First of all, thanks for any help you can lend. I'm looking for a story where as much of the universe as possible is lesbian. It could be a group of friends who are all lesbian, a club or bar or something where everyone is lesbian...
My exact thought that I had was of a locker room scene. A girl starts attending a new high school, and in the locker room, she sees a girl pushing another up against a locker and making out with her. Instead of the other girls in the locker room explaining that they're lesbians, they just explain that the one girl is just marking her territory. So basically it's a normal world, except there are no boys and everyone is a lesbian.
Do I have to write this one myself, or does something like this exist already? My writing skills are not too sharp... hehe
Thanks in advance!
1. There are hundreds of thousands of porn flicks that operate on the assumption that every female is a lesbian. Most of these are beneath contempt.
2. There are, equally, hundreds of thousands of porn flicks that operate on the assumption that every male is gay. Sure, tell me another one.
3. If you're going to do this yourself you have a lot of research to do. An all-lesbian universe requires that all inhabitants be female.
In botany, apomixis is reproduction without fertilization. In flowering plants it is clonal reproduction called agamospermy.
In animals, an all-female universe is possible only through parthenogenesis. In this case the offspring is a true clone. Because the clone comes from a female, the parthenogenetic offspring must be female. Invertebrates that can reproduce through parthenogenesis include aphids and some parasitic wasps (for a full list investigate parthenogenesis in invertebrates). Among vertebrates, parthenogenesis is known to occur in some fish, reptiles and amphibians, and rarely in birds.
Parthenogenesis is not to be confused with self-reproduction by hermaphroditic species. They are simultaneously male and female.
Now, aren't you glad you asked?