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Authors - announcing our Winter Break Competition

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We wanted to make it challenging to authors.

Do you guys want us to up the word count to 5000?
Nicola you know me I'm just ribbing you. Truthfully in my current story I'm at 3367 words and no one has touched each other yet....but hey, that's just me. My stories are all about attraction and seduction, not really so much about sex. YOU MAKE THE RULES and I'll follow whatever you say. 3000 is a challenge for me, but hey, maybe it will be my best work? If it keeps Sprite out of the contest then.....(he smiles a conspiratorial smile)'s a GREAT rule.

Anyways, ignore my posts, I won't be the winner anyways as my story will take a detour as I describe winning the "over 40" Giant Slalom and being invited to have dinner with Jean Claude Killy in Chamonix at Les Vieilles Luges (OMG what a restaurant) and describe drinking a bottle of 1970 Montrose with a skiing legend. [You 3000 words are gone already!]
Quote by flytoomuch
Nicola you know me I'm just ribbing you. Truthfully in my current story I'm at 3367 words and no one has touched each other yet....but hey, that's just me. My stories are all about attraction and seduction, not really so much about sex. YOU MAKE THE RULES and I'll follow whatever you say. 3000 is a challenge for me, but hey, maybe it will be my best work? If it keeps Sprite out of the contest then.....(he smiles a conspiratorial smile)'s a GREAT rule.

Anyways, ignore my posts, I won't be the winner anyways as my story will take a detour as I describe winning the "over 40" Giant Slalom and being invited to have dinner with Jean Claude Killy in Chamonix at Les Vieilles Luges (OMG what a restaurant) and describe drinking a bottle of 1970 Montrose with a skiing legend. [You 3000 words are gone already!]

It should be easy for you, John. Just write the way you usually do, which ends up at close to 9,000 words (yes, I have checked on occasion!), then C&P the parts that contain the sex. Clean up a few details so it doesn't seem as though you just dropped the sex in, and voilà! You'll have 3,000 words or less.

Then you can take me to dinner in Chamonix, merci beaucoup.
lol - at least my wife can't complain about me being 'absent' for several weeks - i kind of 'disappeared' for a while while writing Paris.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Gypsymoth really 9000 words? Wow poor editors....sorry gang! Thanks for the whole "clip and paste" idea. I have like eight stories on the go so I can just take out the "hot" parts, stick them together, add in 4 people standing around talking about the "good old days" of Jean Claude Killy and wooden skis and Shazaam a contest entry is done!! In the meantime I had an even better brainstorm. This sexy lady visits me at my chateau in Chamonix. Serendipity and guess what? We both love B & W photography and she marvels at my darkroom and my prints, stark nudes of West End actresses and Kirov ballerinas. We fall into a deep discussion of "Norwegian Wood" over a glass of 94' Dominus as a Blue Ray collectors edition of Casablanca plays on the TV ignored. As our hands touch and our eyes link we segue into a discussion of Willy's recording of 'Miracle' with Mark Knopfler and how we both love the song "Storybook Love" which became the theme song for The Princess Bride. Torrid sex ensues. I save a few of the 3000 words so we can have a wonderful dinner at Les Vielles Luges during which she drops the bomb that......she's married. So what do you think?
Quote by flytoomuch
Gypsymoth really 9000 words? Wow poor editors....sorry gang! Thanks for the whole "clip and paste" idea. I have like eight stories on the go so I can just take out the "hot" parts, stick them together, add in 4 people standing around talking about the "good old days" of Jean Claude Killy and wooden skis and Shazaam a contest entry is done!! In the meantime I had an even better brainstorm. This sexy lady visits me at my chateau in Chamonix. Serendipity and guess what? We both love B & W photography and she marvels at my darkroom and my prints, stark nudes of West End actresses and Kirov ballerinas. We fall into a deep discussion of "Norwegian Wood" over a glass of 94' Dominus as a Blue Ray collectors edition of Casablanca plays on the TV ignored. As our hands touch and our eyes link we segue into a discussion of Willy's recording of 'Miracle' with Mark Knopfler and how we both love the song "Storybook Love" which became the theme song for The Princess Bride. Torrid sex ensues. I save a few of the 3000 words so we can have a wonderful dinner at Les Vielles Luges during which she drops the bomb that......she's married. So what do you think?

Oh you tease you!

What do I think?

I think you're on the right track, especially since the above synopsis comes to 212 words.

But if you incorporate Willy into it, you sly dog. ::: swoons! :::

Wait! You're not trying to bribe one of the judges, are you?

Get to it dear, I am always objective, above reproach and cannot be bribed.
what happens if our entry is 3001 words... *giggles*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Well if Sprite can use her bogus mail order "Royal" title and her "sleep her way to the top" strategy then a little bribery seems fairly innocuous? I have posted Storybook Love out of pure artistic integrity and am in no way attempting to influence any particular judge (including Gypsymoth). Hope you all enjoy an amazing song:

Sprite at 3001 words DirtyMartini will be sent to your home, you will be evicted, you will be handcuffed, tied-up, and flown to Guantanamo on a "Ghost Plane" and incarcerated illegally for several years. You will need to learn Urdu in order to communicate with any of the other prisoners so you better crack the books NOW! I know this all sounds like a cool sex fantasy to you (oh dear, tied-up, handcuffed.....she giggles and gets hot), but Lush has its rules baby.
Quote by flytoomuch
Well if Sprite can use her bogus mail order "Royal" title...

i will have you know that Nicola herself presented me with that title, you can even ask her, and i am very proud of it for that reason alone. :d/

Now, to get back to my winter story... 200 words used so far just to describe snow... i am so doomed...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Good thing this isn't a flash fiction contest. Certain entrants would go into the bends. smile

BTW, I paid five dollars American for a certificate from the Universal Life Church of Modesto, CA, making me a Cardinal in that bastion of spiritual sanctification.

