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Sex vs Story

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This is such an interesting thread!

I've only written a couple of stories, but I never came here to write a sex story. I wanted to write an erotic story, which is different. I suppose people's views on what is erotic differ massively, but to me it means suspense, insecurity, excitement or even the moral conflict of wrong against right. So that's what I write about. Or at least I try.

That all sounds laudable but I'm aware that I'm so busy thinking about these things that my stories lack balance for some people and there's not enough fucking going on. Someone said as much (and that I should use more dirty words).

I managed to squeeze my first story into the lesbian category even though the only lesbian sex comes when one character has a dream about it. In my second story, the sex is so incidental I'd forgotten about it by the half-way point.

Maybe I'm just not very good at describing the act.
Quote by puddleduck
This is such an interesting thread!

I've only written a couple of stories, but I never came here to write a sex story. I wanted to write an erotic story, which is different. I suppose people's views on what is erotic differ massively, but to me it means suspense, insecurity, excitement or even the moral conflict of wrong against right. So that's what I write about.

I'm aware that I'm so busy thinking about these things that my stories lack balance for some people and there's not enough fucking going on. Someone said as much (and that I should use more dirty words).

I managed to squeeze my first story into the lesbian category even though the only lesbian sex comes when one character has a dream about it. In my second story, the sex is so incidental I'd forgotten about it by the half-way point.

Maybe I'm just not very good at describing the functional act.

Hello!!! (I don't know you!)


I so relate to this... I CAN write erotica... (I have, I've done it here!!!) But... For AGES now I can't seem to write the SEX bit!!! (I can get there UP TO THE POINT THEY FUCK but then I lose interest!!!)

Here is an example of ONE OF A DOZEN unfinished pieces:

Tokyo Rose

(Maggie Lets Herself Go...)

Margaret Fox, (Maggie to her friends) was exhausted.

LAX to Kyoto...

Her fucking panties were stuck to her under her pencil skirt. They had asked for her. Yoshimi Industries were and indeed are a company who produce and market video games.

Maggie was a casting agent. Normally she dealt in the murky world of LA extras-casting, but she was also an on-line gamer. Yoshimi Industries specialized in role-play games, and Maggie had played more than a few. She liked what they did, particularly the games which incorporated a subtle sexual element, as almost all adult games did these days. Her problem with the company's otherwise perfect product was just this. The dubbing to English was nonsense. One drunken night she had e-mailed the company, suggesting how they might use real anglo voices to properly popularise the product. Even she was surprised when the message arrived offering her a meeting with the company heads. First class flights. Luxury hotel. Of course she said yes.

Kansai airport is some minutes from the city and Maggie was gratified to see a diminutive driver holding a placard with her name. He escorted her to the limousine. She asked, "To my hotel, please?"

"No, no! Mister Himura insists we go straight to the office. Hotel after."

The office was a glittering sky-scraper in central Kyoto. Maggie, leaving her bags with the driver at the reception desk, travelled up in the elevator. As the door on the 17th floor opened, she saw a dapper little Japanese man who bowed in welcome.

"Miss Fox? I am Hitoshi Yoshimi. So glad you could come. Come this way. We should talk, Neh?

Maggie followed. Mr Yoshimi opened a door and she entered. The room was decorated in Nipponese traditional, a low table, seating mats but no chairs and, bizarrely, two serving girls in full kimono and Geisha make-up.

The ladies bowed to the floor as Mr Yoshimi motioned her to be seated. When she did, he clapped his hands. The women moved, placing small delft delicate containers on the table.

"Sake? You will try, I think?" said the Japanese mogul.

She sipped. The fiery liquid burned her throat. She couldn't stifle a cough.

He giggled. "An acquired taste, I think? But then, we Japanese are not to your taste, are we? You do not approve of our voices, indeed, Ms. Fox? You, I quote, 'Think the voices upon our products do not relate to a Western audience'..."

Shit. "Mr. Yoshimi, Yoshi-San, if I might, Sir, it's just that the audio, the ADR on your games might be more amenable to a Western market if they were, well, westernized?"

"Ah... And yet? American and European men seem to particularly like Nipponese women. Including their manner of speaking. But NOT our men, is that it? Western women do not find our men attractive?"

"Not at all, Sir," offered Maggie. "Absolutely not! Many American women love Anime, the movies of Kurosawa, the music of Ryuchi Sakamoto, but..."

"But you think you can make my company's efforts 'more amenable'?"

"Frankly, yes. Visually, your product is perfect. I think you would do better to cater your audio towards your audience. Your World Audience? It simply doesn't sound real. In fact, it's off-putting."

"Expand, Miss Fox?"

"Can I be quite frank, Sir?"

"Miss Fox, I have brought you to this room at some considerable expense. That is my pleasure. But let me also be frank. I expect both your honesty and your expertise. Explain 'off-putting', Neh?" Here he filled her Sake phial once again. "Drink, please..."

"It just doesn't sound real! Real women don't sound like that! I bet even real Japanese women don't even sound like that!"

"Tell me, Miss Fox, what do 'real women' sound like? Speak honestly!"

"Well, Not like little girls! We grunt, we groan, we moan..."

"In what manner, Miss Fox?"

"I can't... I ..."

