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Win Custom Erotic Fiction!

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So I'm up for a challenge. I've authored stories in the past, but never at Lush. Partly that is because my favorite sort of writing is Erotic Roleplay (RP) which Lush seems to have no forum for (in both the literal and figurative sense). For those who don't know, Erotic RP exists somewhere in the misty boundaries between cybersex and erotic fiction, with a greater emphasis on story and longer posts than cybering (multi-paragraph to multi-page) but with the interactivity lacking in stories written by one person.

So since I don't seem to be able to find Erotic RP at Lush, here is what I will do instead. You get the opportunity to provide input for my stories! I realize that this request may easily generate far more responses than I will be able to write, but I will pick as many winners as I have time for. Note that the selection process will be purely subjective. I won't pick names out of a hat or anything so purely random. If your response stimulates an urge in me to write, you're a winner! In the event I simply need to choose between an array of intriguing ideas, then I may roll a die to pick one.

To keep the challenge fresh and the turn around time short, I'm aiming for flash fiction, which I am defining as stories of less than 1000 words. This is only a guideline, however, truly inspiring ideas may prompt more prodigious writing.

Each contest entry should specify the following:

A Location where the main action will take place.
This could be a country, city, a type of room, a business, etc. Please avoid anything too specific like an address or a combination of more than two locations. Good examples might be “a telephone booth on a busy street,” “a hotel in Paris” or “orbiting the Earth,” but "a phone booth on Broadway in New York City" would be too specific because it limits my creative options.

Three items that should figure prominently into the story.
These can be any three items, but inventive ideas here will be rewarded with a greater chance of winning. Note that these need not be sexual items, nor will they necessarily be used in a sexual manner.

The sex of one of the main sexual characters and three words that describe them.
This character can be any sort of person or creature that does not violate the site rules (no underage, no animals, etc.). Note that being a bisexual female, I generally avoid gay male stories simply because I have no frame of reference for them. A gay male character would not automatically disqualify an entry, but it would mean that the other parts of your idea would have to be exceptionally inspiring.

As noted above, the selection process is based on how much your idea inspires my muse. She can be a bit fickle at times, so I apologize in advance to anyone with a superb idea that just doesn't tickle her at that particular moment. I would also point out that knowing me better through my profile or by discussing ideas with me via PM will increase your chances of success.

Good luck!

Vita @->-

P.S. Just to be clear, this contest is not sponsored by Lush, it is provided by me alone.
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[]Win Custom Erotic Fiction by Vita![/URL]

"There is a face beneath this mask but it's not me." V - V for Vendetta

"If we shadows have offended, think but this; and all is mended that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear..." Puck - A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
Welcome to the site Vita.

Interesting idea. Are there any sites at all dedicated to, or have sections for Erotic Roleplaying? It's a new one on me.
Quote by nicola
Welcome to the site Vita.

Interesting idea. Are there any sites at all dedicated to, or have sections for Erotic Roleplaying? It's a new one on me.

A note to readers, this is not a competition sponsored by lush, it is a personal one set up by Vita.


Indeed there are some, although site rules would prevent me from mentioning or linking to them here.

As for the contest, sorry about the need for the disclaimer, I should have thought to mention that myself.

Vita @->-
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[]Win Custom Erotic Fiction by Vita![/URL]

"There is a face beneath this mask but it's not me." V - V for Vendetta

"If we shadows have offended, think but this; and all is mended that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear..." Puck - A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
Hi Vita,

Feel free to post me some links privately, if I think there's enough demand, or some value to setting up a section for it, I will.

I find that I'm immensely disappointed by the lack of response here. Somehow I thought people here would jump at the chance to get involved in the creative process, but so far, not so much.

Vita @->-
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[]Win Custom Erotic Fiction by Vita![/URL]

"There is a face beneath this mask but it's not me." V - V for Vendetta

"If we shadows have offended, think but this; and all is mended that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear..." Puck - A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
Unfortunately, the way the site is set up, I am not surprised by the lack of response. Sorry!

I may be wrong, but writers and site regulars tend to hang out in these forums.

The type of people I imagine who'd want custom erotic fiction written for them, would be surfers who are interested in something a little different, or specific, tailored to their desires / fantasies. They will most likely not venture in here and even see this thread.

If it were advertised on the front of site, I'm sure you'd be inundated.
You're probably right. Maybe that's something we could consider sometime when there is not a regular contest going on. It would probably also help if I posted a few of my stories here first, but I don't have any right now that I haven't posted elsewhere or that I have sole rights to, since most of them were roleplays that I did with other people. But maybe I'll try to work something up for the Summer Lovin' contest and see how that is received.

