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What are your erotica pet peeves?

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There are some interesting points on this thread concerning the slang word 'cum'. It's always difficult to define slang terms as they have no definite meaning. But using the term 'cum' as a verb just doesn't sound right to me.

Used as a noun, it sounds great: "He squirted cum all over her face".

Used as a participle, it sounds okay: "I am cumming".

But used as a verb, it sounds awkward to me: "He cum over her face".

Furthermore, in which tense is the verb to cum - past, present or future?
Quote by flossy
There are some interesting points on this thread concerning the slang word 'cum'. It's always difficult to define slang terms as they have no definite meaning. But using the term 'cum' as a verb just doesn't sound right to me.

Used as a noun, it sounds great: "He squirted cum all over her face".

Used as a participle, it sounds okay: "I am cumming".

But used as a verb, it sounds awkward to me: "He cum over her face".

Furthermore, in which tense is the verb to cum - past, present or future?

That would be: "He came all over her face." Cum is the wrong tense for that sentence.
When writers don't let me know how big the butt of the girl character is.
I find far too many stories are formulaic. Not the entire human species begins with oral, then goes on to coitus/intercourse that fits exactly the same
few ways of doing things. More observation of real sex is needed not just repetition of what we think sex is all about.
Quote by Buz

That would be: "He came all over her face." Cum is the wrong tense for that sentence.

So just to clarify.

"He came all over here face", would be in the past tense?

"He comes all over her face", would be in the present tense?

Sorry if I sound dumb. I should have paid more attention in English classes at school.
Quote by CherryRedGirl
What do you dislike when reading erotica?

I don't like when things happen to quickly, but I also don't like when the introduction drags on. I don't like when it's not very realistic.

I dislike when the writing sounds too clinical "i put my penis in her vagina".

And I don't like when semen is called "cream".

What about you?

seems to me you just nailed it
Quote by Verbal

I like the word cumming. I get a little erotic charge out of it.

Wow, George Carlin is alive and well!!!!!!!!!! lol
I hate erotic stories that are completely implausible. For example, I've read several stories in which a virgin girl is about to lose her virginity and, as you would expect, is very timid, shy and reluctant. Then, in the next scene, she's having multiple orgasms, squirting from her vagina and shoving the guy's cock down her throat. It's ridiculous and would never happen.

I've also read a couple of stories in which the author refers to the ladies' rectum as a "poop-chute". That's enough to put me off straight away. There is nothing erotic about the word "poop-chute". It's vulgar and something you'd expect to hear on the school playground.
I don't like it when I slave over a story, getting it taut and exciting, polishing it endlessly to remove superflous details, honing it to a nice shine and then pinging it in for the Mighty Mods to chew over.

Low and behold, when it finally emerges, what is the first comment that's invariably tacked underneath? "Hey, really hot story! Can't wait to read Episode 2!"

Quote by sprite
The Laundry List. i've spoken on it before, but i'll do so again.

the laundry list is when someone starts out a story thusly:

Her name was Bridget. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, weighed 134 pounds, was 5'6' tall, and had 36DD boobs.

you get the idea? a story starts like that an i am done with it.

Quote by sprite
The Laundry List. i've spoken on it before, but i'll do so again.

the laundry list is when someone starts out a story thusly:

Her name was Bridget. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, weighed 134 pounds, was 5'6' tall, and had 36DD boobs.

you get the idea? a story starts like that an i am done with it.

I never realized how elementary this was until you pointed this out. You are so correct that this is a distraction and takes away from the story. I'd only add the unbelievable man with a dick longer than his arm who can fuck for hours.
When they use the term "Down there" when refering to a cock or pussy. Like a certain famous Mommy porn author wrote. I mean come on what 20 something calls their vag "down there".
Yes I agree with the laundry list.

I remember reading a wonderful "How to write a story" by a famous young adult author who straight off the bat said never list descriptions. I took that to heart.
Yes I agree with the laundry list.

I remember reading a wonderful "How to write a story" by a famous young adult author who straight off the bat said never list descriptions. I took that to heart.
Stories that ignore the fundamental rules of writing, make me want to pull out my red marker and grade them. If I'm reading a story that becomes a task to continue, it makes me glad I'm not a mod.

