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Do You Get Annoyed?

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Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
As an experimental author (I say experimental because I'm not sure if I'd exactly classify myself as an author just yet because as of now I'm just messing around with the writing thing) I find that I get lots of messages from people giving me "suggestions" on how the next installment of my stories should play out. Or even ideas for spin-offs for my existing stories. I try not to be a bitch about it, but I find it extremely annoying when everyone is bursting with so many ideas for MY stories. And it's usually from people who don't write stories themselves. I mean I understand and appreciate the enthusiasm and all the support and positive feedback I get. But sometimes I really want to just tell people "Back off! This is MY thing! If you have such great story ideas, write them yourself!".

Am I the only one that gets peeved about it? Or am I just making a mountain out of a molehill and should just take it all with a grain of salt??

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Gingerbread Lover
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
As an experimental author (I say experimental because I'm not sure if I'd exactly classify myself as an author just yet because as of now I'm just messing around with the writing thing) I find that I get lots of messages from people giving me "suggestions" on how the next installment of my stories should play out. Or even ideas for spin-offs for my existing stories. I try not to be a bitch about it, but I find it extremely annoying when everyone is bursting with so many ideas for MY stories. And it's usually from people who don't write stories themselves. I mean I understand and appreciate the enthusiasm and all the support and positive feedback I get. But sometimes I really want to just tell people "Back off! This is MY thing! If you have such great story ideas, write them yourself!".

Am I the only one that gets peeved about it? Or am I just making a mountain out of a molehill and should just take it all with a grain of salt??

Ha ha ha! (Sorry) I believe what they really want, is not to help you be a better writer, but rather, to have their fantasy all laid out for them. It's pure laziness, lass! If they get a writer to fill in all the bespoke details for them, they can wank over it without having to do any of the work of thinking it up themselves!

I would say, if their idea appeals to you, run with it. If it doesn't, let the suggestion bog off and die with the delete button.

Yes, absolutely take it with a pinch of salt, but also be happy that you are good enough (and I confirm, I think you are) that people want you to flesh out their fantasies for you. Lazy beggars.

Find your own style, and enjoy doing it. And save all the requests to write your own satire (it's fun).
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by Shylass

I believe what they really want, is not to help you be a better writer, but rather, to have their fantasy all laid out for them. It's pure laziness, lass! If they get a writer to fill in all the bespoke details for them, they can wank over it without having to do any of the work of thinking it up themselves!

Shylass, I believe you've hit the nail right on the head (no pun intended). I think that's EXACTLY what's going on. I myself would read stories and think of a million ways I'd want it to play out. But instead of dumping them on the authors, I decided to write my own. I believe some people have no idea exactly what their fantasies are until they read those of someone else. And once they get a small taste, they crave more. But don't know what to do about it. So they commission someone else to do their dirty work.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Gingerbread Lover
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012

So they commission someone else to do their dirty work.

Commission? Commission?! Eff me, they pay for this stuff? I'm off to write a price list!
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Alpha Blonde
I remember being extremely creeped out once, when I had someone write to me saying how much they were enjoying my Sex Rehab Diaries series and saying that they had a great idea for a chapter instalment and "would I mind" if they wrote it and published it themselves. Aaaack!!!

He was really nice about it, and definitely said he wouldn't do it without my permission, but it still unnerved me. I'm pretty territorial about my stories and I don't think I'm ready for the fanfic element to come into play. It was flattering on one level, but I definitely didn't feel comfortable letting someone else piggyback on my original idea.

As far as suggestions go - I used to get them (not so much anymore though). I just try to reply back and be gracious about it. I figure if someone has taken the time to read my stories and give me any kind of feedback, let alone thinking about it enough that they came up with their own plot ideas I should be grateful. Having said that, I don't recall a time when requests have ever factored into my writing plans. I'm pretty specific and deliberate with sketches for sequels and series and I tend to do what I feel is right for the storyline.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by Shylass

If they get a writer to fill in all the bespoke details for them, they can wank over it without having to do any of the work of thinking it up themselves!

They still have to do the work of wanking for, it's not like they're completely off the hook...

And no, it don't bother me if someone suggests a story would be nice if they came up with something really good...just sayin'

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Active Ink Slinger
I must be doing something wrong or sending out a vibe that says I wouldn't welcome suggestions. I don't get any. I don't get that many comments, but most of them are just compliments and encouragement to continue. I probably would get peeved if it happened routinely.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
The Right Rev of Lush
I'm with you ,1Ball. Only writing request I get are from agents and editors requesting I NOT send them any more examples of my writing, (sigh)

However, if I ever did face that problem, I'd set up a canned template (form letter) saying thanks etc. and that their interesting suggestion will be taken under appropriate consideration.

