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Can I get an interview with you?

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Introduce the title of your story: Windows (Written with TooShy678)

The title emerged from a recurring motif that developed unplanned throughout the story, with various windows, whether digital, physical, or painted.

Genre/Category: Exhibitionism

Since webcams are a central theme to the story, we figured this story belonged in the exhibitionism section. It also contains elements of college sex, masturbation, older/younger, voyeurism, and some light D/S (particularly in the last part).

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Windows Part 1

Windows Part 2

Windows Part 3

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Tooshy678 and I both joined the site around the same time last summer. We'd each published a few stories and had formed something of a mutual admiration club. As we e-mailed back and forth, Tooshy678 brought up the idea of working on a collaborative piece. It was something neither of us had tried before, but I was up for it. I'd had an idea for a story that had been kicking around in my mind for a little while, and that became the genesis of Windows. I wrote the basic plot, and Tooshy678 'fleshed out' the sex scenes. Then we traded the story back and forth for revisions until it was polished.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

To be honest, I lifted the premise from that stupid 90s rom-com, 'You've Got Mail,' and transported it to the age of webcams. I know, that might not be an advertisement for the story, but I think it's better than its source inspiration. The characters and their online alter-egos aren't based on anyone in particular, but like any writer, you borrow details from here and there, and draw on your own experience as much as possible - and then just make up the rest and hope you get away with it.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

As I said, this is the first time either of us has done a collaborative story. Also, it's the longest story I've written (for this site). I think the final word count came out to 12000+ words. This was a result of the process of collaboration. I'd write a bit, pass it to Tooshy678 who would add her part, then I'd read it over, intending to cut some of it, and instead get inspired to add another couple thousand words. In the end, we had to break it into three parts so it would be manageable for the site, but it's really intended to be read as a single piece.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Collaboration could have been a disaster if either of us were really egotistical about our writing. Instead, I approached the story with an attitude of non-attachment, at least initially. Que sera, sera. If the entire experiment fell through that would be fine. Fortunately, it didn't. I was able to create a decent framework, and Tooshy678 is a talented writer, and was able to add a lot of great details to the story. And she's also very easy-going as well, which made her great to work with. Eventually, the story took on it's own logic, so it was easier to say, 'you know, this doesn't really follow the characters we've developed,' or 'that plot detail is great, but doesn't work in the context of the story.' But since we were both open to the other making changes, I think the process wasn't too bad.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

We're both very pleased with how the story turned out, and hope you'll enjoy it as well. Also, we love to hear from our readers, so feel free to drop a comment on any or all of the parts.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Introduce the title of your story: Summer Storm
Genre/Category: First Time
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

The idea of a guy getting with the "girl next door" and becoming her first has been kicking around in my head in various forms for a while. This is the form it finally took, which is a bit different from past iterations.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Simon is kind of the stereotypical Scott narrator: a guy in search of some love and lust after a loss. Chloe is basically taking a middle aged guy's fantasy girl (hot teen) and trying to make her "real". One thing that I did change as the idea involved was her age. Older stories based off the idea has her in her twenties but, in the end, going younger seemed more right for what was happening between them.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I think each of my stories is a bit different. In this case, I went in with the clear idea that this was a relationship with a finite lifespan and had the characters realizing that and making it part of what drove their passion.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Ending it. Trying to just figure out what note I should leave it on.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Chloe's mention of her parents busting up is a blatant sequel hook. I have a vague idea about Simon and her mother. Not sure if it will happen or not, but we will see.
Introduce the title of your story: The Devil's Harem: The Curse Of The Joshua Tree

Genre/Category: Supernatural

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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? The concept of this story came to me while riding my motorcycle. I seem to get most of my story ideas while driving the car or riding my motorcycle. I can't explain why ideas hit me better in those situations.

2. How did you come up with these characters? The idea for a very dark story character had been with for awhile and I decided to incorporate that into this story. The narrator idea came from a recent movie, Inherent Vice. The other characters just from fun imagination.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? This is darker than my other stories, for one thing, the other is the use of a narrator.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? This story required a lot of research, which was actually a lot of fun to do. The narrator is an upper teenage girl so writing the narrator's point of view, dialogue was quite a challenge because I wanted it to sound and feel very real. Pulling the plot together and basically, everything about this story made it more challenging than any of my previous stories.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? This is the second story of my series, The Devil's Harem. I am really experimenting in this series and attempting to push myself very hard. Truthfully, I am having a lot of creative fun with this. The next few stories are mapped out but not written. I am writing on the third story.
Introduce the title of your story: End of Kristina

Genre/Category: MILF (though other installments of the series, of which this is the final chapter, are in different genres).
(This is the last chapter of a series, but I worked hard to make the last few chapters stand on their own as much as possible, especially this one. If you'd prefer to start at the beginning, the link is: I think I'm a better writer by the last chapter than I was when I started, however.)

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? Kristina was inspired and directly modeled on an older neighbor I had growing up in a large apartment building in NYC, a woman I had a crush on when I was the same age, 18, as the narrator. The narrator is based on me, although I made him even more insecure and nervous than I was at the same age. The entire story was inspired by an event I recount in Chapter 1, when Kristina comments positively in the gym on the narrator's improving physique. That part actually happened, and it always made me wonder "what if?" So 20+ years later, I decided to write out some of the the various elaborate "what ifs" I'd come up with.