The Right Rev Rumple Foreskin
RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Quote by flytoomuch
We fall into a deep discussion of "Norwegian Wood" over a glass of 94' Dominus as a Blue Ray collectors edition of Casablanca plays on the TV ignored.

That's funny...I actually wrote a story where that line in "Norwegian Wood" triggers the sex know the line..."and then she said, it's time for bed"...

Btw...haven't decided yet if I'm actually entering this one...been sort of busy lately...

And btw Miss much did you have to bribe Nic with to get your, um, "Royalty" status?

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by RumpleForeskin

BTW, I paid five dollars American for a certificate from the Universal Life Church of Modesto, CA, making me a Cardinal in that bastion of spiritual sanctification.

See, that just proves that money really can buy anything...

So, you're Cardinal Rumpskin now? Hmmm...I guess it's worth the five bucks...btw, how much did they want for Pope?

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Well personally I don't think "Pope DirtyMartini" or "Pope Alan" really works very well. Now "POPE JOHN" on the other hand, now that has a certain ring to it.
It would be unfair to the authors who've submitted stories already, to change the rules. 3000 is a good challenge for everyone
Just so y'all know, I paid that nominal fee for my Cardinalship back in the mid-80's. Kirby Hensley, who founded and ran the outfit, would make you, your pets, or about anything else, whether organic or not, anything you wanted. They'd also grant you a degree in philosophy for some outrageous amount figuring, I suppose, anyone dumb enough to spring for that deal shouldn't be trusted with money.

Did I mention that Modesto is also the home of Gallo wine?

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Quote by nicola
It would be unfair to the authors who've submitted stories already, to change the rules. 3000 is a good challenge for everyone

actually, i do think it's a good challenge and will force us to put some work into picking the perfect words instead of every single word that comes to mind smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
actually, i do think it's a good challenge and will force us to put some work into picking the perfect words instead of every single word that comes to mind smile

Ms. Sprite, that gave me a good laugh. Thank you.
Maggie R
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Just so y'all know, I paid that nominal fee for my Cardinalship back in the mid-80's. Kirby Hensley, who founded and ran the outfit, would make you, your pets, or about anything else, whether organic or not, anything you wanted.

Actually, my mother is some sort of mail order ordained minister or something...and if I recall correctly, she has a framed document hanging on the wall to prove it...

And yeah, there's probably some connection with that Gallo wine thing...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Meh................ Hate the chocolate-box photo of the ski-hausen and PARTICULARLY the north American quartet who look like they're modelling winter clothes for JC Penney......

All respect to the Lush Massive...... (I WON'T be doing this one.......)

xx SF
Stephanie - shutterstock let me down a little. The team all had access to the same 7 million or whatever they have photos, and we couldn't find any better ones. I could have gone elsewhere but have an account with them.

Shame, I love your stories (go on, you know you want to write one really....).
Well the photos are a bit cheesy for sure, but I took literary license and moved the chalet to Chamonix and changed the clothing brands from JC Penny to Hermes. Hey be creative. Anyways the entry doesn't look good. Are you allowed to enter more than Part 1? Can you enter like a part 1 and then a part 2 and have all the sex in part 2 haha? I'm sure there is a rule of only one entry but am not sure?
Quote by flytoomuch
Well the photos are a bit cheesy for sure, but I took literary license and moved the chalet to Chamonix and changed the clothing brands from JC Penny to Hermes. Hey be creative. Anyways the entry doesn't look good. Are you allowed to enter more than Part 1? Can you enter like a part 1 and then a part 2 and have all the sex in part 2 haha? I'm sure there is a rule of only one entry but am not sure?

All entries must be standalone stories. They can´t be part of a series.
Whoops - Double post
Oh dear, there goes my entry.......I tried, I failed.....will probably just file it as a regular series since I like the characters quite a bit....Hmmm.
Quote by flytoomuch
Oh dear, there goes my entry.......I tried, I failed.....will probably just file it as a regular series since I like the characters quite a bit....Hmmm.

lame! try again, or i will come after you! dammit, you can do it! *hugs* see? you even get a hug! don't make me get out my whip!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'm going to give it a go!!! Not sure how good I am writing in the third person, but will do my best smile
ok, this is a serious question, just so you know... ok, so, i have my rough draft done, and IT says i have 2,999 words (no, i didn't plan it like that, it just happened like that) and i know that sometimes word counts differ... so, if i was to turn in my 2,999 word story and Lush's word counter says it was 3,010 words, would it be disqualified? or would i have to edit it down 10 words? or is there a little wiggle room? just wondering, cause i get nervous about following rules and such.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

There's a little wiggle room HRS, but if it's more than 50 words or so, it would be sent back for editing.
Quote by nicola
There's a little wiggle room HRS, but if it's more than 50 words or so, it would be sent back for editing.

thank you for that! ok, i can breath easily now!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.