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Weaver of Words
I have had a few people suggest a few ideas, but none I took seriously. Right now, I have a number of stories in various stages of completion. And a list of other possible stories. I have a few stories that are complete as they stand, but I left them open to expansion, one could easily become a book, the other a short story of maybe 10 - 12,000 words. It doesn't really annoy me for people to make suggestion. If I hear a good one, I'll add it to my list
Constant Gardener
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I remember being extremely creeped out once, when I had someone write to me saying how much they were enjoying my Sex Rehab Diaries series and saying that they had a great idea for a chapter installment and "would I mind" if they wrote it and published it themselves. Aaaack!!!

Hey, I apologized. But I do think you could add a cuckolding, multi-racial gigolo service, ran by a trained dominatrix who resembles the heroine of your Diaries series. I still think that it has best seller written all over it, Doll.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
I've had people give me ideas that I do appreciate. At the same time, I'm very territorial and very possessive about my characters and what I write for them. I'm off the wall possessive about the detective I write about. I think when people make suggestions, they are looking to custom the fantasy (which is all good by me). But in the end, the words decide where they will go.
In custody.

I love baseball!!!
Active Ink Slinger
your story..YOURS...i love that u said go write it yourself


but like i have takes guts to write a story & put yourself out there

so delete the msg's sugar....& keep writing

i for 1 love all the authors here & think you all are very courageous!!
Rookie Scribe
Well, I just posted my first story and poem. I'm curious to see if I get any "suggestions" as I wonder what they would even say. Right now I'm just eager to read a comment... fingers crossed.
Rookie Scribe
I'm new to Lush so please be gentle with me!
Interesting subject which I'll certainly take on board of it it ever happens to me. My own opinion is that it is a bit off if a suggestion is made in the middle of a story/series, as no doubt the writer will have a plan already set out for that story or series.
However, if it is a "from scratch" suggestion then it can only be regarded as a compliment from somebody who likes your work but maybe can't put the idea into words themselves. Whether you would take up that suggestion of a story would be entirely your decision.
Personally I've done stuff for a bondage site where the photographer who runs the site has sent me a set of pictures from a shoot and basically said to me "Put a story to that lot, please" And I had a great deal of fun doing it that way, using my imagination to put a situation to the pics.
On a another level I wrote some stories for an amazing exhibitionist lady called Scarlet Cat, she loved the stories and adventures but we just didn't know what to do with them. Again, those came from her saying to me "OK, I Start off in a bar and meet and old freind and her husband.......go for it"
I would definitely take suggestions as a compliment. The worst case scenario is simply saying "No thanks", on the other hand they could have sowed the seeds in your head for a blockbuster!
Quote by Dancing_Doll

As far as suggestions go - I used to get them (not so much anymore though). I just try to reply back and be gracious about it. I figure if someone has taken the time to read my stories and give me any kind of feedback, let alone thinking about it enough that they came up with their own plot ideas I should be grateful. Having said that, I don't recall a time when requests have ever factored into my writing plans. I'm pretty specific and deliberate with sketches for sequels and series and I tend to do what I feel is right for the storyline.

Yes, that. I believe I did use part of an idea from a reader. Its an honor to me that anyone takes the time to read my work and comment.
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
As an experimental author (I say experimental because I'm not sure if I'd exactly classify myself as an author just yet because as of now I'm just messing around with the writing thing) I find that I get lots of messages from people giving me "suggestions" on how the next installment of my stories should play out. Or even ideas for spin-offs for my existing stories. I try not to be a bitch about it, but I find it extremely annoying when everyone is bursting with so many ideas for MY stories. And it's usually from people who don't write stories themselves. I mean I understand and appreciate the enthusiasm and all the support and positive feedback I get. But sometimes I really want to just tell people "Back off! This is MY thing! If you have such great story ideas, write them yourself!".

Am I the only one that gets peeved about it? Or am I just making a mountain out of a molehill and should just take it all with a grain of salt??

I'm not a man of many words but I totally agree. Oh by the way I'm new here and have just published my 1st story. I have I believe lots of imagination so I also can be doing without other peoples suggestions for their own ends, especially non-writers. I admit myself I do need to improve my writing skills but having said that I have had a good start on here. Even though at the moment I have only had 3 ratings and 1 comment. More to come I hope.

Female Love
Sometimes it's flattering, sometimes it's weird.

I once got a message from someone who wanted me to introduce a character to one of my series, (complete with name, eye colour, pet peeves and turn-ons).
Her Royal Spriteness
i had someone ask if he could write a kitty girl story, obviously fictional, i said yes, mostly cause i'm too nice... it was weird. in retrospect, i wish i had said no, not cause it wasn't a nice gesture, or bad, just cause it's really sort of... those, of all my stories are so personal. thing was, he was really very polite about it and at the time, after dealing with some messy plagurism issues, i was grateful that he'd at least asked. i just checked, it's still up, tho he hasn't been on the site for 199 days. live and learn. now that i know how i feel about it, i'd politely say NO.

as for suggestions, they don't bother me unless someone keeps pushing them, and i never use them. like Doll says, my stories remain true to themselves, my characters, and what is in my head and i'm flattered that people like them well enough to want imagine them for themselves, but i can't ever see me using those suggestions or ideas.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Gingerbread Lover
Quote by Guest

I'm not a man of many words but I totally agree. Oh by the way I'm new here and have just published my 1st story. I have I believe lots of imagination so I also can be doing without other peoples suggestions for their own ends, especially non-writers. I admit myself I do need to improve my writing skills but having said that I have had a good start on here. Even though at the moment I have only had 3 ratings and 1 comment. More to come I hope.