2. How did you come up with these characters? As I wrote above, they're based both on me, and on someone I knew in real life. Most of Kristina's character, however, had to be entirely invented, as I unfortunately did not know the real K all too well.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? This one feels much more personal. Some of my stories are entirely invented. Others are almost "verbatim" recollections of actual events (with details changed to protect the innocent, or guilty, as the case may be). Even so, this one meant more to me. I sort of fell in love with the character of K I had invented, in addition to my remembered infatuation for the real person.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? As in the story, the real K died suddenly in the same sort of time frame. So in writing the story, I wanted to be respectful. That might seem strange to say, given that I was writing a sex story about her, and ascribing actions to her that are not even remotely close to what happened in reality. Still, I wanted to "do it right," so to speak, which was difficult at times. It also made me somewhat reluctant to actually write the very last chapter, the inevitable one, the one that was the most painful. Coincidentally, a close friend died of cancer the day that the penultimate chapter was approved and went up on the site; that made me even more conscious of mortality, loss, etc.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? Because it's in some ways so personal, it's hard for me to judge how good, or bad, the series is. Sometimes I think it's great, but other times I wonder if I'm fooling myself. It's gotten a lot of positive reviews, and several of the chapters, including the final one, were given recommended reads. Basically, I'd love to know what you think, whether you choose only to read the last installment, or decide you want to start at Chapter 1. And don't worry, if it's not that great, I won't get extra hurt by hearing that, the way you might expect, given how I said this story was personally meaningful for me. I can always try to make it better down the road. I try not to be thin-skinned. There are too many better writers here for me to deserve to pull off any sort of prima-donna attitude.
Quote by oceanrunner1974
Introduce the title of your story: End of Kristina

Genre/Category: MILF (though other installments of the series, of which this is the final chapter, are in different genres).
(This is the last chapter of a series, but I worked hard to make the last few chapters stand on their own as much as possible, especially this one. If you'd prefer to start at the beginning, the link is: I think I'm a better writer by the last chapter than I was when I started, however.)

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? Kristina was inspired and directly modeled on an older neighbor I had growing up in a large apartment building in NYC, a woman I had a crush on when I was the same age, 18, as the narrator. The narrator is based on me, although I made him even more insecure and nervous than I was at the same age. The entire story was inspired by an event I recount in Chapter 1, when Kristina comments positively in the gym on the narrator's improving physique. That part actually happened, and it always made me wonder "what if?" So 20+ years later, I decided to write out some of the the various elaborate "what ifs" I'd come up with.

2. How did you come up with these characters? As I wrote above, they're based both on me, and on someone I knew in real life. Most of Kristina's character, however, had to be entirely invented, as I unfortunately did not know the real K all too well.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? This one feels much more personal. Some of my stories are entirely invented. Others are almost "verbatim" recollections of actual events (with details changed to protect the innocent, or guilty, as the case may be). Even so, this one meant more to me. I sort of fell in love with the character of K I had invented, in addition to my remembered infatuation for the real person.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? As in the story, the real K died suddenly in the same sort of time frame. So in writing the story, I wanted to be respectful. That might seem strange to say, given that I was writing a sex story about her, and ascribing actions to her that are not even remotely close to what happened in reality. Still, I wanted to "do it right," so to speak, which was difficult at times. It also made me somewhat reluctant to actually write the very last chapter, the inevitable one, the one that was the most painful. Coincidentally, a close friend died of cancer the day that the penultimate chapter was approved and went up on the site; that made me even more conscious of mortality, loss, etc.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? Because it's in some ways so personal, it's hard for me to judge how good, or bad, the series is. Sometimes I think it's great, but other times I wonder if I'm fooling myself. It's gotten a lot of positive reviews, and several of the chapters, including the final one, were given recommended reads. Basically, I'd love to know what you think, whether you choose only to read the last installment, or decide you want to start at Chapter 1. And don't worry, if it's not that great, I won't get extra hurt by hearing that, the way you might expect, given how I said this story was personally meaningful for me. I can always try to make it better down the road. I try not to be thin-skinned. There are too many better writers here for me to deserve to pull off any sort of prima-donna attitude.

Good stuff!

I'm so far behind with my reading, including this series. But I intend on getting to it.

Congrats on finally completing it. Hopefully, it will put your mind at ease and you can finish your competition entry!

Introduce the title of your story: Gift Of The Geisha
Genre/Category: Straight Sex
Provide the link: Gift Of The Geisha

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I've been wanting to write a piece like this for months now (had an outline done for months). Initially, I saw the story differently in my head. It veered off so much from what I wanted that I tossed the idea to the back of my file. Seeing a photo on tumblr brought it back to the forefront of stories to finish. I wanted to write with Milik and we chose this.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
Believe it or not, Miharu was created during my research, although she had two names. Milik pushed me toward the name Miharu. I created a list of characteristics that I wanted her to possess and wrote the story focused on those things. Tanner was an idea but he was embraced and developed mainly by Milik.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
This is a collaboration though I still can't believe that Milik accepted my offer. My writing process is difficult and I was surprised to find that he & I were able to complete this story so seamlessly and drama free.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
Honestly, I found writing this story very easy. With the exception of not having the ability to get some original poetry completed for Miharu, I found the story pleasant to work on (some of that is because of Milik). Also, creating the right mix of sex tinged with romance was a little difficult--the right word in the right phrase in just the right sentence...the way I wanted it to flow was challenging to do.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I could go on and on about what a pleasure it was to work with Milik, but he'd deflect my praise so I'll just say what great fun it was to work with him. This story's take on the geisha (specifically an America based one) is fiction and is the figment of our imaginations. However, we did do research and there are elements of their lifestyle sprinkled throughout the piece. My apologies to anyone that we've offended by taking so many creative liberties.

