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Title Suggestions For A BBW Story Collection

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Greetings Lushland,

Recently I decided that I wanted to put together a collection of erotic stories featuring BBWs (Big Beautiful Women) under the title Plump Pleasures: Erotic Stories And Poems Of The BBW. For the most part I am settled with the title, but I do wonder if any BBWs outside the ones I know who like the title and concept would feel the title a little degrading. Amid My (ahem) "spamming" on Twitter I have put the quesion out there, but have only gotten response back from three people (two of them Tweet Buddies so they really can't count). I have also posted the question and information at House Of Master Vyle but have gotten zero feedback so far.

Above I have posted a couple of my other title ideas (the final three in the poll) as well as a couple of suggestions from friends. No matter what the main title I intend to keep the subtitle to identify it easily as a collection about BBWs.

So, lushies, which title do you think would make the collection sound as if it were written respectfully by a BBW lover to people outside of this who already know me? If none of them sound good I am open to suggestions.

-Master Vyle

My take on those choices:

"Plump" to me comes over as derogatory.

"Voluptuous vixens" has a nice ring to it for the genre.

"Substantial" sounds like a large volume and not sexy in the slightest to me.

"Curvaceous Creatures"? Creatures? A little debasing.

"The BBW Erotic" - bbw erotic what?

"Plus-Sized Pleasure" - reminds me of shops for the larger lady / clothing related.

"Ravishing And Rubenesque" - nice. Are enough people familiar with Ruben's artwork for this to work?

I'll try and think up something better when not so tired. I like the last one the best.
Yes, nicola the points are easy to see. This is why I wanted to get the question out there. It is pretty hard to come up with a title that would not turn people off by sounding deragatory. Some of them sound great to the people who know me and how I mean them, but to the person on the so much.

Wild at Heart
May I suggest chubby chasers as an alternate... Of the ones you posted I like ravishing and rubenesque though, it's the classiest one.
Thanks for the suggestion felix, but I think most BBWs would find that title a little deragatory and that is the thing which seems to be the most tricky about coming up with a title for this collection. It has to be something that makes a big girl feel beautiful and empowered instead of turning them off. I am beginning to think I will have to come up with a title far enough away from the subject while retaining BBW within the subtitle. In all honesty I am pretty sick of having to put BBW in the title of most stories I write about them as no sites I post to have a BBW category, and very few have good search filters like lush does to aid when looking up a phrase.

In general I have gotten much positive response from BBWs in regards to my stories, as they are presented as characters and not a fetish. So once I have this collection together I want these women to know they are appericiated for who they are and not see a title that would turn them off so much that they would never consider buying it.

Although from what few votes there are at this early date Ravishing And Rubenesque is looking like a winner, and it does have that quality of not blantantly screaming BBW in the main title. It could work, and I could call it R&R for short.

Let's see what a few other people think first though.

Constant Gardener
One Quarter Tonne, Twice The Fun
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale
One Quarter Tonne, Twice The Fun

Divine Rapscallion
I voted for "Ravishing and Rubenesque," but I think a better option would be "Ravishingly Rubenesque."

As it is, ravishing and rubenesque are two disparate descriptions, although I understand you're saying the women in your collection are both. I think Ravishingly Rubenesque puts a positive emphasis on the Rubenesque part -- they're ravishing because they're rubenesque. Anyway, that's my two cents on it.
Maggie R
Wild at Heart
Quote by Master_Vyle
Although from what few votes there are at this early date Ravishing And Rubenesque is looking like a winner, and it does have that quality of not blantantly screaming BBW in the main title. It could work, and I could call it R&R for short.

Let's see what a few other people think first though.


I was joking about the chubby chaser title. smile The Rubenesque one is good. You're comparing them to art so that can't be bad. Yeah, not everyone knows what rubenesque means but at least you'll be teaching them a new word.
I voted for the Rubenesque choice as well. It's classy and more subtle than some of the others.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by Lisa
I voted for the Rubenesque choice as well. It's classy and more subtle than some of the others.

I agree it's classy, but for some reason I don't like the word "and" in it...

Maybe "Ravishingly Rubenesque?"...

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Active Ink Slinger
I find it positively delicious~ x3
I adore the word plump, who wouldn't want to molest something if it was called plump?
It even sounds thrillingly generous on my lips.
Though I did hear 'Renaissance' being used to describe fuller woman, and I do like the ring of that.

I'm sure Louis Prima's "Bigger the Figure" could give you some more ideas. xD