Vita @->-
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[]Win Custom Erotic Fiction by Vita![/URL]

"There is a face beneath this mask but it's not me." V - V for Vendetta

"If we shadows have offended, think but this; and all is mended that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear..." Puck - A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
hi there.
my location would be a: remote island.
the three items would be: an air bed, some wine, and a boat
and lastly: female, people person, adventurous, and open-minded
Location - On a beach
Three items - sun cream, bikini and beer
Character - Female - Blonde, sexy, adventurous
Location: Outer Space
Items: Zero gravity (hardly and item, but is a story element), Sleeping restraints, Big Blue Marble
Character: Female - Astronaut, Mission oriented, Enamored with her mission specialist
Well, since the OP hasn't replied to the thread in two months, who's to say she's still making the offer of customized erotic fiction?

If she posts and says she is, I'll post my suggestion. Otherwise it is turning into a story of my own.
Well I hope I never figure out
Who broke your heart ~ Baby if I do
Well I'd spend all night losing sleep
I'd spend the night and I'd lose my mind
Wow, I've been away from Lush for a bit, and this is the first time I've gotten an email about responses to this thread. Yes I am still interested in writing these and I've already found several of the ideas inspiring. It will probably be several days before I have a chance to get started but expect a story soon.

Vita @-->--
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[]Win Custom Erotic Fiction by Vita![/URL]

"There is a face beneath this mask but it's not me." V - V for Vendetta

"If we shadows have offended, think but this; and all is mended that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear..." Puck - A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
Quote by Vita
Wow, I've been away from Lush for a bit, and this is the first time I've gotten an email about responses to this thread. Yes I am still interested in writing these and I've already found several of the ideas inspiring. It will probably be several days before I have a chance to get started but expect a story soon.

Vita @-->--

I stand corrected.

I have a suggestion for a story.

Location: A busy subway. People are bustling about, packed in shoulder to shoulder and they are naive to what is happening close by

Three items: A leather jacket, a scarf and handcuffs.

Sex of one of the characters: A twenty something woman.

Three descriptive words: brunette, flawless, discreet.
Well I hope I never figure out
Who broke your heart ~ Baby if I do
Well I'd spend all night losing sleep
I'd spend the night and I'd lose my mind
Once again, I must beg forgiveness for my tardiness in replying to this contest. The day after my last reply to this thread, I got sick. After a week of three doctor's appointments and not getting better, my doctor sent me to the hospital, where I remained for four days before finally being judged well enough to go home. The final diagnosis was an "atypical" pneumonia and now that they have me on the right antibiotic, I am improving steadily, although I still find myself short on cardiovascular stamina, something that should return to normal with time and a bit of effort on my part. All that said, I plan to start writing tonight, and I will post my first contest winner whenever I finish it (hopefully soon).

Vita @-->--
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[]Win Custom Erotic Fiction by Vita![/URL]

"There is a face beneath this mask but it's not me." V - V for Vendetta

"If we shadows have offended, think but this; and all is mended that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear..." Puck - A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
Well, I've chosen my first winner, Cheltenham! By virtue of evoking a fantasy very similar to one I already had, Cheltenham has inspired me to write first of what will hopefully be many other stories. The story is already written, but needs a bit of editing, first by me, and then by my "editor" (i.e. the hubby) before posting, but be watching for Taken on a Train to appear soon!

Vita @-->--
Please check my profile before friending me or sending me a PM or chat request.
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[]Win Custom Erotic Fiction by Vita![/URL]

"There is a face beneath this mask but it's not me." V - V for Vendetta

"If we shadows have offended, think but this; and all is mended that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear..." Puck - A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
Congratulations Cheltenham!

Vita: I'll be looking forward to that train ride.
Quote by Vita
Well, I've chosen my first winner, Cheltenham! By virtue of evoking a fantasy very similar to one I already had, Cheltenham has inspired me to write first of what will hopefully be many other stories. The story is already written, but needs a bit of editing, first by me, and then by my "editor" (i.e. the hubby) before posting, but be watching for Taken on a Train to appear soon!

Vita @-->--

Your tardiness is wholly forgiven, honestly, like water under a bridge. I appreciate your efforts on the story and love what you've done with the themes. I am certain everyone will be as satisfied as I am, should they also inspire such a tale for Vita to pen and gift as she has done for me.

Now, I will check out your catalog of stories since admittantly this story you recently wrote is the first I've read of yours.

You have talent.
Well I hope I never figure out
Who broke your heart ~ Baby if I do
Well I'd spend all night losing sleep
I'd spend the night and I'd lose my mind
I hope you get well soon Vita, that sounds dreadful.

I was wondering if this thing was still up and running? I hope it hasn't become lost or forgotten, seems like a wonderful idea =] and the first story was very good in my opinion.

My idea, just in case

Location - after hours in a restaurant kitchen

Three things - A counter top, a bottle of wine, and a tie

Person - a business man, he is a regular to this restaurant, hasn't had sex in a good long while, and has a slightly dominant personality

Hopefully this thread will pick back up soon =]