If you haven't read it, please do and tell us what you think. I'm sure Milik will be along to complete this interview.
Introduce the title of your story: Gift of the Geisha

Genre/Category: Straight sex/interracial

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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I was approached to co-author this story by Coco. Truly, i was shocked, but also elated. I have great respect for her previous work. She is a multiple EP winner and the idea of writing with her was intimidating. I agreed on the spot.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
The vision was hers, but I did more or less create the male lead. I named him and sort of laid out his look and personally in the opening section. Coco gave me two suggestions for Miharu's name and I suggest we go with that. Miharu was all Coco. She did a splendid job with bringing her to life.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? I think the Asian culture and the specifics about the Geisha were something I had never considered writing about. For me, writing a brief section about his work allowed me to dip into a tiny bit of my manufacturing background. That was fun. I have written several love stories, but they all have there own nuances and this was no exception.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
Honestly, just getting over the idea that Coco would see my unedited, unpolished first draft. I thought certainly she would instantly regret asking me to write with her. Instead, she warned me that i should be wary of her mistakes? Wow. that took a huge load off my mind!

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
Just that it is an extremely cohesive work with a lot of depth. It is also very sexy. I also would point out that it was just awarded an EP. With that behind it, I think i could safely encourage anyone to read it.

Good luck with the votes and views and thanks for your time, XO.
Introduce the title of your story: This story is called "Across the tracks."

Genre/Category: Exhibitionism

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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? Something about waiting for a train, trying to pass the time. I wanted to write an erotic scene with no names or dialogue. And no touching each other, either.

2. How did you come up with these characters? The characters are referred to as 'he' and 'she.' The story tracks pretty closely to 'his' perspective, and he's wearing headphones and listening to music throughout the story. Since there was no dialogue, I tried to impart a lot about the characters through the descriptions of them and their actions.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? A lot of my stories are dialogue heavy. I like to get people communicating. So how would this pair communicate without words or even being able to touch each other? How would the seduction play out then? That was the challenge I set for myself.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? I initially placed the woman next to the man on the bench at the train station. I found that too awkward, since he was constantly turning his head to look at her, which wasn't too subtle. And there was also the obvious potential for contact if they were sitting together. I don't know how it would have been avoided. But that would have eliminated the slow build of the erotic seduction - clearly these two would end up having sex with each other. That wasn't where I saw this story going. After a few pages, it occurred to me to place the woman on the other side of the tracks. It gave him a direct head on view of her, while at the same time created enough distance to keep them separated.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? When the story was published it got buried under a ton of other stories that got published that day, including several in the exhibitionism category. So maybe it hasn't gotten the attention I think it deserves, which is why I wanted to talk about it here. I'm always glad to get feedback or reactions to my work.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Introduce the title of your story: Questions

Genre/Category: BDSM (Kink)

Provide the link: Questions

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I had wanted to write a story that would provide a better understanding, and clear up much misinformation regarding kink, for a very long time. Am I an expert on the subject? By no means have I never claimed to be. I am kinda a little smart. I have experience, I have had lessons taught to me, and have learned many the easy way, and the hard way during play time. I have dedicated hundreds of passionate hours to become proficient in rope bondage. That alone, has provided a great insight in to how our bodies and minds work in unison when it comes to stimulation. And, I am always on the look out for articles, and informative conversations on kink.

I was very reluctant to pen this story for the obvious reasons. I still read many articles, blogs, and comments on multiple forums. A lot of what is being praised as gospel, simply isn't true. Many questions have been posed to me online and in real life regarding kink (Specifically kinbaku/shibari/rope play). I had posted a comment on another website in reply to an article by a so called 'subject matter expert'. The topic dealt with the 'dark side of being attracted to bondage'. Specifically, why people get off on being tied up. In a nut shell, they concluded, 'Some people believe they deserve to suffer, there is a darkness in us, let's embrace it.' The praises that were being bestowed upon the writer by other members were disturbing to me.
btw - my reply, politely explaining the science behind sexual stimulation, was deleted. Go figure.
To quote Matt Damon in The Martian - I wanted to science the shit out of it, and still keep it sexy and erotic.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
Me, and the many lovely ladies on Lush who have asked me questions.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
The story is real to life. I understand that Lush is a sex fantasy site, and we don't have to back up the scenes with proof that no one got hurt, or was left emotionally scarred. I take scenes to the extreme in most of my stories. Some sex scenes I have read in BDSM categories, would cause very serious and permanent damage in real life. I am not picking on anyone, whatever floats your boat when you read, all the power to you. Questions, and part 2, Answers, was written with the intent of providing a real and sane peak into BDSM with an experienced and sane Top/Dom, and an eager and trusting noobie.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
I struggled more with deciding to publish it than writing it. I found it rather easy to pen.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I hope I have been successful in pointing anyone in the right direction to finding answers on their journey into kink.

Thank you for reading.

Introduce the title of your story: Inappropriate Behavior Part 1
Genre/Category: Masturbation
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What first inspired you to write this particular story?
While being a member on Lush, I have seen many office sex stories and over time an idea of getting caught and manipulated into having sex at the office began to take shape in my mind. I decided to make it into two parts because I had planned on the first was doing the action that would get the main character caught and then in the second part (which is in the office sex category) she will have sex with a coworker.