What Sprite says about starting with a physical character description is correct. I also see tense switches constantly, that was also referenced in this thread. I believe a lot of these things can be corrected through tougher editing practices. I suggest reading the story aloud.

Repetitive use of the same nouns and pronouns can be a problem also.
We are taught in elementary the skill of writing and using more descriptive words.
Authors who write robotic sounding dialogue.
Authors who go out of their way to use flowery or esoteric language.
Authors who write sex-scenes, but not stories.
Authors who have no sense of the erotic, and don't know the difference between mechanical sex and sensual sexiness.

Don't believe everything that you read.

This thread has me paranoid about my own work lol. (I know I'm not a great author but I'm trying to improve.)

Anyway, I hate it when stories start with "It was..." I know I've done it before and I regret it but some authors use it in every single story they publish.
Quote by Jasmine_x
This thread has me paranoid about my own work lol. (I know I'm not a great author but I'm trying to improve.)

Anyway, I hate it when stories start with "It was..." I know I've done it before and I regret it but some authors use it in every single story they publish.

I know what you mean. It sounds much better if you use t'was instead. As in, "t'was the night before Christmas".
Yes the word "Cum" or "Cumming" sounds and even looks rough and distasteful, not to mention its grammatically wrong.

I always write "Come" "Coming" etc.
Love erotic poems that nail the moment too the wall with the hottest words making every line play over at least twice in my mind ! Awesome work drives me wild !
Love stories I can refer to when some acts are ones that go right to my heart and bring back memories of wild wanton and crazy days making me desiring to do it all over again with all I know right now !! Just imagine the difference we'd have in performance? The outcomes would blow us all away! The intensity is awesome! Let your minds wander folks you'll love it !!
Quote by CherryRedGirl
What do you dislike when reading erotica?

I don't like when things happen to quickly, but I also don't like when the introduction drags on. I don't like when it's not very realistic.

I dislike when the writing sounds too clinical "i put my penis in her vagina".

And I don't like when semen is called "cream".

What about you?
...the expression 'man-pussy'...
I know we have a mixture of great writers and up-and-coming writers (or should that be up-and-cumming? ,) but one thing that has forever bugged me is when a writer basically writes the same story over and over again with new character names and different settings. This is more than just "Tom and Sue were so horny they could bust..." but when a guy is really into watching is wife be fucked or gangbanged by a group of rough men, usually black, and he's told what a shitty lover/husband he is. Now, once is fine, but when every story you read is basically this... it gets old. I know the wife-sharing/swapping theme is popular and when done right is a good story and an enjoyable read. However, when that's the ONLY thing an author writes... it gets old.

Sticking with one genre like interracial, lesbian, or love stories is fine. Some amazing authors have several stories in one specific genre, but they don't write the same thing over and over again... they write amazing pieces of erotic writing that bring the readers back again and again.
I'd agree with those who cite the laundry list as an annoyance. I've been guilty of it and am trying to get my descriptions across a bit more subtly now.

My biggest pet peeve has to do with stilted dialogue. When the characters who are supposed to be enjoying a great connection speak like wooden robots, it makes it hard for me to suspend my disbelief (especially when the situation itself is unlikely).

Personally, I'm a fan of the "cumming" spelling. It feels more sexual and direct to me. Just my preference.
I must say that I find it a trifle disheartening when the topic allows everybody to "vent their spleen" with negative comments. A lot of us are writing fictional stories for the first time and enjoy doing so. We also enjoy reading the positive comments and watching those viewer numbers creep up. Thankfully, I have rarely seen a really negative comment below any stories I've read. I'd guess that the number of submissions would drop precipitously if negative comments littered the "feedback section" as they have littered this thread..

Having said that, I found most of the responses to be fairly useful as educational tools.

The word "cum" (thank you Verbal, your post was delightful!) in its various forms is, in my measured opinion, now generally accepted as common parlance.

And, I don't need some wiseacre to point out that my opening comment was negative!
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