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Collaborators... share who you've written with or want to write with...

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I've not collaborated with anyone yet, I think I need to work on my control freak issues first...

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

My favorite form of writing, because it makes me think, and that's good for building a story.
When you find someone, that inspires you, that helps to pull more thoughts out of you than you ever thought possible. That brings you to a place of creativity beyond your own imagination. When you feel the synergy of one plus one equals three. Then you have no choice, you must for the sake of all things good. You must collaborate wth them. I know I have found such a one, and she is everything to me. I hope you enjoy what we have created.
I've collaborated on a few with SweetestSins and Hotwife4u. I'm slow and methodical so it takes a partner with patience. I've been asked by a few but nothing came of it. If you're interested pm me.
I have written with many, and now, interested in writing something different. I have several ideas in mind (well actually one) that I have been going over in mind. If you think that you would like a collaboration, give me message, or BB.
I have collaborated many times with my closest friend and soulmate elizabethblack on many stories. I have hidden some of these, but the best are still available to read. The two that have given me the greatest satisfaction are The Photograoh which I have only just posted on Lush and Now Do You Believe Me.

Writing poetry is very intense and personal, and therefore normally a solitary pursuit. However I was recently asked by three different friends here to collaborate with them on a poem. In order to do this it was necessary to get inside the mind of the principal author, which presented a different challenge each time. Thankyou Adagio, Jackknight and gypsygyrl for this enjoyable new experience.
I just collaborated with Browncoffee on Kiss Chasey.

It was a lot of fun to write with such a talented author. We have such different writing styles, and blending them together I think made for a really interesting process. I learned a lot.

It was so exciting to open up the email every day or so and see how our story had grown overnight. Of course, it helped tremendously that neither of us were particularly precious about what we'd written, not that either of us really stomped on each other's work.

I loved it, and I'd love to do it again.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
I started a story, with the setting in Victorian England. I have been stuck with where I wish to take it since the middle of July. If anyone would be interested in looking at it and being a collaborator, feel free to contact me.delete
I have collaborated with many and I think I do well at descriptions.
Her Royal Spriteness and I have talked about a collaboration but haven't got started yet. We have a basic idea which we think will work great with our personalities. It will be great fun! And WILD!

I'm also been talking with Jayne33 about co-authoring and putting it to audio. I was thinking 5 minutes of me giving her a motorboat but she said it had to be a real story. Maybe it can have a motorboating preamble.

So, I've got some real fun to look forward to, working with those two.
Quote by Buz
Her Royal Spriteness and I have talked about a collaboration but haven't got started yet. We have a basic idea which we think will work great with our personalities. It will be great fun! And WILD!

I'm also been talking with Jayne33 about co-authoring and putting it to audio. I was thinking 5 minutes of me giving her a motorboat but she said it had to be a real story. Maybe it can have a motorboating preamble.

So, I've got some real fun to look forward to, working with those two.

yeah, one of these days we need to get our (my) act(s) together.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Saucymh
I've collaborated with the lovely JWren and we have plans to write more together in the future. Unfortunately, we're both too bone idle to write anything at the moment but here's what we've done so far;

These were such a pleasure to work on because Saucymh is not only a wonderful person but a mightily talented writer. One day, apart from editing, I will get busy writing -- if Saucy gives me a well-merited kick up the backside
I'd be too much of a nightmare to write with honestly.
Quote by Wilful
I just collaborated with Browncoffee on Kiss Chasey.

It was a lot of fun to write with such a talented author. We have such different writing styles, and blending them together I think made for a really interesting process. I learned a lot.

It was so exciting to open up the email every day or so and see how our story had grown overnight. Of course, it helped tremendously that neither of us were particularly precious about what we'd written, not that either of us really stomped on each other's work.

I loved it, and I'd love to do it again.

I was secretly very precious about everything and cried every time he deleted a word I wrote.

Other than that, it was fun.
Quote by MadMartigan
I'd be too much of a nightmare to write with honestly.

you're a nightmare when not collaborating. just sayin'.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I've collaborated once with InnocentGirl29. That was a fun piece to write as part of the 'interview with' series and so much so for the RR that it obtained as well. It was as much her RR as it was mine.

At the moment, I would love it if anyone has the time to even review my stories let alone collaborate with me. I don't have a mentor as such and I hate asking people to review as I know they are all too busy with life, the universe and everything, but I do ask every now and then and ChrisM has kindly reviewed one recently (so thank you ChrisM - I am working on it). So if you would like to review any I've done recently - then please let me know (I know, I'm going to get flooded with replies now).