How did you come up with these characters?
As I was thinking about and planning this story, I knew the main character would be a woman but I didn't want her to be totally submissive to her coworker. For this reason, there isn't the normal manipulation in the second part but I won't give too much away.

How does it differ from some of your other stories?
Still being a new writer on here, my quality of writing, I think, as improved over the 11 stories that I have published. That I think is one of the main differences. It is more detailed than my other stories and doesn't shy away from some of the language and descriptions which I had a hard time getting used to using while writing.

What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
I wanted this story to have more background and not focus purely on the sex which I try to do in all of my stories. That was kind of difficult because when I planned this story, there would be a focus on having sex with their coworker. I tried to incorporate the main characters motivations for masturbating and risking getting caught in the office and the relationship between the two characters while having sex and descriptions.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I do think that this mini-series is a better quality than the other stories that I have written so I hope that those who read it can agree or point out what I can still improve upon.

Thank you for reading this and possibly letting me know what you think about this mini-series.
Introduce the title of your story:
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An Unexpected Encounter Part 1
Published on Lush

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I initially joined Lush to obtain personal insight on a fem to fem sexual relationship. I searched the web for erotic lesbian stories and I found that I enjoyed the stories that Lush had to offer. Not only were they erotic and explicit, but also provided me with instruction on how to satisfy your lover.
The inspiration was to convey my experience so that others that may be reluctant to follow through with their hidden desires will give thought to doing so. I was encouraged to write my story by some very special females I have had the opportunity to meet

2. How did you come up with these characters?

The characters are real. I did have the foresight to change their names to provide some anonymity.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This is my first attempt at writing an erotic story. I have all intentions of writing a follow up to my story but I am a perfectionist and I want to make sure it will be "Lush" worthy.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

By biggest challenge was the verbiage I needed to use to make the story entertaining as well as erotic. I will also comment that it took a great deal of nerve to put myself in the public eye.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I do want to thank all those that have read my story and the many positive comments and encouragement I have received. It has put pressure on me to make the next installment as well received as the first.
Introduce the title of your story:

The Miracle of Christmas



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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I was thinking about this story for over a year. It was born in my fascination of sci-fi. I was thinking what would be the implications if time travel was possible? If someone could travel back say… Forty years, even before they were born, could they effect the outcome of their own life? Could they change the future by altering the past.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I wanted to develop believable characters. A family struggling in a poor economy. Husband out of work. A wife frustrated with not having enough money to make ends meet. The lack of funds led to a lack of hope and faith was on life support. This is a scenario played out in millions of homes. I remembered a movie I saw years ago called Mr. Destiny that followed this story line. What if you could change just one regret you had in your life, would you do it? How would that change your present?

Carley, Gina, Chris and David seemed to write themselves. I was perplexed how to have Carley travel back in time, then it occurred to me that she could go back in time by materializing in the body of another. Then I thought I could have fun with this and make two people share the same body with two separate consciousness. It grew from there.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This differs in that it was my first Sci-fi. Most of my stories involve cheating or infidelity. This didn't. This was a feel good story with plenty of humor and a moral compass.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

It was challenging to take such an unbelievable story line and give it enough structure to make it plausible enough to draw in the reader into this contrived world.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I did not plan on winning the competition and when I did, I was humbled more than happy. Since I've discovered writing, my life has been changed. It has become such an important part of my life. smile
Introduce the title of your story: Something To Believe In
Genre/Category: Cheating
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

When I was a teenager, I prayed for God to take away the need to masturbate. It was a sin, so I didn't want to do it. No matter how I prayed, that need never really went away. Then, one day my minister gave a sermon saying that if you pray for something, and you don't think you're getting an answer, maybe the answer was no.

Well, I ran with that shit.

This story was based on that concept. That an absentee vote from God is really an assent to what you're doing.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Becky is based on me, which I never, ever do. She's at an earlier time and place in my life. I was maybe twenty-four when innuendo still flew past me. If every life has crossroads, this is one path I didn't take. Thank God (literally) that I didn't end up with my Jimmy.

Jimmy is also based loosely on someone in my past. Similar level of smugness, different level of devoutness. The age difference was bigger.

Daniel Preston is pure fiction. Kinda based physically on Jeffry Dean Morgan, clean shaven and bigger.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Basing a character on myself made this story more personal and it's one reason I wrote an interview for this one. It was a perspective that I wanted to represent. Losing your faith is a very sad experience; Becky is lucky that it happens so quickly and that there's someone to catch her on the other side.

The other reason I wrote an interview for this one was because it mixes religion and sex, which can be touchy. This wasn't meant to be a commentary on Christianity, but on one specific misuse of Christianity. Most Christian women work. Most Christian men aren't overbearing, controlling assholes. However, when religion is applied in this way, it challenges even the strongest faith.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

The pacing was so difficult. How do you make that believable, that she goes from stay-at-home-wife to cheating wife in such a short time frame? She had to be ripe already, which I was trying to show through her restlessness.

Also, peppering an erotic story with Bible verses is always a challenge. Especially if you're not trying to be disrespectful to the Bible.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I edited this story for close to a week before I submitted it because I couldn't get it to flow in a way that I liked. I'm always nervous to post stories that I tinker with that much. I was also hoping for something closer to 8000 words, but I couldn't get it down that far, which makes me feel like there's still fat to trim.