"Demonstrate. Let me hear how real women sound. You work with actors, Neh? Let me hear?"

(It's NOT BAD is it??? But NOW he has to fuck her and... I've just written that too often... I just realised WHAT this is!!! It's Writer's Block!!! OMG!!! It's just that I GET SO BORED once I KNOW what's going to happen!!! NOW THERE'S AN IDEA!!! We should have a No Sex category!!! *GIGGLES!!!*)

xx SF

Nicola: "You know, a 'No Sex' category is not the worst idea you've ever had, Sweetness..."

Me: "What's the worst idea I ever had?"

Nicola: "That thing where you suggested mating chickens with pigs to create the perfect food..."

Me: "That would work..."

Nicola: "Look, I got you a Balloon!!!"


Nicola: "Okay, did you really write that story just to make this joke?"

Me: "No... I really have DOZENS of those..."

Nicola: "You're a disgraceful waste of talent, aren't you?"

Me: "I wouldn't have put it quite like that..."

Nicola: "No, you wouldn't."
Quote by Buz
I think varying your approach works best. Some stories are successful because they slowly build up to a boiling point. It's alway good to build the characters, develop the plot and the action. But sometimes have some guts and do something different like dive right into the sex and make it work through your writing. Sometimes a story can be successful because there is more mystery to the characters.

Can you write sex? Have you ever had amazing, mind-blowing sex? If so, describe it. That can be a story in itself if you do it right. If you don't do it right, you'll flop big time. If you try that you need to make the reader hear, taste, smell and feel it. They need to sweat with the characters. That's actually not easy at all to do.

If you do the same thing over and over again, why write more than a handful of stories as they will get repetitive. If you've read two, you've read them all. Don't be boring, don't be tied to formulas, show some creativity and real thought.

This is my approach too, so some of my stories are mainly concerned with sexual activity, whilst others have a strong story line and well developed characters, although I try to give my characters a distinctive personality even in those stories that are predominantly about sex. Variety is important, and writing the same thing over and over again just becomes boring. Poetry is something else, and is where I try to express my deepest personal feelings, even where they are erotic rather than love poems.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
I love writing and reading about the journey, the development of the situation and characters, the building of sexual tension to almost unbearable levels, but I'm starting to think as an author it's almost more interesting to withhold the final climactic scene, leave the sex itself unresolved. Let the reader puzzle it out for themselves. Honestly, I'm just getting bored of writing sex scenes:

Lick here, suck there, stroke this, nibble that, thrust, thrust, thrust, change positions, thrust, thrust, thrust, she cums (twice), he cums (oh, but where???), they light cigarettes... 'was it good for you, baby?' *yawn*

[That's almost an erotic poem]

I'll probably still write them, but my focus is far more on the story.

St. Ephanie:

"Oh Yoshimi they don't believe me
But you won't let those robots eat me"

Don't believe everything that you read.

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
I love writing and reading about the journey, the development of the situation and characters, the building of sexual tension to almost unbearable levels, but I'm starting to think as an author it's almost more interesting to withhold the final climactic scene, leave the sex itself unresolved. Let the reader puzzle it out for themselves. Honestly, I'm just getting bored of writing sex scenes:

I agree. My story Every Sign I Read is Wrong starts (and finishes) a few minutes before the two main characters are likely to meet sexually for the first time. I thought them actually having sex would be - if you'll pardon the pun - an anticlimax. I don't know whether the tension leading up that point could be describe as unbearable, but I was interested in it. And leaving it to the reader to imagine is best I think. Otherwise they might as well watch porn.
Quote by stephanie

(It's NOT BAD is it??? But NOW he has to fuck her and... I've just written that too often... I just realised WHAT this is!!! It's Writer's Block!!! OMG!!! It's just that I GET SO BORED once I KNOW what's going to happen!!! NOW THERE'S AN IDEA!!! We should have a No Sex category!!! *GIGGLES!!!*)

Yeah it is great. You're a much better and more experienced writer than I am, so I hesitate to suggest anything in case it's construed as advice, but maybe your problem is defined by what you've just said - that he HAS to fuck her. Because maybe that means the characters aren't in control of the unfolding story and it's all forced and that sucks the fun out of it for you. Maybe there could be something else that happens - maybe her voice excites him visibly, and she realises her power, but pretends not to notice. Maybe that power excites her sexually.

I dunno, maybe i'm talking rubbish, but just thinking aloud reading your comments again, that's all.
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

"Oh Yoshimi they don't believe me
But you won't let those robots eat me"

That would be Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, Neh? *LAUGHS!!!*

xx SF

TRY THIS version:
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
What's the right balance? Is a story line actually essential to a story and erotic in and of itself, or is it just an inconvenient (and optional) means of supporting an extended sex-scene?

For me, I find that the whole set-up to sex is more of a turn-on than the sex-scene itself. However, a lot of stories published on this site seem to want to get the "characters" naked and fucking in graphic detail as quickly as possible. And they seem to be quite successful in writing this way.

So what's your preference?
...I like a little development...but people have such a short attention span...if you don't get to the sex fairly soon they loose interest...I'm new here & just building a following...but on another site my stories general get 2000 to 3000 hits...hope I do that well here...