GrushaVashnadze's best stories:
Alison Goes to London (RR) - "love this... fun, and funny, and sexy" (sprite)
The Cursed Cunt (RR) - "holyyyyy sheeeiiit.... Your writing is fucking fantastic" (CarltonStJames)
A Worthless Filthy Fucking Smoking Trash Cunt Whore (RR) - "Brilliantly done. Of course." (naughtyannie)
Snow White and the Seven Dildos (RR) - "Fuck. It's perfect.... honestly genius and so fucking well executed." (VioletVixen)
Metamorphoses (RR) - "so imaginative and entertaining" (saucymh)
And There Came Two Angels to Sodom - "What a deliciously worded story! So juicy, so raunchy" (el_henke)
Fuck-Talk (with VioletVixen) - "Jeez. I feel rendered wordless by how much clever fucking fun this is" (Jaymal)
Quote by sprite
my personal favorite piece is Rimsky-Korsekov's Scheherazade
Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:
* 30 Editor's Picks, 75 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.
My bookshelf includes 227 stories, which include 76 collaborations;
One Editor's Pick, Three Series Awards, Fifty-three Recommended Reads, and Eight Famous Stories are included. Go to
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
The Russians of the Romantic era sure knew how to pack emotion into music after they threw out the damn formulaic, tedious rulebook that dominated the Classical Mozart era.
Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, ... basically if the composer ends in -sky or -v then you're pretty much guaranteed an octane-fuelled rollercoaster of a ride upon which to base your story. The sex will be turbulent.
GrushaVashnadze's best stories:
Alison Goes to London (RR) - "love this... fun, and funny, and sexy" (sprite)
The Cursed Cunt (RR) - "holyyyyy sheeeiiit.... Your writing is fucking fantastic" (CarltonStJames)
A Worthless Filthy Fucking Smoking Trash Cunt Whore (RR) - "Brilliantly done. Of course." (naughtyannie)
Snow White and the Seven Dildos (RR) - "Fuck. It's perfect.... honestly genius and so fucking well executed." (VioletVixen)
Metamorphoses (RR) - "so imaginative and entertaining" (saucymh)
And There Came Two Angels to Sodom - "What a deliciously worded story! So juicy, so raunchy" (el_henke)
Fuck-Talk (with VioletVixen) - "Jeez. I feel rendered wordless by how much clever fucking fun this is" (Jaymal)
Quote by GrushaVashnadze
WW, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the Russian romantics. However, I feel I must come to the defence of Mozart. If the following is not sexy, I don't know what is:
Our Stories Hellcat - OUR LATEST TALE
Always Yours Eye-am-yours
Stories of Lana and Evan Cornucopia, Morning Delights, Tropical Escape
Oceans of-Love, Visions of You, Dream a Little Dream, That Attraction
RR - Sci Fi - The Thief and The Stolen Heart
I like the one above me. Baroque does not get enough credit for romance and passion. Vivaldi's guitar concertos, for instance. The second movement of the D Major would be very nice, sultry courting or foreplay music (starts c. 3:50, but listen to the whole piece). The 1st might be a livelier flirting or social scene. 3rd? Well, we all know what comes after courting and foreplay, right?
Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.