Also, in case it wasn't obvious, that the plot was pure fiction.
Introduce the title of your story: Strawberry Epiphany
Genre/Category: BDSM
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
The seed was planted long ago when I read ‘Vox’ by Nicholson Baker. The novel consists entirely of dialogue spoken between two characters over a phone sex line. Sometime last year, I began to give serious thought to writing an erotic story using only dialogue.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
As with all my characters except Lucia from ‘Lucia Makes a Bet,’ the Mistress from ‘Strawberry Epiphany’ is entirely fictional and just appeared in my head one day.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
It differs principally in point-of-view. Though I attempted to position readers as voyeur listeners rather than the “you” to whom the Mistress is speaking, I expect many will engage with the story from the second person point-of-view.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
Since the story is a monologue, providing enough physical details to spark readers’ imaginations without tilting the Mistress's speech into a contrived mode proved challenging.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
Make sure you wash strawberries thoroughly. In the US, they are among the fruits containing the highest residual levels of pesticides.

"It seemed like a nice neighborhood to have bad habits in.” Raymond Chandler

The Gin Rickey Singularity -- Dirty Talk competition entry

Lucia Makes a Bet

Barn Dance

Shock Wave

Introduce the title of your story: My Aunt Barb

Genre/Category: First two chapters are toys and masturbation the third and fourth are first time and lesbian.

Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I don't recall how I was inspired in the first place. I had just created my profile for Lush and was reediting a bunch of stories I had and this idea popped into my mind. I was finishing another story and this was born out of that.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I have another story where the mother's new friend seduces the daughter and this sort of expanded on that. Part of the trouble with the main character is she feels like she is not really "loved" by her fiance and it frustrates her that his needs are satisfied while she's left wanting. It's based on how I felt when I was writing it.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I think it gets more into the characters feelings and emotions beyond the sex. I did take a lot more time with her seduction than I normally do when writing. I wanted more to it than just sex. I tried to get more atmosphere into that chapter.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Having sex in each chapter. I tend to build up characters slowly and on a sex site people want sex. I think giving them personalities and a back ground helps tell the story rather than just having two people meet and have sex. It's supposed to be erotic not a stag film.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

If I think of something I'll return.
Introduce the title of your story: Last Tango with Malena

Genre/Category: Love Stories. If I could have found another category for it, I would have, since I suspected that this category is "box office poison," but really, it was the only category for this one.

Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

There is tango in my South American background, and I'd wanted to write a story involving tango music and dancing for a long time. I didn't have the how of it until a few weeks ago.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Malena is very loosely based on the title character from the classic tango song "Malena," mostly in that she is a character who suffers. Otherwise she's an amalgam of a few women from Argentina I have had the pleasure to know. Marco is meant to be a dutiful man who is tempted to step off the treadmill that his personal life becomes, but he can't really act badly, no matter how much it pains him, and how much he (and she) may be able to justify their desires. It's from his pov, so I think anyone, male or female, who chooses the right thing over the wrong, who feels tempted by and maybe even thinks they regret not doing the wrong, will understand him.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I think it's different in a few regards. It takes place over twenty years, for one, so it's much more of a story than a scene. It involves, as a friend pointed out, two grown-ups. Not just nominal adults, but grown-ups. Finally, it's generally sadder than my other stuff, which the same friend described as generally "happy pornography." I tried for a different writing style as well, especially in the final scene. If I pulled it off, it's just better writing. If I didn't, it's just "fartsier." As the narrator says in the story, tango is sad, and I wanted to write a story that in some ways could be a tango, plot-wise, if compressed to song-length.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

I wanted to do my idea justice, and I wasn't sure I could. Departing from my general smutty "happy place" was difficult as well. I've written in every genre lush has, but there are strong similarities in the type of stories I've written, and the sex I've described, across all those genres. This was a departure. It's more NC-17, or even R, than XXX. [even as I write that, I wince, hoping that it won't dissuade anyone reading this from giving it a shot.]

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I'd really appreciate feedback. It has a very low number of views, but at the same time, I'm as proud of it, or prouder, as I am of anything else I've written. Still, it may be treacly moose vomit, so if it is, I wouldn't mind knowing that as well (though I'd hope you'd find a more diplomatic way of telling me).
Introduce the title of your story: The Best Dance
Genre/Category: First Time
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I've always found dance, when done well, to be sexy. Lots of physical motion, intimate contact, and the clothing is often very revealing. So, the idea of doing a story about a young guy falling for a dancer struck me as a good one.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Luke is a rather generic viewpoint character. We don't see or hear much about him personally, just see the world through his eyes. So, he's probably a stand-in for me, but I'll leave the significance of that to the psychologists.

Mandy, by contrast, kind of pulls in some bits and pieces from life. The most obvious one is a dancer I knew in high school, a gorgeous young lady with some sexy moves who danced in school shows and was a cheerleader. She did have a brother, though not a twin (younger) but I didn't know him as well. Now, I was lucky to get the time of day from her for the most part, let alone what happens here, but, hey, Lush is about fantasies, right?

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Not a lot, really. It is, I think, a fairly typical Scott story. Some sexy lovemaking, some romance, some reunion and reconciliation, all elements I've put into stories before. Even the flashforward is something I think I've done before (maybe not in anything I have up right now).