I wouldn't mind collaborating again as I found the first one fun and exciting. Though, I guess my style isn't to everyone's liking - lol. I take criticism easily, (Why wouldn't I, I'm a bloke - I get it from my wife all day - seriously though my hobbies are centred around criticism from others - so I'm used to it). I have no qualms when it comes to anyone changing my work and hope that I could provide similar feedback.

I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

Quote by MadMartigan
I'd be too much of a nightmare to write with honestly.

But your site statistics are no nightmare, 7 RR's, 3 EP's out of 11 - even though the profile page says 10 RR's. I think you've written much more than that! *sniggers*

I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

Quote by DarkSide
I've collaborated once with InnocentGirl29. That was a fun piece to write as part of the 'interview with' series and so much so for the RR that it obtained as well. It was as much her RR as it was mine.

At the moment, I would love it if anyone has the time to even review my stories let alone collaborate with me. I don't have a mentor as such and I hate asking people to review as I know they are all too busy with life, the universe and everything, but I do ask every now and then and ChrisM has kindly reviewed one recently (so thank you ChrisM - I am working on it). So if you would like to review any I've done recently - then please let me know (I know, I'm going to get flooded with replies now).

I wouldn't mind collaborating again as I found the first one fun and exciting. Though, I guess my style isn't to everyone's liking - lol. I take criticism easily, (Why wouldn't I, I'm a bloke - I get it from my wife all day - seriously though my hobbies are centred around criticism from others - so I'm used to it). I have no qualms when it comes to anyone changing my work and hope that I could provide similar feedback.

I have something going at moment, but will keep you mind. It is similar to the following.
Quote by DarkSide
I've collaborated once with InnocentGirl29. That was a fun piece to write as part of the 'interview with' series and so much so for the RR that it obtained as well. It was as much her RR as it was mine.

At the moment, I would love it if anyone has the time to even review my stories let alone collaborate with me. I don't have a mentor as such and I hate asking people to review as I know they are all too busy with life, the universe and everything, but I do ask every now and then and ChrisM has kindly reviewed one recently (so thank you ChrisM - I am working on it). So if you would like to review any I've done recently - then please let me know (I know, I'm going to get flooded with replies now).

I wouldn't mind collaborating again as I found the first one fun and exciting. Though, I guess my style isn't to everyone's liking - lol. I take criticism easily, (Why wouldn't I, I'm a bloke - I get it from my wife all day - seriously though my hobbies are centred around criticism from others - so I'm used to it). I have no qualms when it comes to anyone changing my work and hope that I could provide similar feedback.

Pick me to shout at you! I'm pretty epic at it, (shouting- mind out of the gutter, please.) I'm fully qualified for the post, ask hubby lol.

Now, what's the pay scale? X
Quote by Emily260

Pick me to shout at you! I'm pretty epic at it, (shouting- mind out of the gutter, please.) I'm fully qualified for the post, ask hubby lol.

Now, what's the pay scale? X

Ah! The dreaded pay scale - yeah! That would be close to zero I guess. And before you ask how close, towards the negative end working positively.

I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

I have written with many and its my favorite form of submitting a story.
Quote by DarkSide

Ah! The dreaded pay scale - yeah! That would be close to zero I guess. And before you ask how close, towards the negative end working positively.

Good job my sarcastic nature and tenacity for dealing with tight arses are free then, eh? Hubby has offered a rolling pin to anyone who can keep me occupied ?
I have written with many, hopefully more. Have one in motion at this moment. Hope to be finished soon.
I have collaborated with many and I am always open to it. If interested, give me a shout.
I would rather write than eat okra. I have collaborated with many on Lush and its my favorite way to write. I think it interesting to put two minds together for a story. Always willing to discuss a collaboration.
Let's see.

My first collaboration was with Simplicity for her very first poem here. I really just got it in proper shape to be published and her ideas made it sing.

I was lucky enough to do the audi0 f0r 0ne 0f Mysteria27's st0ries. It has had 0ver 237,000 views and 10,000 listens.

These three st0ries are n0thing with0ut the dial0g and ElizabethBlack was critical in getting it all d0ne right.

Rune was kind en0ugh t0 all0w me t0 w0rk with her 0n this st0ry.

Unfaithfulmilf needed help getting this st0ry int0 shape f0r publicati0n. In less than three m0nths it has had 0ver 28,000 views.

Agent_009 is w0rking t0 be a better writer and all0wed me t0 help him get this st0ry p0sted. I am waiting f0r the sec0nd part.