the praise and the perfect scores if/when I see fit. Sad, I know for the mature authors that genuinely welcome feedback, but sometimes it's hard to know.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by DirtyMartini
Oh wait're telling me the higher number means it's a better story?

Hmmm...I've been doing this all wrong...I thought Miss Sprite said it was like miniature golf, the lower the score the better...

I've been giving her all 1's because she's number one in my book...

Let me get back to you on this one...

i love you too, Alan! you're number one in MY book too! and number two, if you know what i mean!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Yes, but I do most of the rating in My head. I Myself like being critiqued, however I usually get a lot of negative nit-picking on other sites from non-authors. I used to offer more of a view on stories until I had one author go all crazy and fly off the handle at catliterotica because she refused to believe I was offering a sincere observation.

-Master Vyle
Active Ink Slinger
Hmmm, interesting thread. I will admit that I only give fours or fives but I give them wholeheartedly to stories that I think deserve them. If I don't like a story or poem I will not rate it at all nor will I leave a comment. On rare occassions I have left constructive criticism but only for people who I feel are mature enough to take it. I have always followed Voltaire's dictum : "If in doubt whether an action is good or evil, refrain."