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Ending it. It sat in my virtual pile for a long time after most of it was written because I didn't know where to go with the ending. When I went back, though, it seemed like it was at a good spot so I just retooled the spot where I had stopped into an ending. We'll see what the readers think of that decision.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Hopefully, this is the beginning of a more productive period for me on Lush. I have about 7 stories all in a similar state to where this one was (stopped at a spot where I felt unsure of where to go on) so I plan to attack them one by one to see if I can more of them out. There are some new ideas I might pursue, too.
Introduce the title of your story: Banging for Roof
Genre/Category: Cheating
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

This was originally my idea for the Money Talks competition back in July last year, with Wendy’s lack of money obviously the premise of the story. Unfortunately life got in the way, and I missed the deadline. But toying with the experience versus material possessions theme as I was, I got a rush of blood and figured I could shoehorn it into the New Experiences competition in April. But life again…

The idea itself is drawn from a colleague of mine who came to town for a training course from one of our interstate sites. She was going to stay with a friend from our office, meeting her in a bar after work. Inevitably the friend didn’t show, so our wayward traveller picked up a guy and let him take her home for the night. I only wish I’d stopped off for happy hour that evening.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I just love Wendy. She’s a real wolf in sheep’s clothing. In looking at how to get this average, middleclass, married mother to paratroop into Melbourne, I had to rev up her character more than the twenty-two-year-old colleague of mine. She needed to have done it before to even consider it a possibility. And her other dalliances gave her part of the justification to do it again. But it’s the frustration with her husband and the doubts about where their life is heading that gets her over the line, and more interestingly, fuels her journey through the story.

God, Michael’s who I wish I was! Not the cheating ass bit, but someone actually brave enough to follow through on the bullshit we all talk about. A little older and a little wiser, he’s based on me… the future me. I’ve enslaved myself in debt and consumerism, and I’m not happy. But I think I’ve discovered the way out. While I still have to figure out how to get through that hole in the fence, Michael’s actually done it. He’s free.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This one’s in third person for a start. Those familiar with my work know I usually write first person from the male point of view. It’s also from Wendy’s perspective. That threw up a few challenges for me, trying to capture her thoughts and feelings as events unfolded, rather than just observing her from a man’s viewpoint.

The other thing I tried this time was shifting between past and present tense. The setup in the bar and the flashbacks to the night afterwards were in my comfort zone of the past. But I wrote the action that unfolded the next morning in present tense. It was partly to make the story more structurally interesting and create a better distinction between the two different time periods. The main reason though was to bring the shower scene into the here and now, rather than an account of what’s already happened. I find third person detaches the reader from what’s going on, so present tense was an attempt to compensate for that.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

I could say that actually writing it was, given it’s been in a holding pattern for nine months. But the ending was the bit that gave me the most grief. And that’s not just finishing it!

It’s a pretty fun and impulsive story, as it kind of has to be. But as I went, developing wendy’s character to justify her behaviour, I found the tone of this shifted for me into something more sincere. My original intention for Michael’s hand to slip in the heat of the moment in the shower, with a few fingers unexpectedly sliding up her asshole, didn’t quite fit – pardon the pun. I like to inject a bit of humour into my stories, but it just didn’t suit this one.

So how to finish it? I didn’t want to spew out another saccharine cliché, as I have so many times before. I had to try and figure out what would be true to Wendy’s character. While I was brief – more so than I wanted to be, but damn, I just had to get it done – I think I got it right.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

This was originally going to be called Per Diem, in honour of Wendy’s travel allowance being the genesis of the story. And given where the tone of this has ended up, I actually prefer this as the title. But a very insightful friend suggested that a sexy title, more so than the category, is likely the reason for a high number of views on a story. So I thought I’d give Banging for Roof a try. It’s perhaps more crass than sexy, but I’m not writing Shakespeare here, so worth a shot.

As always, I’d love it if you’d check it out and let me know what you think.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Quote by Lush Correspondant

Good afternoon, SimmerDownChick. Thanks so much for sitting down with us today.

No, thank you, it's my pleasure.

Quote by Lush Correspondant

Well, I'm tipping the microphone in your direction, so please answer the following mini-interview questions.

Introduce the title of your story

My story is called 'Pieces of Candy'. I wound up putting it under the ''Toys' category, but it could also be considered a Lesbian, love story or sci-fi.

Quote by Lush Correspondant

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Well, I had been watching a lot of youtube videos about Artificial intelligence, and was quite fascinated about where it was going. This subject intrigued me, and so the story just began to brew in my imagination. When I began to write it, the "First Time" competition had just begun, but I knew I would not have it ready in time. I wanted this story to be perfect, so I didn't rush it at all.

Quote by Lush Correspondant

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Candy is my main character. I wanted her to be sympathetic and very human. It took me a while to encapsulate who she was, exactly, but she sort of wrote herself as I went along. The same with Merielle. I wanted her to be a match for Candy, so she needed to be a little exotic but still relatable.

Quote by Lush Correspondant

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I think this story is different from most other stories on LUSH, really, let alone my stories. It has a sci-fi feel, but I put it under the 'toys' category, because ultimately, she really was a very sophisticated sex toy.

Quote by Lush Correspondant

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

So many challenges, I don't even know where to begin. First, I suppose was the computer aspect of it. I'm a technophobe so I had to do some research there. And her transition had to be somewhat plausible. That and finding an ending that was acceptable to the reader was quite tricky, but I think I pulled it off beautifully.