Female Love

Dammit! You left - I was going to suggest you write in some gingerbread men for me.

Ginga Love
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Active Ink Slinger
Like some of the above posters I've never really had anything other than various versions of "good story, keep it up smile" and "so when are we going to see part 2" and while I cant say I would be pleased with someone taking my story into their own hands, or whether I would use a recommendation that was given, I think I would still be flattered that someone was invested in my story enough that they had thought of directions they would like to see it go.

I wonder if long multi-part stories are more prone to receiving suggestions than one shots, I suppose so because the longer the story the more invested readers are likely to get.
Active Ink Slinger
That my dear is called "Fanfiction" when people get so involved with "YOUR" characters they want to play with them for their own mental mind fuck.

Fanfiction is now best known because a certain number one best seller aka "Mommy Porn" was originally a fanfiction story from Twilight.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
No, it's terribly annoying.

I haven't had that problem on Lush as I've not yet attracted that much attention, but in my more professional life I find it incredibly tedious. I'll be stage managing a show and one or two of the actors get wind I'm also a writer... oi. Even strangers. I don't even tell people I'm a writer half the time anymore, when they ask about me, and I consider my love of words to be one of my defining features. I get a bunch of ideas for things I should do from people who can barely spell their name, and just as many from other writers. Really good writers sometimes, and I just wonder why they aren't working on their own projects. Then it comes to me: they don't know how. Even good writers have a hard time getting started, and it's easy to have a lot of ideas with other people's work because there's already a framework.

I get that though. I had a somewhat... altering experience some years back and wound up watching a bunch of Harry Potter movies. Then I watched them all (that were out at the time) again after discovering some guy on the internet extended them using the deleted scenes from the DVDs. My whole world became about harry potter for the next month or so. I read all the books (which I had never bothered to do), and had all these great ideas for fanfiction. Got about fifty pages of notes and outlines before I realized I'd lost my mind and floated back toward sanity. The fact that I did that, though, doesn't mean I felt I needed to share all those ideas (which I still think are decent fanfiction material) with J.K. Rowling, nor did I ever attempt to write or publish it. Unfortunately, people deal with those impulses differently. My suggestion is either delete them on sight, or stick them in a special folder of your inbox and come back to them when you're running short of ideas, and issue a "thank you" to a username if you borrow from them.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CenterLine
No, it's terribly annoying.

I get that though. I had a somewhat... altering experience some years back and wound up watching a bunch of Harry Potter movies. Then I watched them all (that were out at the time) again after discovering some guy on the internet extended them using the deleted scenes from the DVDs. My whole world became about harry potter for the next month or so. I read all the books (which I had never bothered to do), and had all these great ideas for fanfiction. Got about fifty pages of notes and outlines before I realized I'd lost my mind and floated back toward sanity. The fact that I did that, though, doesn't mean I felt I needed to share all those ideas (which I still think are decent fanfiction material) with J.K. Rowling, nor did I ever attempt to write or publish it. Unfortunately, people deal with those impulses differently. My suggestion is either delete them on sight, or stick them in a special folder of your inbox and come back to them when you're running short of ideas, and issue a "thank you" to a username if you borrow from them.

I went through a Harry Potter fanfiction phase when I started out writing. Maybe because I learned about J.K Rowling's characters and I didn't have to make up characters of my own so I played with them. Teaming them up with opposite love interests. I recall seeing Harry and Draco being a big hit when I got started.

Centerline is right, people want to know what you are going to do with your characters and so they give you ideas. It's nice sometimes but it can be demanding.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MarySweets

I went through a Harry Potter fanfiction phase when I started out writing. Maybe because I learned about J.K Rowling's characters and I didn't have to make up characters of my own so I played with them. Teaming them up with opposite love interests. I recall seeing Harry and Draco being a big hit when I got started.

Centerline is right, people want to know what you are going to do with your characters and so they give you ideas. It's nice sometimes but it can be demanding.

I admit that I do like when people take interest in my characters. It means (I hope) that the story touched them in a positive way. That being said, I am very narrow in my thoughts. If I'm writing about one character, I will tend to stick with that character for quite sometime. I do think that my stubbornness can get the best of me sometimes.
In custody.

I love baseball!!!
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes I get suggestions from people who have no idea what the characters are like, what their motivations are, what their habits are, and what their weaknesses are. They make suggestions that just plain don't fit the story. I love suggestions. Even if I never use them, they might give me ideas in other stories, or even an idea for a fresh, new story. When these people take my characters and try to turn them into something they're not, though... that irritates me. Fortunately, I don't have to take their suggestions.