Quote by Lush Correspondant

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

It is by far my favorite story, and I think my best. It may have a sci-fi undertone, but anyone can relate to her, which is why I'm so very proud of this piece. I think I've created a very sympathetic character, as well as an unexpected heroin. It's unpredictable, so I don't want to give it away.
It's a wonderful story about a girl that truly is 'Pinocchio.'

If you don't mind, I'll share the link for anyone that may want to do me the honor of giving it a read.

Quote by Lush Correspondant

No, of course not, that's the idea so feel free


Quote by Lush Correspondant

Good luck with the votes and views and thanks for your time, XO.

Thank you so much for having me. This was a wonderful opportunity to showcase my work~
For those of you that haven't read it, I don't think you'll be disappointed. Just click on the link above. Peace and Love-SimmerDownChick

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Introduce the title of your story: Bought and Paid For: Anya
Genre/Category: Straight Sex Stories
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I had an idea for a future world where sex workers were considered a national treasure. They were hand-picked to work in a sexual "slavery" market for twenty-four years; the state takes care of them for the remainder of their retirement. That resulted in a world that I really ended up liking.

The second element of it was a Scheherazade-inspired story. In the original, a queen tells her husband cliffhanger stories so he won't kill her. It seemed like a scenario that really lent itself to a sexual application. Kind of the ultimate in dirty talk.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

When I was writing Anya, I kept thinking about Charlotte from Sex In the City. I kept trying to imagine what would happen if such a fussy, prissy person became a sex worker. She would be a perfectionist in every way.

Quintus was much more interesting because, really, he's a bastard. He doesn't tell the girls the rules. If they don't figure out what's going on pretty fast, they get sold into a situation that they may or may not like. I tried to soften that with his true longing for a connection.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This one is built to be a series.

I thought I would do a few chapters of a "Composite Novel" (A novel where individual short stories are written with a unifying element, like setting) and see how it flows. Ideally, each chapter will stand alone and be a complete story about an individual character in this world. I'd like to see how many stories I can manage before I want something more reality-based.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

It was definitely weaving the story-within-the-story. It has to keep pace with the sex. You hope the reader will be interested in the next part, like Quintus is. You don't want the reader to confuse the characters because of sloppy use of pronouns.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I started this story three times, at about a thousand words each time, before I decided that I didn't like the tone and started over. The first one was way to playful and the second was too dark. I'm still trying to decide if the published version was "just right"
Introduce the title of your story: The Good Wife
Genre/Category: Wife Lovers
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? I wanted a story that not only was about cheating and two people conducting an affair, but that also explored the human side to sex. The feelings associated with loving someone but being unfulfilled and so looking somewhere else for sex, even though it makes you feel guilty and terrible.

2. How did you come up with these characters? The characters were the easy part of the story. I wanted Janet to be 'the good wife'. She loves her husband, her daughters, her home, her job and family life, but is not receiving the due attention and sexual fulfillment she wants/needs. Bryan is the dutiful husband who would never think to accuse Janet of cheating, especially with his best friend. Derek was the seducer, the powerful, sexually hungry man who wants Janet and will have her no matter what. I made the trio old friends from college to give better depth to the story. If they had been strangers the element of danger wouldn't have been as strong.

3. How does it differ from your other stories? This is built around a series of stories and the one I have linked above is the first of recurring chapters. It's different because I'm not dealing with two people and their feelings, there is a third person, so I have to explore the relationships of all three main characters and they all fit in together, as well as the relationships between Janet and Bryan, Janet and Derek, and then Derek and Bryan. This story isn't just sex, these are characters with real feelings and in a real scenario

4. What was the most challenging about writing this piece? Trying to show Janet's thoughts and emotions about Derek. How he makes her feel, what he does to her. Trying to show the internal struggle between being a good wife and mother, and having great sex with Derek, which I have tried to put in all chapters.

5. Anything else you want to tell us? This was perhaps the hardest story to write, which for me makes it the most rewarding experience. The same with the other chapters in the Good Wife series.
Great topic. Let's me be pretentious and talk about me (hurrah!)

Introduce the title of your story: Aoife

Genre/Category: College. Really, it doesn't quite fit any set category. I initially went 'straight sex', but then thought 'there's no actual sex'. Aoife is at university and Neil is her former teacher, so to that extent it fits the category.

Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? It's pure fantasy. I had a lap dance once (and once only, unfortunately) and it was just about the most erotic experience of my life, or at least one of them. Aoife's appearance is based very heavily on a student of mine (18+), and I wrote with her in mind.

2. How did you come up with these characters? As above for Aoife. Neil's marital situation, self-doubts and discomfort with his sexual urges are from my own gut - that was quite cathartic really, and probably the easiest part to write. The section before the lap dance, which is basically Neil despising himself and a description of Aoife, took me about 20 minutes to write. The rest took hours on end.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? Of the ones I have written for a site now lost in the ether, it's the only one I have completed with a lead female character based on one of my students. That's pretty and I'm not sure how comfortable I am about that. Otherwise, it's very typical of how I write: I focus more than usual on sensory experience (smell in particular) and it's pretty metaphor-laden, even after cutting some of that down in editing. Sooner or later I'm going to hate a story because of this, but it's a style that comes naturally to me.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? Sticking with it. I nearly deleted it about 3 or 4 times. I wasn't happy with it until a couple of days before posting, and wasn't sure if I wanted to bother writing again.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

It was written on the go in my draft e-mail folder, mostly on a mobile phone. That's completely new for me, as the last time I wrote a story I didn't have the technology to do that.

I wrote the lap dance up to the point where Aoife gets into it first (and hated it for ages). I then wrote the introduction, which created characters for Aoife and Neil. I then edited, in places re-wrote, and ended the lap dance, and it was a much better story. The characters are everything; sex outside of that connection, that context, is just pretty crap for me. When I got Aoife and Neil, I got the story I wanted.

My first Lush Story Aoife A Recommended Read
Introduce the title of your story: Gold-Medal Whore

I originally had "Golden Girl" in mind, but I was afraid people would think of the 80s sit-com, so I went with what I used. In retrospect, it might have been better to call it "Gold-Medal Girl." Not sure why that didn't occur to me.

Genre/Category: Reluctance

Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

To be honest, it was mostly the competition. I'd started several stories focused on running and runners in the past, but this seemed like a good opportunity to finally get a running story done. Originally, I started writing something far different, but I laid it aside when I realized it was basically a scene with no plot, just set-up for sex. This plot for this story came to me fairly fully formed, so I went with it.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

As a runner, and as someone who has known a number of far more accomplished and dedicated runners, I didn't find it hard to construct the female character as someone who would be unusually driven to do whatever it takes to succeed. Runners can be more than a little single-minded and driven. The guy is less defined, but since the story is all about her, I didn't think that mattered too much. The woman in my mind is physically loosely based on a prominent American runner who has had some very difficult times recently, and whose travails have been widely documented in the press.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I think it has a much harsher tone than most of my stories. I've written reluctance before, but usually the reluctance has been tempered with some sense of justice prevailing in the end. Here, for the story to work, justice couldn't really prevail. The inestimable VirgoGo has described a lot of my stories as being "happy pornography," a label I don't mind both because I think it's accurate, and also because "happy" does apply to a lot of my stories. Not all, but certainly most. This one is not particularly happy.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

First, writing in a different tone, as noted above. Secondly, I often feel a bit fraudulent when writing from a female pov. I tried tinkering with the plot to make it from a male pov, but it just didn't work. Since I concluded that it had to be from a female perspective, I did the best I could.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Two things.
First, I hope no one reading it concludes that I'm a misogynistic asshole from any aspect of the story, from the title to the content. I don't think I am, and I hope most of my stories, as possible reflections of my inner thoughts, don't lead to that conclusion.

Second, I usually have a decent idea of how good or bad my stories are. Of course, it's always hard to judge one's own work, but in a general sense, I have at least an idea of the range where each of my stories falls on the quality scale. With this one, I really have no idea. The comments have been favorable, but then again, that doesn't necessarily tell a writer here much. If you do check it out, I'd love to know what you think, especially in light of what I've written in this post.

Thank you!
Introduce the title of your story: Judo - The Gentle Way

Genre/Category: Love Story

Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I wanted to try my hand at the competition. I wanted a story that had a plot and offered the reader more than just a sexual escapade. I also wanted to go out of what I thought were the usual sports to something a bit different. Judo is relatively ignored by the media and is a sport I know well as a competitor, a coach, and as an official.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

The characters are a composite of myself and of people who I have coached. None of the characters existed in real life as such with perhaps partly the character of the trainer which combines several of my life experiences.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I think it is much more a story than most of my other offerings in that the sexual part I added almost as an afterthought. My main focus was with the changing emotional state of the characters over a period of time.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

I had to write the story incorporating three different voices; the coach, the trainee, and the spirit voice of the coach's dead wife. They each needed to have their own voice and that voice had to change as the story moved forward.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

My bookshelf includes 227 stories, which include 76 collaborations;

One Editor's Pick, Three Series Awards, Fifty-three Recommended Reads, and Eight Famous Stories are included. Go to


Quote by VirgoGo

I'm a bit baffled by the apparent --High--level of interest. Is it pervs finding gymnasts irresistible? Or is the martter-of-fact-way Suzanne approaches her problem.

Might be 'cause it's a damned good story. Just a thought. ;)
Introduce the title of your story:


Genre/Category: MATURE

Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Two things.

Firstly, I was upset with myself that I couldn't finish my story for the previous competition, that I vowed to work until I finished one for this comp.

Secondly, when I saw the competition was sports themed, I went to something I love, that being racquet sports, but also wanted to
learn about one that I had not played before, Pickleball. Since Pickleball is generally associated with older adults, the idea of a retirement
community developed. Florida, being one of the major North American retirement destinations, was a natural fit. The idea of a younger
woman and older man is just about every older guy's fantasy, so I went there. The reality of the effects of aging was the next piece of
this story's puzzle. Coastal Floridians fish or know someone who does, so that's where the mermaid idea came from.

Literally, this story went from one idea to the next to the next. It was that linear. I didn't know how it was going to end. And when I decided how
it would, it saddened me. However, it felt right for this story so I stayed with it.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I just thought about who would play racquet sports, how sexy women look in their tennis attire, who moves to retirement communities, and who would visit.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I've not written many stories in the mature theme, nor many May-December romance stories. And never about a mermaid.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

My expectations of myself. I wanted to be the first to submit when the competition was announced. I was. I also wanted to write something entertaining and poignant.
I hope I did. Oh yes, I had to learn the rules of Pickleball. smile

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

There are harsh realities in life that we all must face as our time marches on. We don't know what happens inside the mind of someone with dementia. But something is and
we should try to better understand what that is and how we can help.
I just added 6-7 new stories to my reading queue! Good thread, lotsa good writers. I love to see the process behind the story.